full confession: i also suffer from Trypophobia, and have since childhood. Lotus pods for some reason are a common staple of decorative plant arrangements around here, so a few years ago i decided to engage in some immersion therapy to cure my phobia, by placing a lotus pod in a small vase on my kitchen windowsill. so now every time i go to wash my hands (several times a day, thanks to my concomitant OCD) i am faced with that lotus pod. It seems to have worked by some degree, the proximally induced association with cleanliness has greatly diminished the amount of natural revulsion i feel from lotus pods specifically, although things like honeycombs, wasps nests, and Surinam toads still fill me with the same sense of skin-crawling dread and metaphysical soul-decay as before. seems ill be needing to make much more room on my kitchen window...
(*defensive, goony sniff*) i've never come across lotus pods before, i had no idea what the deal was, i just know that i've always been really, really creeped out by stuff that looks similar and it's pretty memorable because i only see something like that once every few years and it's a really weird, irrational, very specific reaction. i've always thought it was some kind of insane thing and i could never figure out why it would bother me. reading about it was weird and kind of awful and made me want to vomit a little, but now it kind of makes sense to me, at least
hey dudes check out this sweet showerhead i just picked up
those gifs are fantastic
if only the rHizzonE was more like the Something Awful Forums
Edited by dipshit420 ()
please only post the good ones
Edited by ilmdge ()
the scroll one is the best effort.
Superabound posted:i asked a psychologist about this once and he said its basic human nature to be viscerally repulsed by any hole too small for your penis to fit into. and that this reaction is pretty much evolutionarily hardwired into our brains, because no one has ever found a single male individual where it wasnt the case
go on
Crow posted:
one of the better ones lol
basically we have a really good one for each of the original trilogy movies. (the RotJ one of the fighter pilot crashing through the window, that one for ESB, and of course the one in your sig for ANH)
ilmdge posted:how come anytime i make a few posts on the rhizzone, spotify starts serving me ads for CIA jobs? seriously it does. seems like kind of redundant targeting to me
such a good album
dank xiaopeng is now in Die Gruppe with me and Hitler because Jack Dink Mcbals never posted again after that one time
what's die gruppe "about"
im gonna need to see a group mission statement or atleast a decalration of principles before i invest myself in a krew
im gonna need to see a group mission statement or atleast a decalration of principles before i invest myself in a krew
im in
Crow posted:
remember that luger who died in the 2010 olympics?
KilledInADuel posted:remember that luger who died in the 2010 olympics?
RIP, dick luger