
roseweird posted:

that sounds nice and all and i don't recommend driving or performing controlled demolitions while smoking but when people drink a lot of alcohol they get so messed up and uncoordinated that they can't walk straight or feel their hands, and there is nothing equivalent to that in the effects of cannabis

idk dude, i've gotten so high i've been unable to walk because i've lost all feeling in my legs. i've also been incapacitated to the point where i've been unable to finish my starburst due to uncontrollable slobbering.

The picture is from Dragon Magazine, issue #64, an official product of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, First Edition. Dungeons and Dragons are, as one would suspect, gentlemanly pursuits that combine the tradition of philosophical dialogue with a fair approximation of Spartan training exercises - and the game is perennially popular among the learned in the restaurants and shops of Beijing.

Here is some more game text so that you may adopt the character for your purposes:


TG posted:

the thing about drug testing is it is pretty transparently a method of socially controlling poor people. basically, the jobs you get drug tested for are the middling, menial jobs, but not the ones that require a certain level of of higher education (except some jobs that you need security clearance for) or the most demeaning of jobs. nobody will drug test you for picking produce for dollars on the day or for being an attorney. i also sincerely doubt that doctors working at hospitals, who have access to some pretty dope meds, get drug tested

its essentially a way of ostensibly keeping people off drugs because society has deemed them not responsible enough to handle the substances but in reality its a method of keeping a large pool of cheap unskilled labor accessible to capital

this is also one of the main points of probation and parole, which is why keeping or looking for employment is a standard condition of those sentences while the sentences themselves make finding any "real" job virtually impossible. the sentencees just end up being exploited by the employers who get some cheapass labor while also making it look like a product of their beneficence. also, their status as felons or probationers makes them less credible in the eyes of society, thereby much easier to exploit with unsafe or unfair working conditions

you're right about everything else but doctors (at least in certain states) do get semi-extensively drug tested. as far as i can tell it's impossible to be a non-gp physician without prolonged use of either stimulants or ambien or both, but drug tests and semi-heavy drinking are definitely a major part of the deal. an elderlyish neighbor of mine in childhood who tried to put the smooth on my mom was a doctor who blazed pretty regularly, but i think he had pretty much wound his practice down. all the nurses i know blaze, though

damn, i knew i should have asked a doctor first. its interesting to note that one of the few well-paid positions that the lower classes have access to - professional athlete - does get pretty regularly drug tested, ostensibly for fairness on the field but obviously recreational drugs dont really have an effect on that
i'm an attorney who had to pee in a cup for the job initially and is technically subject to random tests (although they haven't done it yet) but that's just because the indians have a more fully developed sense of fairness
pretty much any government job which involves handling money or management or actual responsibilities does an initial piss test in addition to a background check, but after that you're free to do whatever

really though if you can't lay off the nose candy and hashish for a couple weeks you probably shouldn't be handling people's medicaid paperwork

someone stocking soup cans at food lion shouldn't have to pee in a cup though. if anything if they aren't on some sort of psychotropic substance they shouldn't be hired in the first place

Edited by peepaw ()

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there is a racial component
Insurance companies run the world.

roseweird posted:

peepaw posted:

really though if you can't lay off the nose candy and hashish for a couple weeks you probably shouldn't be handling people's medicaid paperwork

why make up justifications like this for the practice of employee urine testing? also it takes a lot longer than 2 weeks to get weed out of your system. there's nothing wrong with a habitual weed smoker that makes them unable to handle paperwork..? like what do you imagine is the risk here

that's not what i said, but okay

[account deactivated]
Is the ~zone~ in favour of random urine drops for DUI offenders? SCRAM ankle bracelets?

