EmanuelaOrlandi posted:the only other person besides me on here who i know for 100% actually has a job is animedad so i assume the rest of you are either in college or your parents pay your rent.
I eat pieces of shit for breakfast.

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:the only other person besides me on here who i know for 100% actually has a job is animedad so i assume the rest of you are either in college or your parents pay your rent.
your parents pay my rent
- marxism
- talking that talk
- you know
Food Abuse
Law Enforcement
School System
Mainstream Media
Judicial System
From what I’ve seen in America these are the major things that need to be dealt with.
The many other aspects of society can be improved as effects of changing these Seven.
So, let us go over what I mean.
In America people are surrounded by excess, and it is most abundant in the way we handle food.
Consantly people are ordering more then is necessary and throwing away what is left over because it is easier to have extra then be wanting more.
Not only that, but the quality of food that humans are ingesting has steadily gotten worse.
Not including the poor conditions of the animals that are being made into food, there is the problem of the chemicals that are added to the animals food and the meat itself.
Humans have always grown up as omnivores and it will probably remain like that for many generations.
However, humans can start taking better care of the animals that they decide to butcher by localizing community farms that allow people from the town to work on it for free.
As an addition to this feature butcher block’s would become necessary so that the food can be processed locally and given to the recepient fresh.
For larger cities they would need an alternative to the farming method because of the lack of land in the concrete jungle.
A way to deal with this is to manipulate buildings like warehouses to have glass ceilings with grass, trees and more on the inside to simulate a farm.
Rooftops of buildings can be modified to allow for smaller creatures to inhabit, like chickens the like.
This has all been for the meat aspect of the food chain, but vegetarians would also want more done for them.
So, one thing that would be highly beneficial would be a garden for every home that could allow for community markets to sprout easily.
These kinds of gardens could also be started in cities in apartments and personal homes.
The biggest necessity to handling the problem of food abuse is localization.
Right now I believe one of the problems with how we handle food is the readiness of it.
For most people it is very easy to have most of the food come prepackaged and easy to make.
For others it is even easier because they just go to a resturaunt or fast food joint and order food without any actual labor asides from speaking, paying and the method of transportation.
Then there are the very few who go through the entire process of hunting, cutting, and reaping the benefits.
While the more exotic of foods would still have to be imported, hunted and fetched, the more basic desires of pork, chicken or beef could be easily managed locally.
The adapdation of a local farmers project would in itself create new jobs for the city, and allow for much more involvement within the community.
The first step is the easiest to address in terms of resources and capability.
All it really takes is people starting up the habit and getting the few supplies necessary, most of which can be done for under 50$ without added materials.
The actual cityfarms would cost more and take more involvement, but it could be started easily enough.
The second step also would only require the commitment of individuals and the approval of the cities police force.
Unfortunately the approval is merely a semantic because without it the paranoid state would consider it the beginning acts of treason.
I want to be clear also what I mean by Law Enforcement, because later in the list is Judicial System and some people may confuse those as beings grouped in the same area.
Law Enforcement is the more person-to-person aspect of the entire system.
It is the police who patrol the streets and are working for everyone under a controlling thumb.
I also consider loosely the FBI, CIA and DEA to be considered part of law enforcement, but their involvement probably would never come.
If ever it got to the point that it had their involvement and interest it would become a spreading of knowledge, and a unification against threats.
However, that’s getting ahead of myself.
In the beginning the main focus would be between police and civilians.
One of the largest problems with America is the monopolization of responsibility.
Giving cops the only access to decide who is right or wrong and to carry all the information connected to the situation is a mistake.
Knowledge is power.
The best way to get the best out of communities and society is to allow for all citizens to know what is at stake.
If there is a problem with people in their neighborhood they should know about it and have the resources to handle it if it ever rolls into their front yard.
To ease the transition into a more civilian police would to start by teaching them about laws, morality, honor, self-defense, psychology, and a new focus on non-lethal takedowns.
Civilians should be well versed in how weapons work, including knives, guns, batons, staves, and more.
Even if they never have to use it, it would be beneficiary if they knew how to handle themselves under all circumstances.
