ilmdge posted:well he used to have some sort of shitty stocking job at navy yard or something right? but now he lives in korea so i dunno. jhe's the best poster on this forum
i went on SASS one time to figure out what was happening to GBS and there was a massive post about me. I have no idea who any of the posters are. its cool to be e-famous for upholding the science of marxism-leninism
babyhueypnewton posted:i went on SASS one time to figure out what was happening to GBS and there was a massive post about me. I have no idea who any of the posters are. its cool to be e-famous for upholding the science of marxism-leninism
that IS cool. Agreed
babyhueypnewton posted:ilmdge posted:well he used to have some sort of shitty stocking job at navy yard or something right? but now he lives in korea so i dunno. jhe's the best poster on this forum
i went on SASS one time to figure out what was happening to GBS and there was a massive post about me. I have no idea who any of the posters are. its cool to be e-famous for upholding the science of marxism-leninism
they all use alts and there is a rule against disclosing another user's SA name so theres probably a few rhizzoners there (i am guessing madmedico is one given he was trolling postplace for quotes at one point). apparently getfiscal is popular there (
tpaine posted:which is hilarious because no one ever got purged for being too far-right but half of lf got purged for being too far-left
Like ReturnOfTheMac
actually when i looked on the new sass spinoffs i recognized a lot of users that everyone made fun of on the old site because they were constantly caremad about every little thing and presumably scared to death of black people, women and the jewish banking conspiracy
libelous_slander posted:he worked for them in that he was a contractor and computer janitor who died while on a messaging system for his spaceship MMORPG he played
He said Africa would be a chaotic murderous wasteland without the helping hand of the whites. He then was killed in Africa after the west brought civilization and democracy to that savage land. Best goon death along with the guy with the wacky hair who punched a cop.
Keven posted:Well not that it matters we still havent even found one alien.
lol nice revisionism