I didn't have to undergo any testing for my current job and I have not heard of anyone being tested.
[account deactivated]
personally, i want their piss. i need cloudy stinky drunk pee to succeed in this fast-paced world and the high-flying lifestyle i've carved out for myself

roseweird posted:

gwap how difficult do you think it is to get a biology research job without a drug test. i have to assume they test often because of access to controlled chemicals. im so mad at everything. i just want to smoke weed and give research chemicals to mice, why cant they leave me alone

im kinda in the dark about research. i want to go to med school and become the devil incarnate so all my extra curricular stuff involves spending 10-20 hours at a time in a hospital standing around doing nothing.

the biology research i've done has all been voluntary undergrad bs "street cred" stuff and solo things that my adviser lets me do. from what i know private lab employers have phd individuals who cant get jobs anywhere else working as technicians with a giant backlog of undergrad unpaid interns waiting to get in. and of course universities have hordes of graduate students working for free, typical in a field as inundated as biology.

a lot of my friends who just want the bio degree are aiming for jobs at budweiser and different industrial wine producers. jobs in biology are diverse, don't only look for stereotypical "scientist" stuff.


roseweird posted:

Lykourgos posted:

Is the ~zone~ in favour of random urine drops for DUI offenders? SCRAM ankle bracelets?

don't we just take away their license? that seems sufficient...

DUI law is state by state, but around here the answer is... it depends. Here, the question of suspending the driver's license is a separate matter that is handled alongside the criminal case. Typically, it will initially be suspended for a certain amount of time immediately after the arrest, and a challenge will be raised to that suspension within 30 days. Apart from that initial suspension, the license will also be suspended if the person is convicted of DUI; when I say convicted, I mean a criminal conviction rather than simply a finding of guilty for a person's first misdemeanour DUI (which would usually not result in a conviction, but just court supervision and then afterwards the charges dismissed, although for DUI it cannot be sealed/expunged).

Putting that question to one side, the other problem is that plenty of people drive on suspended licenses, and on top of that people commit DUIs while suspended for DUI or presently serving a sentence for DUI. Some judges and lawyers seem to like SCRAM devices; judges might like it because it is supposed to literally ensure that no alcohol is consumed, meaning that the person can't drive drunk again during his sentence and will be off the bottle in general (which might have been the fundamental issue). Lawyers might like it because they can use it as a bargaining chip to try and get a reducer on a DUI by agreeing to this more onerous and expensive punishment, and failing that they can use it as mitigation on the DUI charge itself.

You have to wear a little ankle bracelet thing, though. Back when I was doing a lot of DUIs, I'd hear about it fairly often. It was a new device around here, and it isn't the regular thing to do for your run of the mill DUI (unless the defence is trying to woo the judge or get a reducer).

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go for your dreams roseweird. its depressing but itll pay off in the end (maybe (and if it doesnt youll be dead so fuck it))
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roseweird posted:

i mean gwap im interested in human endocrinology, hormonal drugs, and tissue engineering, like i don't just arbitrarily want to drug and cut up mice because That's What Scientists Do, please don't condescend to me like that! if i weren't interested in trying to reach a job where i can learn about and work on those things i'd just stick with religion and become a teacher. i can live on less than $20k/year and don't really care about making more, i don't care about a job at all, i want to do research, that is all that matters or i wouldn't be going into biology at all. aagh please do not crush my dreams like this and suggest i look into brewing (brewing? ffs!) please say something encouraging to me

i didn't mean it in that way, it's just that my perspective on all of this stuff comes from the need to make fat stack$. most of the people i know don't really "care" about science and just want to get a job, i'm kinda the same way tbh.

if you want to pursue the field for the sake of academics, learning, and nothing more, then you should by all means go into a master's program really anywhere. biotech is big in the dc-baltimore area, but most of the schools there are elite institutions which probably have people with some kind of science bachelor's filling up all the admissions spots. there are a few good places to try though.

Schools to try
UMD College Park: Maryland's flagship public university, decent biological sciences department, pretty competitive admissions, but the real bonus is getting priority for the million internships that the NIH offers. NIH headquarters in Bethesda is like a 30 minute drive from College Park. I transferred here and left after 10 days, it wasn't my type of community, but you will probably love it.

American University: Mostly known for business and social sciences, but, again, close proximity to NIH and even better, very close proximity to NSF in Virginia. Probably not that difficult to get into because people don't normally go to this place for the sciences.

Catholic University of America: Don't know much about this place, but just another choice that is in DC and therefore close to the NIH and NSF.

Georgetown University: don't try

UDC: lol

George Washington University: Very competitive DC college for the biological sciences because they have a med school and other professional health care related schools, though not impossible to get in. Colloquially known as "Jew W" (no offense).

