
deadken posted:

forums are obsolete as hell

but like vinyl theres just a certain hipster charm to them

[account deactivated]

deadken posted:

swirlsofhistory posted:

MadMedico posted:

Deadken has a piece in Jacobin about videogames

Jesus, time to cancel my future subscription

Almost every rts game is identical in what he thinks is characteristically feudal, and the part about making at least half your pop cap villagers is common to every Age game due to widely spread but limited resources and ease of spamming cheap military units.


so how cynical are you when you write about videogames? how much "lol they're gonna eat that shit up" is there?

deadken's article has far more Facebook comments on it than almost any other jacobin article i can remember lol
"It’s possible to read this as some kind of unsubtle ecological allegory" Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Might be time to get off the jacobin bus.
post about a fucking book
i can only read hegel when im unemployed. now marx, *theres* a working man's word guy
[account deactivated]
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hi tpaine.
[account deactivated]
lol deadken writes a shite article about aoe II and mccaine writes a good article about dwarf fortress. crazy world!

i'm rereading The Brain's Sense of Movement and i finished all the gay eurolit and eurowomen lit so what novel should i read next?

c_man posted:

deadken posted:

swirlsofhistory posted:

MadMedico posted:

Deadken has a piece in Jacobin about videogames

Jesus, time to cancel my future subscription

Almost every rts game is identical in what he thinks is characteristically feudal, and the part about making at least half your pop cap villagers is common to every Age game due to widely spread but limited resources and ease of spamming cheap military units.


so how cynical are you when you write about videogames? how much "lol they're gonna eat that shit up" is there?

lol take a guess


tpaine posted:

deadken posted:

tpaine posted:

deadken posted:

tpaine posted:

deadken posted:

turgenev is for teens


you're an enormous overgrown teen who hates the world because he lives in a swamp & probably the only thing thats changed in 20 years is you don't get carded so much at the liquor store

you're just mad because i owned you about Soldiers repeatedly

you wrote a god damn book about how much you hate troops. its not political lol its pathological

is there a word for strawmanning something you've never even seen

post it on the secret pdf forum

tpaine post ur book
wanna read that book
i want to read a book of Philosophy that tpaine wrote about how he hates troops and lives waist-deep in swamp water and spends his free time transcribing youtube videos, a Lot
I don't want to read anything, and I won't.
next week in the jacobin: imperialist teleology and world of warcraft: by jahn q. rhizzone
kenneth youre next assignment is to write about the changes in mechanics of desiring-production in the new street fighter game
as i think i mention in the piece age of empires ii is literally the only video game i play
video games are for mental midgets

getfiscal posted:

video games are for mental midgets

good thing im physically a midget too.


I am short in real life.
they t-paine what'd you think about the new secret chiefs album? kinda short and too many previously released songs imho
oh i should go steal that. secrete chiefs ftw

deadken posted:

as i think i mention in the piece age of empires ii is literally the only video game i play

i didnt say you had to play it


getfiscal posted:

video games are for mental midgets

children cant afford them actually


deadken posted:

as i think i mention in the piece age of empires ii is literally the only video game i play

lets play sometime

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lol the top ten books are all self-help/business books written by said billionaires, except for remains of the day at #2 randomly

Speak and act in a way which is confident, energetic, aggressive, discouraging and stunning. Produce more noise and oral trumpery, and say more things which are incomprehensible and pseudo-scientific. Create theories, hypotheses, tendencies, schools, practicable and impracticable methods. The more extravagant, the better! Do not be confused because no one needs these theories, or because by tomorrow they will have been forgotten about. A new day, and with it new ideas, will come. It is here that our self-assertion, our superiority, and the power of our spirit, all find expression. Let the goys bear the brunt of the ideas we float. Let them rack their brains looking for any grains of rationality in our ideas, and let them seek and find in our ideas things which are not there. Tomorrow we shall give their primitive brains some new food to chew on.

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