I believe that if communities began to take this personal involvement in one another and the laws of their community they would learn a lot, mostly about respect.
As a sidenote, I believe that if we took this approach with firefighters, nurses, doctors and other skills that are required in life and death scenarios there would be large improvement.
The third step that can be easily touched upon is how we handle the school system.
Technically there is a standard right now that requires students to know a certain set of credentials.
That can remain, although the method of student-teacher involvement needs to become personal rather then standardized.
Right now students must all learn at the same pace for the same information and be expected to have the same results.
No two students are completely alike.
The school system needs to address this concern if it intends to raise well-educated and prepared students.
That asides, I believe that more variety needs to be introduced to into the curriculum as well as flexibility in what the student chooses.
A student should be able to build up their schedule with their own desired outcome, even if that schedule contains all ‘extra-curricular activities’.
I think it would be important to establish the student can understand basic math and english, but they should be given more freedom to find something they trully want to pursue.
I am sure there is a large list of ways to help with this mentality that teachers can pull from.
Honestly, I probably don’t know enough about the teacher-student interaction and sources to give a lot of knowledge, but one day I hope to change that.
Regardless, I think that there needs to be a personal connection and motivation between the student and his reason for being in school.
Find out more about the person, their dreams and aspirations no matter how bizarre or out there, and help build their curriculum around that.
Even if the student decides later down the road that they want to change their ‘major’ they should be allowed to do so, because college students can.
Mainstream Media has to be handled at two essential core levels for total success.
The first is personal, it is at home and between the household members that use the T.V.
The second is established with companies and third-party media outlets.
In the past few years I have seen a rise of the more honor and intellegence based shows, commercials and movies.
There is still plenty of nonsense out there that helps to drag down the mentality of humanity.
There is much for greed, pleasure, distraction and drama.
Some of it is there to poke fun at stuff and is viewed ironically, but then there are shows out there that have no purpose except distracting dramatizations.
Teen Mom, Jersey Shore, the kid shows that have no moral purpose except silly shenanigans.
These shows are fine for the sake of entertainment, but they leave much to be lacking for morality, learning and imagination.
In the first aspect it would be… ideal for families to limit the shows that are just too absurd in their drama and what they allow children or people to do for the sake of laughs and money.
In truth, I dislike the idea of overhanded control of what a person is allowed to view, but I do make an exception because there are many children who just love the drama without thought of further reprucussions.
Also, a great way to handle the constant subliminal bigotry that is put in between shows and moments would be for muting of a television.
Or to do what my family does with Netflix and other avenues that don’t involve commercials.
While I do believe its important for a capitalism based economoy to have an avenue to spread the word about their inventions, ideas and goals, I don’t think they should be shown so excessively.
I believe a great compromise would be for the commercials to have a span of five minutes and to allow the shows to run for their full time uninterrupted.
With DVR and all sorts of other T.V. modifications that are coming with SmartTV we are only a few steps to be mostly away from commercials already.
Another great piece to add to the mix would be to have some new ideas that come up that are based off books or just ideas that invoke imagination, honor, emotion and connection.
There are already plenty of shows that are coming out like this, some modern, some future, some past, some fantasy, etc.
I think that those styles of stories give people something to hope for, to believe.
Maybe not in the sense that ‘omg there are faeries, magic and etc’ but to say that there is good, evil, and nuetral, and that they don’t always look like what we think.
To show the strength of characters even through pain and despair.
Plus, there are awesome shows out there that are reality based shows in extreme circumstances that must show how people survive and what they think about it.
These types of shows are not bad, although some of them do get ridiculous whenever they are based around sex, drama, bodies, parties and other stupid shenanigans.
Even if it gets people watching, that isn’t always a good thing.
The next piece of the puzzle cannot be accomplished unless there are communities that stand together.
It will not work unless we have accomplished the Second Step and established a personal link and trust with the Law Enforcement.
One of the main pieces of power for the Judicial System is the willingness of its employees and accused.
The only reason we follow the standards set before us is because of a lack of possible alternatives.
If we got the communities together working with Law Enforcement and learning as a community what we were capable of understanding and shouldering in terms of responsability then we could collectively go before the system that decides the fates of ‘criminals’ and demand a change.
