feels good spendin it with you on this yule period

red (and green) salute, to all
merry christmas!
[account deactivated]
God rest ye scary gentiletrots
[account deactivated]
Merry Christmass. i hope eveyone got all the ammo they requested
merry x mas to my rhizzoner stoner pals. we know whats in santas pipe............

[account deactivated]
christmas sucks

joy to the workers; Boss is dead
we barbequed his head
what happened to his body
we flushed it down the potty
and round and round it goes
and round and round it goes
and round and round and round it goes
we barbequed his head
what happened to his body
we flushed it down the potty
and round and round it goes
and round and round it goes
and round and round and round it goes
[account deactivated]
they know they're jsut being polite
"a shame she finds us so boring but we have to make the effort, she is family..."
"a shame she finds us so boring but we have to make the effort, she is family..."
[account deactivated]
Merry Christmas. Christmas is cool. It's one of the only valid holidays in the our questionable canon of "holidays." Love people and be charitable and shit. xoxox - Drew
one peace and one love, mangs
merry christmas zzone. chill elves
my wife and i tried to go to the Ukranium that's just opened because damn that sounds cool but when we got there we found we fcked up and all it was a bunch of fish swimming around, and called "aquarium". also the line was really long so we split. i mean we left the aquarium
Merry christmas, zoners
merry christmas all. i spent it snowboarding with my jewish friends. i hope everyone else had a fun time too
Phew. What a tiring Christmas. I pretended to be a snowboard all day long. I got rented out a guy who I think was Jewish who was skiing with a bunch of his friends.
[account deactivated]
your moms a bad influence on you conec
[account deactivated]
does ur mom like communism
does ur mom like merry christmases?
[account deactivated]
merry christmas juggalettes.
glomper_stomper posted:M2yIeJltdE8

merry christmas
conec posted:hie mwahah i asked my mom 2 roll me an xmas doobie n she yielded 2 my request
only You can be the adult
Edited by jeffery ()
dbl os
jeffery posted:only You can be the adult
A good post
conec posted:Makeshift_Swahili posted:your moms a bad influence on you conec
ya my therapist seems 2 think so as well
can i buy your mom a rhizzone account?
[account deactivated]
conec i purchased a rhizzone account for your mother, where do i send the account username and password to?
mods can i get reimbursed she don't want it

[account deactivated]
Hello and Greetings everyone. It's me, Keven's Dad. Keven is a small boy of low mind and little achievement. He brings me no joy. I assume his user name on the 'netspace, "Big Keven" Is a joke because he is not large and as his father and namer I know how to spell most real names and that's not how you spell Kevin. I'm glad that you tolerate Keven because he needs people to interact with, even though I'd rather he did so in public in real life, preferably at a job. I thought you should know, though, that he speaks about you from time to time and usually/mostly calls you by the N-word, like "That little n-word jewels(?)" Happy Christmas and good luck with your college degrees(?).
I just saw wolf of wall street and its amazing and has the same n word joke in it