
We can tell ourselves that the senior software engineer at Google earning $149,224 or the Facebook user operations analyst on $43,518 is infinitely more privileged than the BART driver taking home $155,308 or the station janitor who gets $82,752 — and certainly most Googlers wouldn’t swap places with even their higher paid blue collar colleagues. But the fact remains that the people on that Google bus — the dozen or so junior employees and one terrified bus driver — played absolutely no part in creating the policies that have caused so much anger. One group of workers, scaring the shit out of another group of workers achieves almost nothing except turning public opinion against the protesters, like pissing in the lobby of a Bank of America succeeds only in ruining a janitor’s morning and giving the cops an excuse to sling you in jail.

Lol this is an article about the retards who through a rock through the window of a gentrifying shuttle bus. Another in a great line of class struggle Actions such as this

'Trigger Warning: theory '


Lessons posted:

Lol this is an article about the retards who through a rock through the window of a gentrifying shuttle bus. Another in a great line of class struggle Actions such as this


This link definitely checks out as a real thing that happened, and as a piece intending to convey that it describes a real thing that happened. I'll give my seal of approval on this shocking tofu-level find by Lessons.

trigger warning: triggering a warning for a trigger warning: trigger warnings are over used

trigger warning: people who can't read might be triggered by this post
you forgot the best part

Telling self-defeating protesters to stop making the same mistakes that self-defeating protesters have made for generations is not my game here — not least because I can’t imagine that anyone throwing a rock at a Google bus reads Pando, edited as it is by a free market monster, and staffed by such anti-labor zealots as… David Sirota and Mark Ames.

Writing reviews about sex with prostitutes in Russia and continuously defending a vampire like Khodorkovsky = pro-labor

boston anarchists, even lamer than illinois nazis
i asked paul carr about his bizarre (and cherry-picked) examples of "overpaid" BART workers and he swears his only point was that some tech workers don't make that much.


i find that hard to believe because of this:

Edited by HenryKrinkle ()

paul carr is an idiot dingus who cant lose an opportunity to reveal himself as one over twitter
get out Google, im piss
i support these spontaneous proletarian uprisings.
get fiscal how's life in your canadian enclave? the weather here keeps bouncing from super cold to mildly chilly

RadioNewsUnbelievableDeals posted:

Lessons posted:

Lol this is an article about the retards who through a rock through the window of a gentrifying shuttle bus. Another in a great line of class struggle Actions such as this


This link definitely checks out as a real thing that happened, and as a piece intending to convey that it describes a real thing that happened. I'll give my seal of approval on this shocking tofu-level find by Lessons.

Damn, you can't get anything past this guy!!


libelous_slander posted:

get fiscal how's life in your canadian enclave? the weather here keeps bouncing from super cold to mildly chilly

well we had a wacky ice storm here but things are pretty fine now. a bunch of my family had their power out for days though.


getfiscal posted:

libelous_slander posted:

get fiscal how's life in your canadian enclave? the weather here keeps bouncing from super cold to mildly chilly

well we had a wacky ice storm here but things are pretty fine now. a bunch of my family had their power out for days though.

oh that's too bad. being without power during the winter is always concerning. glad everything turned out well.

my friend was really hurt that nobody responded to her Facebook post inviting peeps without power to come and stay with her. think about that for a second

littlegreenpills posted:

my friend was really hurt that nobody responded to her Facebook post inviting peeps without power to come and stay with her. think about that for a second



littlegreenpills posted:

my friend was really hurt that nobody responded to her Facebook post inviting peeps without power to come and stay with her. think about that for a second

trigger warning: powerlessness

How much does facebook make from all of the personal information and updates entered by its users? Is there a good article about that
is there any technology company anywhere that has unionized workers

"And so, despite being in possession of a metric ton more smug, entitled privilege than every man, woman and nerd on the Google bus, Sam Faulkner Biddle once again perched in his steampunk SoHo office and puked out another post mocking the members of the “coddled, gurgling startup scene” for their “pronounced horror” when an “anti-Google protest turns slightly violent.”

RBC posted:


"And so, despite being in possession of a metric ton more smug, entitled privilege than every man, woman and nerd on the Google bus, Sam Faulkner Biddle once again perched in his steampunk SoHo office and puked out another post mocking the members of the “coddled, gurgling startup scene” for their “pronounced horror” when an “anti-Google protest turns slightly violent.”

Mark Ames and the NSFWcorp/exile gang are asking for donations for their new journalistic endeavor " Get Sam Biddle to post the steampunk office pics"

tbh why is "gentrification" such a bad thing

d-destroying our communities! m-my crack dens! oh!

Panopticon posted:

tbh why is "gentrification" such a bad thing

d-destroying our communities! m-my crack dens! oh!

Uh, people getting priced out of their own neighborhoods by cost of living increases?

And hipsters.

maybe they should have thought about when they chose to rent instead of buy
clearly throwing rocks at the people now renting your old apartment is more useful and effective than throwing them at your old landlord
Gotta throw rocks at someone
forming and cultivating local crack dens is actually a very important early step in the gentrification process
fuck you panopticon. for real crack dens own. fuk you
sorry dude I'm kinda hammered whoops
i smoked a lot of crack on thursday. like 60-70 bux worth which isnt as much in nyc as it was when i lived in puerto rico or austin, but still p goodly amount
hard drugs and property gentrification owns
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Jesus panopticon I'm really sorry haha
[account deactivated]
the fucked up thing is that immediately afterwards, as silva's screaming on the ground surrounded by doctors, weidman comes up to whisper sweet nothings at his corpse, all "i'm such a respectful sportsman" to the pile of shrieking victim in front of him.

Panopticon posted:

tbh why is "gentrification" such a bad thing

d-destroying our communities! m-my crack dens! oh!

to be fair, i lived for eight years in the neighborhood that the above boston "anarchists" beat a yuppie in, and it's kind of heartbreaking to watch it happen. we used to find needles on the stoop but there were still families in the neighborhood, a nice community garden, low prices, etc. the funny thing is that the major spots to get street drugs (eggleston square) weren't really affected in the wake of developers jacking up rates. it's just that as richer and richer people moved in to the areas near these hotspots everyone else had to move out, so although it was still possible to cop in squalor there wasn't much affordable housing left.