Howard University: My pride and joy. Crown Jewel of the Caribbean (Howard is to UWI Mona as Harvard is to UMass Boston lol). Terribly managed university on the eastern border of north west DC. You are pretty much guaranteed admission into any of the master's programs, I don't even think you need the biology GRE subject test. They even have every professional healthcare school you can think of. I try not to reveal too much about myself just in case med school admissions people are watching, but I'm currently away for an internship and will likely return soon.

Baltimore and Northern Virginia: Don't know too much about these. Johns Hopkins is of course the best university in the entire DC Maryland Virginia area, especially for biology, so that's a long shot. Probably a few more schools I don't know about that would be great choices too.

Afaik you're currently in new york and there are probably more than enough SUNY and CUNY schools that you can easily get into, but for the type of stuff you're talking about, being in close proximity to the NSF and especially NIH is almost a must for the immense amount of opportunities. If you're lucky enough then you can be a TA and get remitted tuition and a small stipend, but that's really lucky, best chance for this is at American University, and it's on Metro's red line so you can live pretty much anywhere and get to school easy.

If you really dgaf and want to throw yourself into biological research regardless of the consequences of such, you should 100% go for a masters and then a PHD to keep deferring those student loans. Hell, I probably would have done the same thing with chemistry if I had a better mathematics foundation, if you love it just do it, fuck the poliec. good luck bruh

(did i just write a whole page of DC university information for someone who doesn't live in DC...)

maybe you all should get a job
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roseweird posted:

gwap posted:

(did i just write a whole page of DC university information for someone who doesn't live in DC...)

yeah... thank you for all your advice, it's really hard to imagine leaving new york though. sometimes i get really fed up with things here and think about leaving but at this point i've kind of solidified my bonds to this place and it's hard to really imagine leaving for longer than a year or two, bc i'd get very lonely. still, your comment about nsf and nih gave me a lot to think about... i know tissue engineering is really new but i guess i hope if i explore other areas of interest for a while i can wait for an opportunity to come up locally... and if it never does i guess i'll have to consider moving. there are some sunys not far from the city with biotech programs already, not to mention columbia, if i can get in there, i don't know how they compare to the ones you're talking about though, if they're weak now hopefully they'll grow soon... i don't know, though, i don't really have any science contacts in new york yet, hopefully i'll make some over the next couple of years (i'm just extending my undergrad to add a biology degree now) and figure it out. hope you don't mind if i pm you sometime to ask for some general advice about how to be a strong grad school candidate tho

Yeah no prob, if there is one thing in this world that I know it is science based professional and graduate school admissions. I probably know more about this shit than actual biology.

(And of course if you can get into Columbia you're golden good to go, especially now since you are getting the bio degree your chances are alright. Grades are important, but research experience is probably even more so. You might have some trouble in the entry bio/chem/physics classes with insane neurotic robot "study all day and do nothing else" premeds like me ruining the curve. But definitely try to shine in your upper division classes and make yourself known to those professor. A good rec from an upper division prof is the difference between getting accepted at an ivy graduate program and not.)

Edited by gwap ()

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Howard is awesome but not because you can use your white privilege to get in when you couldn't get into white DC schools.

also roseweird, you have fantasies about graduate school. I understand, I had similar fantasies, but a word of advice. Whatever you think you know about the "field" you do not, if you go to grad school you will end up researching something completely different, probably what your advisor tells you to research. reading a bunch of shit on the internet doesn't make you an expert on shit and undergrad is a big daycare center.
Unless you are a black person native to DC please do not live there tks
how's life going huey. are you still in china.

getfiscal posted:

how's life going huey. are you still in china.

corea. yeah it's cool, they had marxism 2013 here recently but i missed all the trots

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it's funny cause there's an actual word in korean for communism (공산주의 if you're curious) but the trots use marxism and communism transliterated because they are ridiculous. trots are so sad in countries with actual communist histories, makes the crying about the vietnamese trots even more funny. I can't even imagine how irrelevant they were.

oh also the newest left-wing party here which was becoming rapidly popular just got made illegal and the leaders arrested for being 'pro-north korea' and plotting a coup if the north ever invaded. basically nothing changes, still daughter of a dictator and AmeriKKKan military occupation. nk news website still banned.

and thats your Corea news for today
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roseweird posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

Unless you are a black person native to DC please do not live there tks

aren't you a jewish guy who has delightfully taken the name of a black civil rights icon and added "baby" to it as your ironic moniker


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