
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

roseweird is suggesting that IWC get on anti-androgens in order to become not "emotionally crippled." because there are few things in this world as emotionally healthy as a transgender individual

personally i dont think any persyn should be using pharmaceuticals as an emotional crutch, imho


MadMedico posted:


if i learned anything working for a bailbondsman, it was "never trust anyone with the middle name Wayne"

[account deactivated]
leftist teleology is pretty funny to me like how they can say shit like "communism is inevitable" or "you're on the wrong side of history." the only way someone can seriously make a claim like this is if they ignore all the movements that were considered progressive at the time of their existence but failed and were discredited, such as prohibition, eugenics, the white man's burden, lobotomies, the soviet union, etc
i bet support for israel was considered extremely progressive in the 1950s
plenty would consider my terminal case of fail aids "progressive" as well
thinking that eugenics has ever been "discredited" is nothing but liberal nonsense. Eugenics Works. its all around you!
how many people hjere are the proud parent of a beautiful blue nosed pit? well you can thank eugenics for that!
i'm reading the reddit post history of a literal neonazi. it's pretty interesting to see such a divergent worldview
are people in mainforum seriously denying that males are more aggressive? lol
i love the leftist pomo denial of physical reality in favor of some blank slate monist crap. males naturally more violent and aggressive than females? absurd. they only have 10-20 times the amount of a substance known to cause violent aggression in humans and all other mammals
roid rage is socially constructed. how are we to know that testosterone causes aggression in experiments that don't even control for rat patriarchy or monkey bodybuilder culture
I read that as leftist porno denial and was like oh yeah good point, porn consumers are extremely skewed to the Y chromosome as well
I dont know if I support roseweird's proposal for Milf Island because theyd go crazy paranoid militarist so hard that theyd make israel look like burning man
Feminism creates its own gravediggers
the guy who beat up lowtax made a pretty marxist movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2368553/
lol NNSFWcorp is shutting down and mark ames and paul carr are going to go work for a company funded by peter thiel, like three days after they went on a tirade against greenwald's new venture for being funded by questionable parties
goat, have you ever noticed that the forum id of IFAP is "2" but the forum id for LF/main forum is "3"? the concentration camps were built before the cities.... fucked up but very true.

getfiscal posted:

goat, have you ever noticed that the forum id of IFAP is "2" but the forum id for LF/main forum is "3"? the concentration camps were built before the cities.... fucked up but very true.

and the hidden pdf subforum is "1488" fucked up but tru

i know quite a few relatively decent looking women irl, and i've never heard one of them ever complain about or even mention being catcalled. yet its a daily occurrence for trannies and internet feminists. this seems incongruous
maybe its sarcasm
[account deactivated]
*opens envelope* roseweird will claim its my fault and not the fantasizing of uggos
[account deactivated]
if only
im not an insurance salesman but if i were why would that be a bad thing, unemployable psychofreak
what is with all the fuckin catholics on this forum. wth. wth!!
"The Vatican is a centre of reaction... it is a tool in the service of capital and world reaction, which supports this international organization of subversion and espionage. It is a fact that many Catholic priests and missionaries of the Vatican are old-hands at espionage on a world scale. Imperialism has tried and is still trying to realize its aims by means of them." - comrade Stalin, as quoted by Hoxha
[account deactivated]
post some pics and we'll see
[account deactivated]

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

what is with all the fuckin catholics on this forum. wth. wth!!

the rhizzone is a catholic forum. boston is a catholic city. welcome to rome

please don't post "goon" its triggering
what kind of job yall got
the type where you get paid
the payin' kind if you will
the type where you get drug tested
the type where you post on the rhizzone