The change would be much more then just replacing people or trying to alter laws.
It would have to be done in the way we handle everything that is brought before the judicial system.
We would need to change the way we handle prisons, because they have proven to be ineffective and costly.
We would need to change the way we enforce tickets, taxes and other problems because despite all the revenue that is said to be brought in there is still a major lack of funds in the economy that creates a boosting civilization.
I believe that the way to fix this method of punishment is to do what is done with the school systems.
A personal connection is necessary.
The person in question would have to shoulder the responsibility of what they had done.
As a result of that responisibility they would have to commit to an action that helps repair damage done.
There would have to be a shift that takes punishment away from locking people into cages, demanding death, or payment.
The cages do not help show them how to be a better person or repair any physical damage that may have been done by them.
Death does not cure wounds or repair damage and it wastes potential resources.
Payment is also an ineffective cure and only greed helps with that.
I understand if the person destroyed property then some sort of compensation is expected, but there needs to be a new way to denote resources and time.
To help rebuild, to become involved compared to just getting payment to move on.
It is too easy of a way to pass the torch of responsibility.
I believe that the best major change for the judicial system would be allowing it to be based out of the community that is affected involving only the people that were affected.
There needs to be discussion and result.
Granted, the full implication and possibilities of these changes are still a little beyond my scope.
It has to be tested.
It has to be talked about and looked at from every aspect.
However, I personally believe whole heartedly in these methods and I do believe that there is a way to slowly impliment them over time with willingness and cooperation.
The last two pieces are intertwined, but before the economy will be fully fixed and flourishing is if we fix our government.
America was founded on the idea of freedom.
Freedom of speech.
In anything.
In that you can be anything and do anything.
To do that, we must be given the understanding and personal responsability of our resources, decisions and consequences.
So, to truly have a chance of fixing our government our government must open itself up and become part of its citizens.
Right now everything in the government is based off of representations.
Every state has its representatives that represent different styles of belief in each state that are represented in two different aspects of the house that is run by a man that represents what we are suppose to believe.
No where in that sentence are we present anymore.
It is like saying the clouds are supposed to represent what we feel.
I believe that rain can happen when you are sad, and when are you happy.
Just like our government’s decisions might help us, or hinder us.
To give our country its fully strength our government would have to reinforceingly break down.
In the process of giving power, thought and involvement back to its citizens the central powerhouse of the government would be abolished to be replaced by the still government of the U.S. within the minds and hands of its citizens.
This process would take a long time, and it would take a lot of learning, cooperation and understanding, but it is possible.
If we followed these steps I believe that our economy would fix itself over time.
The economy is the flow of resources within a society.
Sometimes those resources are money for items, but it can just as easily be something else.
The world is already looking at a cashless form of currency with bitcoin and other digital credits.
It is also possible to use resources, knowledge and time as a form of currency, but that is for an era far from our own.
Within my own lifetime there will probably always be a form of currency, but we can use that currency to create a wonderfully thriving civilization that peacefully stretches across the globe.
That is what these steps are for.
To create a civilization of humanity, not of split countries and people who argue the semantics of skin and belief.
America is perfect to start this idea because it is what we were founded with.
It is what we were raised to believe, and over time we have lost that belief.
We were distracted with technology, war, resources and power.
Now we are relearning what really matters, and what we can really be capable of.
Edit: A note from the Author:
After I spent time and thought on the Seven Steps of Change I came to the conclusion that change wouldn’t come from me just telling them these things.
The idea needed an interactive interface that they could become part of to actually understand on a physical and moral plane.
I believe this interface will come in the form of community groups that bring their knowledge and resources together as a collective.
This collective of individuals talking and working together is what I call the Human Initiative.
With the varied uses of technology now a days these groups can also communicate with one another with ease, and show off progress, ideas and difficulties.
Ideally, I would like to believe that these groups would have these objectives at their forefront:
Law vs. Morality
Physical Fitness
Understanding of Modern Weaponry
Understanding of Modern/Upcoming Technology
Hundreds of options more are available, and they all may vary depending on who is involved in each community and what resources they have.
