I don't even like talking about feminism, critiquing it, or anything. The same goes for all other identity advocacy (including class identity and third worldism). Seeing the words feminist technoscience again brought about a lapse.
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Gssh posted:

Dunno about most feminist technoscience, but Karen Barad is kinda cool imo. Which is like Haraway + quantum physics + Deleauze.

she teaches at my school lol. i realized this after reading it and thinking her ideas were cool and looking her up. she gave a presentation on quantum stuff at my department once and seemed totally crazy (in a good way).


roseweird posted:

.custom203693{}swirlsofhistory posted:I don't even like talking about feminism, critiquing it, or anything. The same goes for all other identity advocacy (including class identity and third worldism). Seeing the words feminist technoscience again brought about a lapse.

"i don't like talking about people with identities because as a stupid lonely white boy i feel unhappy when made aware of my own shitty identity"

actually our identity kicks ass and owns the world by opressing everyone and we should be proud of being wasps that sting and bite.

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i'm going to go talk to her and report back. if you want me to ask her any questions i will do so.
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roseweird posted:

gyrofry posted:

roseweird posted:

but feminism is for everyone

most undialectical

is your communist posture anything but a position from which to snipe at feminists as "liberals"

'Liberal' doesnt mean anything on this forum, its just something people say when you dont agree with holocaust denial or whatever.

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roseweird posted:

i know but why is almost everyone here antifeminist or at best timidly neutral, is stalin worship just cryptoconservatism, bc if so that's pretty hilarious imo

I dont think most people here are actually antifeminist its just that noone posts except to complain


roseweird posted:

that question is for basically everyone who posts in this forum

i believe that patriarchy, the institution of women's oppression that has existed throughout class society, cannot be fully abolished until the class contradictions that determine the conditions of human existence in the workplace, the family, and society overall are also abolished.

proletarian feminism, that is, feminism that uses historical materialism to analyze patriarchy systemically in the context of capitalist and national oppression, demands the overthrow of capitalism, the struggle for socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the communist transformation of society as a whole as necessary conditions for the emancipation of women. only proletarian feminism can lead women toward a world free from the shackles of exploitation and oppression.

the feminist struggle is apart of the people's struggle. oppressed women must be apart of the struggle to abolish class society in order to fully abolish patriarchy, and all oppressed people must be part of the struggle to abolish patriarchy in order to fully abolish class society. the complete abolition of one cannot occur without the complete abolition of the other.

for further reading on this subject i would suggest the principles of unity, resolution against patriarchy and anti-patriarchy rectification campaign as put forward by the new communist party (organizing committee). thank you & take care.


roseweird posted:

gyrofry posted:

roseweird posted:

but feminism is for everyone

most undialectical

is your communist posture anything but a position from which to snipe at feminists as "liberals"

more of a slouch than a posture innit


roseweird posted:

"i don't like talking about people with identities because as a stupid lonely white boy i feel unhappy when made aware of my own shitty identity"

I forgot to mention the intellectual laziness of identity advocates as a thing I don't like about them.


roseweird posted:

tell me you're another asian fetishist that would be just too perfect for you

Nope, but it's telling that you think hobbies, interests, or sexual attraction must have something to do with politics.


NoFreeWill posted:

i'm going to go talk to her and report back. if you want me to ask her any questions i will do so.

i remember looking at some of her stuff a while ago but i didnt have the patience to read a dense cultural studies book just to satisfy curiosity. it seemed like she was part of the crew that likes to place the blame for nuclear weapons (and the bad stuff after) primarily on the who developed them. is this true?

edit: "highly problematic" counts as blame

Edited by c_man ()

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blinkandwheeze posted:

Historical materialism already easily accounts for patriarchy. In struggling to produce their material life, people shackle themselves to certain customary or legal relations with one another, e.g. the passing of title down the male line. The feminist spin on patriarchy actually destroys the explanatory power of historical materialism because it draws a line around 'women', and in particular topics that women think are relevant in the 21st century, and conceives of these as expressing a fundamental need for men, as a group, to control women, as a group – without recourse to the specific historical economic forms they arose in, and then disappeared from. In that way, feminism takes on a conspiratorial attitude, more of an anti-Masonry than Marxism, and can stridently denounce the patriarchy in a class society that is explicitly nonpatriarchal, a society that actively attacks patriarchal relations in less developed ones in order to gain material advantage and reproduce itself.

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The Female Eunuch and the Dialectic of Sex, for starters.
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I didn't say they weren't 'historical', in a loose sense anything can be historical, but that they're not historical materialist.

roseweird posted:

for starters, and then...?

and then what? If you're looking for a reading list, I'm sure they exist online.

f...fa-...fail aids...?
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Sex and Character, that's a good feminist work right?
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There's a bunch of Marxist and materialist feminists

roseweird posted:

lmao lykourgos gives swirls another pat on the butt. "gj buddy, gj"

I wish lykourgos would give me a pat on the butt.


roseweird posted:

swirlsofhistory posted:

and then what?

just a pretty meager selection to have formed such a comprehensive opinion, almost like all your antifeminist ranting is emotional and not intellectual in nature

As I said I don't devote too much intellect to these things. There are few things less important than what feminists worry about. Global warming, economic collapse, mass surveillance state, but nevermind let's analyze whether this sexy video game character is a positive or negative for women.

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I mean it's undeniably true that feminism isn't literally the same as historical materialism but then again neither is, idk, special relativity, or evolution.
Thanks lykourgos.