well no need to be a negative nancy about it!
[account deactivated]
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Durkheim isn't boring to me at all. much better than Weber. i'd recommend reading division of labor before elementary forms.

roseweird posted:

Squalid posted:

and provides many justifications for your goal of male extinction

thanks squalid, when it comes to justifying my deeply held convictions i rely mainly on the awkward recommendations of patronizing internet boys so this will really help me out

lol owned

[account deactivated]
i actually had no idea that anthropologists still read weber and durkheim. those two and marx are considered the "foundational" sociologists.
anthropologists try and steal things from the cooler and bigger dicked field of sociology all the time so its whatever.
[account deactivated]
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who cares about studying human beings. its logically impossible for human beings to understand other human beings as their equally as complex as each other and how the hell can anything simulate something of equal or lesser complexity. its bullshit
[account deactivated]
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i thought the protestant ethic was ok but also full of shit
didnt realize thomas pynchon had a new short story collection
ugh reading is hard
les miserables is a bad book? its really boring and i dont get why people like it

fleights posted:

les miserables is a bad book? its really boring and i dont get why people like it

because pop history culture


littlegreenpills posted:

who cares about studying human beings. its logically impossible for human beings to understand other human beings as their equally as complex as each other and how the hell can anything simulate something of equal or lesser complexity. its bullshit

you don't have to simulate everything just run a few of the same functions. That's why the foundational stuff is so important, most everything that comes after is just more points further along the line.


fleights posted:

les miserables is a bad book? its really boring and i dont get why people like it

Ah, ive found the problem I think... it appeares that youve read the long ass boring book version instead of watching the long ass boring musical theater play.

la bas is a bad book? its really boring and i dont get why people like it
it happens

libelous_slander posted:

post a copy in the pdf forum?


Keven posted:

fleights posted:

les miserables is a bad book? its really boring and i dont get why people like it

Ah, ive found the problem I think... it appeares that youve read the long ass boring book version instead of watching the long ass boring musical theater play.

is that long-ass boring or long ass-boring?


The Stalin Society of Pakistan recently celebrated their great leader's birthday.
Yes, that cake says "Stalin"

[account deactivated]
before sunrise by mikhail zoshchenko. it's good if youre a depressed shit like mysefl
this is the author that Dolan praised a while back. i wonder if he wants to invoke takesy-backsies? http://thoughtcatalog.com/noah-cicero/2014/01/10-things-americans-should-appropriate-in-2014/
he's funny but that article is really bad.
i tried to "skool" him on facebook but that stuff never works and ive got way better things to do

HenryKrinkle posted:


[account deactivated]
i'm reading spectres of marx & dead souls because i'm an idiot and a baby and i smel;l bad
i got like 800+ RTs on a tweet satirizing the double standard inherent in "death toll of Communism" figures:


the revolution is near, obviously.

HenryKrinkle posted:

i got like 800+ RTs on a tweet satirizing the double standard inherent in "death toll of Communism" figures:


the revolution is near, obviously.

Congrats on your 50★ tweet!

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