That way, under ideal circumstances, every group involved with another would be completely unique and independent.
The removal of a central hub creates a stability that will keep it from buckling under threat by outside forces.
There is no guaruntee that any outside force would show hostility to the Human Initiative, but some people respond agressively to things they don’t agree with.
The only reason I say this is because I have believed in this for a long time, and in the beginning I was much more vocal about it to the people around me.
Friends became angry with me to the point they would leave.
Strangers would instantly try to make themselves scarce, even if we had been enjoying talking for half an hour before.
I’ve even been told by friends, strangers and a man of the military that if I continue this I run high risk at being assassinated or silenced.
So I have seen the hostility, I know what could be waiting if we really tried to create a stronger society through independent collaboration.
That is why I believe it most important that each group of the Human Initiative know the above objectives.
Gardening will be important for the obvious reason of having food available to every community without a complete dependence on the stores surrounding them.
As each communities market grows it will attract the attention of more people who may not even have gardens at their house.
It will create a commerce that homes can benefit from through connections and even monetary gain if they like.
Personally, I would prefer to see people trading their wares for other fruit or vegetables, or if others come without wares then give them some anyway.
Sure, leave out a jar for tips so they may donate to your resources, but remove the neccessity of monetary consumption.
It is always the beginning of greed, inflation, and problems.
In time it would be wonderful to see the communities having their own sources for meat as well, but we’re starting with basics here.
The self defense will be a great thing to teach people because of the many different sources of skill involved.
It will create trust between people who must spar and train with another.
It will help people establish stronger hand eye coordination.
It will promote social, community fitness activities that will help people from all levels of skill come together and feel comfortable.
On top of all these things the training and mentality that comes with a martial arts, and learning how to use your body effectively, is a certain degree of respect between you and a mentor.
That respect can be learned and carried through many aspects of life and with a large community it may even remove the arrogance that can sometimes be a side effect of skill.
However, as people learn to use their bodies and minds more effectively in a personal surrounding I believe it would also be important to teach with it the laws of each community and state.
Now, I would want to remove the sort of learning process that most universities use with packets of information and lots of things to try and remember in a short time.
These groups would be regularly involved with their community for extended periods of time, which would remove the need to learn information as quickly and effeciently as possible.
With that in mind the people in these groups could learn one law a week.
They could learn at ease and ask their mentors while they were training.
Real world applications could be brought to example in many different training exercises to allow for a hands on method of learning the laws and dealing with individuals that break them.
With the combination of learning laws with self defense and respect there gives room for a transition that allows citizens in each community a chance to be responsible for their own community.
It would help them see who was causing mischief and to teach them if they were unaware, or to deal with them in an appropriate manor for their place in life.
I’m not advocating that people go on a Batman style vigilante spree and start beating up anyone who might be breaking a law.
I’m also not saying that people should be able to dispense justice via tickets or arrests.
I personally do not believe that the current judicial system is up to par with how to handle discipline, but I do believe that each injustice should be handled between the people involved in a way that does not kill or maim.
I think it would be a great step if the people teaching self defense taught citizens how to subdue people without extreme pain to them and to give out zipties so that people could be subdued without cutting them up with cuffs.
An important aspect to add to this in each week would be establishing the link between law vs. morality.
Now a days I’ve noticed that too many people are obsessed with following laws or doing their job despite the possible reprecusions their decisions will have.
Yes, it is important that people find a way to repent for whatever wrong they have done.
However, prison, extreme fines, loss of property or life, these are not the proper ways to handle justice in a world that is advancing as quickly as ours.
We have better ways to handle our affairs then taxing them or sweeping them beneath the rug.
So, as people are being taught these laws, and how to defend themselves against opponents, they need to start understanding the moral way of handling a situation.
I believe that a moral way to handle something is a way that will not remove a person’s rights, property or lifestyle.
I know that there are many people who commit crimes to varying degree, and there are people who accidently, or purposefully, murder.
Yes, that is horrible, but locking them in a cage with a bunch of other murderers does not bring anyone back to life or help handle the situation.
These people need to be handled like humans, and if we start stressing that while we learn then in time we may have a better way.
There is not much that the discussion can do, except try to bring out more compassion between individuals.
