here's a the cool site of the SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness organization, which is cool.
They like to take on the popular displays of animal abuse that are a the common America pastime: Rodeos. Pigoen killing. Other
Here is youtube channel's recent video in which Shark fearlessly mocks the conservative goofs, dingbats, and stinkers of today's time, despite some scary maniacs all over it
Coauthored by BEE VENOM ETC...
Edited by swampman ()
daddyholes posted:
those 2 pits are pretty cute
goats_ebooks posted:a friend of mine is doing research on rehabilitating goats who've suffered psychological abuse during their lives - looking at whether or not animals can recover from trauma/stress/psychological abuse. turns out they can!
it's much harder to effectively keep goats in factory farming (since they are large, unruly, and you get much better meat/milk when they browse for food, rather than graze/eat concentrated food) - although there are a number of goat factory farms. you can get milk, hair, meat, skin, and entertainment out of a goat, meaning that you don't need to consume so many animals, which at least reduces harm. they're also really clever and know how to undo the latches on their doors. goats own.
I liked this post too. No offense. Although, goats are idiots compared to me.
Squalid posted:Animal cruelty arguments against hunting fall apart when the alternative death is starvation, disease, or even being eaten by tens of thousands of ticks. Probably not a pleasant way to go.
I don't have a problem with hunting invasive species or to maintain an appropriate rate of predation for the overall population. I have a problem with this activity being performed by lifestylist rural dweebs putting "intellectual" spins on murder. If the deer population needs to be controlled, if deer meat is good nutrition, fine - there should be a state organization that harvests them in an efficient and painless way, and we can have venison in subsidized school lunches instead of collecting freezer burns in fat prison guards' double garages. What we have now just enables those people who like to squeeze off a few rounds at living targets.
roseweird posted:swampman do you ever think about the morality of keeping, breeding, raising carnivorous animals as pets
I do not support the continued reproduction of domestic dogs. The only exception are working dogs, like seeing-eye dogs. But, we should care for already-existing dogs.
swampman posted:Squalid posted:Animal cruelty arguments against hunting fall apart when the alternative death is starvation, disease, or even being eaten by tens of thousands of ticks. Probably not a pleasant way to go.
I don't have a problem with hunting invasive species or to maintain an appropriate rate of predation for the overall population. I have a problem with this activity being performed by lifestylist rural dweebs putting "intellectual" spins on murder. If the deer population needs to be controlled, if deer meat is good nutrition, fine - there should be a state organization that harvests them in an efficient and painless way, and we can have venison in subsidized school lunches instead of collecting freezer burns in fat prison guards' double garages. What we have now just enables those people who like to squeeze off a few rounds at living targets.
This is fair, however there is no way to eliminate the life-stylists from existing management schemes, although with enough resources their role could be limited in some contexts. The humane solution to deer-human conflict is sterilization, but it is prohibitively expensive for state's attempting management schemes to use on a large scale.
In any case the proper response to those who mention hunting in these discussions is to emphasize its relative insignificance compared to the true loci of animal suffering and source of most meat: the industrial slaughterhouse and feed-lot. The only reason to bring up hunting is to distract from the real issues.
From a scientific-materialist perspective, the ideology of "lifestylists" is of minimal importance anyway. So long as they continue protecting migratory bird habitat it's irrelevant if their main objective is opting out of industrial production or furnishing their living-room with feathery trophies, the results are the same. Of course you can still mock them for being hicks, no reason to respect cruelty.
swampman posted:Squalid posted:
Animal cruelty arguments against hunting fall apart when the alternative death is starvation, disease, or even being eaten by tens of thousands of ticks. Probably not a pleasant way to go.
I don't have a problem with hunting invasive species or to maintain an appropriate rate of predation for the overall population. I have a problem with this activity being performed by lifestylist rural dweebs putting "intellectual" spins on murder. If the deer population needs to be controlled, if deer meat is good nutrition, fine - there should be a state organization that harvests them in an efficient and painless way, and we can have venison in subsidized school lunches instead of collecting freezer burns in fat prison guards' double garages. What we have now just enables those people who like to squeeze off a few rounds at living targets.
ughh i dont even have a garage swampman :[