Keven posted:I was born in 1993 (90's kid represent) and yet today I am 38 years old. When I reach an age of 305 in the year 2041 I will finally have enough wizard power to topple capitalism. Accelerationism, you've done it again.
peepaw posted:the 90s. where girls looked like boys, boys looked like girls. and everyone wore jncos
Superabound posted:The breast obsession of the 70s, 80s, and 90s was replaced by the 21st Century's "Age of Ass", which, in this new and confusing era of cheap and available breast augmentation surgery sought a return to authenticity, and freedom from the cultural hegemony of aging white institutions exemplified by Baywatch and Playboy. And what will this new era of Brazillian Butt Lifts and cement ass injections eventually usher in as our perpetually and arrestedly Freudian culture's idealized and fetishized female objet petit a? My prediction is inner labia, followed by feet, followed by miniature internal fusion plants
I agree, many people believe Obama was the death of black power as a revolutionary potential but I believe it was when Beyonce replaced Marylin Monroe. srs talk
babyhueypnewton posted:I agree, many people believe Obama was the death of black power as a revolutionary potential but I believe it was when Beyonce replaced Marylin Monroe. srs talk
babyhueypnewton posted:Superabound posted:The breast obsession of the 70s, 80s, and 90s was replaced by the 21st Century's "Age of Ass", which, in this new and confusing era of cheap and available breast augmentation surgery sought a return to authenticity, and freedom from the cultural hegemony of aging white institutions exemplified by Baywatch and Playboy. And what will this new era of Brazillian Butt Lifts and cement ass injections eventually usher in as our perpetually and arrestedly Freudian culture's idealized and fetishized female objet petit a? My prediction is inner labia, followed by feet, followed by miniature internal fusion plants
I agree, many people believe Obama was the death of black power as a revolutionary potential but I believe it was when Beyonce replaced Marylin Monroe. srs talk