For now, that is enough, because it has to start somewhere, and I would rather have someone’s children and grandchildren live in a better world then be worried about if mine makes it before I die.
On top of the self defense I think it would be ideal if there were many more methods of fitness available for people to collaborate on.
There are many people who love to run, and so they could establish weekly times for the community to get together and run.
Personally, I do parkour and would love to have a large group of people learning together.
There are many more options; skateboarding, kayaks, yoga, snowboarding, bmx, etc.
I believe that if a community just brought their resources forward, said come, whether you have anything or not, and learn and participate, then the community would grow in a way that has been lost with the industrial era and the large rush of technology.
As people are learning to use their bodies and minds they must also learn to use the interface of the world.
In our world there are weapons of all kinds, but the most commonly seen today are guns.
It would be important that people learn to recognize what every type of weapon is, how it handles, and how to defend themselves against it.
It is foolishly naive to believe that the world will ever be able to ban a use of weapons, because they have always been around.
Even before we had tools, we were our own weapons.
Ideally, many of these things will have police as mentors, but I know that for a group to even get approved to have a course like this it would definitely need their approval in today’s society.
When all these seemingly taboo things are brought into light with guidance and understanding we will have more confident and able communities that are able to use each of them effeciently, or know how to defend against them and what they would be capable of.
Many people worry that if we allow these things to be involved with our society on a personal basis we will have results like shoot outs in neighborhoods or schools.
That is why each Human Initiative group would want to have a focus on morality, respect and law; to prevent that sort of mentality and abuse from being established in the first place.
The last thing is also one of the most fundamental, because we live in a world that is rapidly progressing.
As we discover more efficient ways to create technologies we are also accelerating the pace at which we can use and keep up with them.
Right now most of the technology and its applications are being controlled by a few sources.
Generally the government gets first dibs to how anything can be put to use and where, but if we get more community involvement in learning what is being created and where it could be used, then we can have ways to put our own input into the idea.
Only whenever we become trully involved in our present and possible future will we be able to decide what happens to our society rather then letting someone else make the decisions for us.
Our society relies on the technology we’ve been born with, and our planet relies on us understanding what we do with it.
We now have the capability to reach out, see and understand the information that’s being given to us, so long as we want to do it.
With help from a community, with everyone becoming involved in our future rather then just looking at it through a screen, we can become involved in the direction and progress of our society unlike ever before.
That is the goal of the Human Initiative.
discipline posted:I'm looking for a new job, preferably one outside this shite wasteland of a country
aren't you some sort of union worker or something
go teach English abroad
stegosaurus posted:once a year, like allergies, i get this compulsion to move to the country and start herding animals or growing alfalfa. each time it grows stronger. eventually it will overwhelm me and I will sink my lifes savings into an alpaca and stop posting entirely, beginning my there-will-be-blood-except-this-time-its-luxurious-fur ascent to the apex of agricultural settlerist decadence.
You could just rent a home that has a garden. Or literally just rent a plot of empty land. Or just dig up part of a public park or abandoned lot and use it as your secret garden. Then you can live out your little farm fantasy without disrupting your paper moving career. You don't need much land to grow more tomatoes/melons/whatever than you could possibly eat (then you can experience the joys of pickling).
Lykourgos posted:stegosaurus posted:once a year, like allergies, i get this compulsion to move to the country and start herding animals or growing alfalfa. each time it grows stronger. eventually it will overwhelm me and I will sink my lifes savings into an alpaca and stop posting entirely, beginning my there-will-be-blood-except-this-time-its-luxurious-fur ascent to the apex of agricultural settlerist decadence.
You could just rent a home that has a garden. Or literally just rent a plot of empty land. Or just dig up part of a public park or abandoned lot and use it as your secret garden. Then you can live out your little farm fantasy without disrupting your paper moving career. You don't need much land to grow more tomatoes/melons/whatever than you could possibly eat (then you can experience the joys of pickling).
no dude u dont understand.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:the only other person besides me on here who i know for 100% actually has a job is animedad so i assume the rest of you are either in college or your parents pay your rent.
you know i have a job thats why im so unfriendly