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aite i smoked a bowl and relaxed but why troll people when you try to come off as an intelligent/sincere poster

unless you're really good at it and funny

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tpaine posted:

instead of offering me some evidence that we're not all fucked, you say "oh just because you're a little...ohh ho ho! saturnine, doesn't mean you're necessarily correct!!" as if i'm building my worldview around the fact that i'm sad and not fucking obviously the other way around. what is this? amateur hour?

one's worldview is inevitably influenced by one' state of mind; by most objective measures, we are living at the high water point of humanity's existence

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when were things better?
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i hope you find peace tpaine
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Certified Beer Server

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roseweird posted:

the point for me is that regardless of the circumstances this girl has been suddenly put into a position of public importance, and we should celebrate that because one could hardly find a better person for it.

we should celebrate that the media is using her as a prop to pass along the media's message because... she's perfectly suited to the media's purpose...???

her politics are not irrelevant because with the support of radicals she can use her public influence in radical ways.

no she can't, she has no public influence, she is just a prop for people to align themselves in relation to. she has not changed one person's mind about pakistan, education, or anything else, no taliban sniper is saying, shit, maybe teenage girls should be educated after all, and all of us in the west, of course we want pakistani women educated, so that they can WORK.

you're just embarrassed to be seen as the liberal by supporting someone liberals publicly celebrate. would you deliver such a lecture to her in person?

no, she is 16 and fundamentally incapable of a full understanding of the situation in pakistan. she does not realize that she is selling out pakistani women and teenagers by attempting to make them "educated," giving them "opportunities" to do something "productive" with their lives.

she seems to me to be very self aware and to understand the importance of her position as an advocate against both american military intervention and religious terrorism and suppression of women. are you seriously going to say that because she was not a victim of an american weapon that she cannot be a prominent voice for the future of her nation? drones are very frightening and all but i think sometimes people living in a war zone don't care which party kills them. i don't know about that firsthand but for now i think i will trust her over what you and the taliban say

you are placing this trust in a 16 year old, who you have only come to know through mass media, which you know does the following:
-lies to you on purpose
-advertises for shit you don't need, in the classifieds and the articles
-manufactures propaganda to defend the system and status quo
-operates in pursuit of profit (newspapers have distributed out as many pink slips as broadsheets in the last twenty years, and you think the things you read are, like, fact checked? accurate? not just, the product of endless reverberations within american media?)
-and so on.

you are right that her politics are relevant, they are basic pro-western liberalism, and the taliban is doing the incredibly risky and unpopular work of putting bullets into that liberalism. i personally don't want her dead, but let's get real about the taliban's options here.

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tpaine posted:

oops! i said i drink and get drunk! guess i should have thought about that before i made a point

whatever happened about that dude who went to mongolia to teach because mongolian adults can't be teachers or something

we have to forgive others and ourselves
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tpaine posted:

oops! i said i drink and get drunk! guess i should have thought about that before i made a point

are you talking about the beer server thing? that wasnt even aimed at you i just posted it because i thought it was funny.

anyway people have been exploited and abused throughout human history, if you think the human race is about to die off or implode youre quite delusional and myopic. frankly i do believe that you are letting your own state of mind influence your evaluation of reality but i cant see inside your alcohol-soaked brain (THERES the expected insult at last) so who knows. at least more people have basic comforts now than in the past, a lesser percentage of people are being kept as outright slaves, etc. i mean yeah people are being mislead and lied to constantly but if you have read some history as you claim you know that throughout known history this has been the case. there are lots of bad people but also lots of good people trying to change things even if most of them are misguided, again, as things have generally been

maybe call your mother and tell her you love her

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tpaine posted:

what a load of bullshit. look up some environmental shit! look up anything! what are you doing!

don't you get it? there are good people in the world... and as long as there is enough goodness in the world, God doesnt bring an apocalypse, but once it's just like, a few good people, he saves them and kills everyone else. Noah and his family on the ark... Lot and his salty bride from Sodom... Its all right there in the fkin Bible mate. That's the oldest history we have.

i think the burden of persuasion re: "we're all fucked" and "humanity is going extinct soon" fall upon the party bringing these claims. global warming is real but is NOT accurately portrayed in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow," in fact, even the worst "high water" estimates indicate that the oceans' rise will be measured in inches, not feet. water insecurity is a big deal but frankly there are solutions including desalination plants and basic regulations to limit the massive waste of water that is presently occurring. overpopulation isnt a world-killer, population is expected to peak at 9 or 10 billion and slowly taper off after that. we grow more food than we can possibly use and starvation is at an all-time low.

the biggest problems are the excesses of capitalism and the inequitable distribution of the incredible amount of wealth and resources presently available, which frankly are a bit further up Maslow's hierarchy of needs than most struggles have been in the past.

i dont by any means think that the present state of affairs is ideal and i support struggling against the abominable conditions that still plague much of the world's people but we ain't about to die en masse, thats some tear-jerky facile bullshit you pull out of your ass when you cant summon the courage to actually face reality

Edited by VoxNihili ()

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il ove booze
malala yousafzai is a trot not a revolutionary. it appears lf has forgotten what trotskyism is. maybe time for another thread?!
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lol roseweird you seem to have beef with everybody on the forums these days. also you unironically believe in the gradual and total extermination of men from the human race so why should anybody listen to you about anything at all?
I like roseweird
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good enuf reason for me. also i like you too roseweird you just seem kinda on edge recently :/

roseweird posted:

thank you agnus dei i like you too i also like you innsmouthful i like all of you in one way or another i just also like to argue and i also like internet drama

interesting, i hadn't considered that for someone who likes to "argue," spamming the idiotic liberal nonsense and declaring yourself persecuted is actually a great way to always have an "argument" to pass the time with.

roseweird you do seem kind of on edge. you can trust us; we're internet personalities.
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i bet roseweirds earliest media memory was elian gonzalez getting deported and made to live in crummy old cuba by the bad police man
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