also anyone who complains about wild hog hunting doesn't realize that those fuckers are godawful destructive invasive pests that completely wreck forest and wetland ecosystems. there's a reason most states have open seasons without kill limits on razorbacks.

i don't hunt them because thankfully they haven't spread to my area and driving hundreds of miles to kill a thing is dumb as hell.

but if they were here you bet your ass i'd be making wild boar charcuterie on the regular
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eh i'm not too tore up about putting a bounty on them, like I said they are incredibly destructive, both to nature and to cropland. I've got a friend who does seasonal farmwork and he says he saw a big pack of wild hogs completely shred ten acres of potatoes in like three days

also the boars are real aggressive and a 400lb beast can really fuck you up

but yeah meat is murder but some hunting is justifiable homicide
[account deactivated]
im surprised 3 pages into this thread no one has equated veganism with liberalism yet

dank_xiaopeng posted:

but yeah meat is murder but some hunting is justifiable homicide

you're pathetic

ur gay

swampman posted:

there was an old "ask/tell" thread on somethingawful, where someone was like, "Ask me about having my partner as a slave" that was all about their relationship, where the partner basically lived a voluntary life of servitude to the master. now, there are also like 25 million actual slaves on earth right now. so this is like if i was talking about how to fight slavery, and you posted that person as an exampled of how slavery isn't necessarily a bad thing. which i guess is also something you'd really do. anyway... dont eat it

man, marriage used to be so awesome before feminism ruined it

meat is tasty yo, and i don't really think animal life is particularly valuable unless i have an emotional bond with it so i don't see what the problem is here. i am a liberal, though

innsmouthful posted:

meat is tasty yo, and i don't really think animal life is particularly valuable unless i have an emotional bond with it so i don't see what the problem is here. i am a liberal, though

solution: don't buy meat from the store. be a true apex predator, feel the surge of power that is destroying a beast with a wellplaced shot. the thrill of the hunt. the warm guts to your elbows a promise of feasting.

dank_xiaopeng posted:

solution: don't buy meat from the store. be a true apex predator, feel the surge of power that is destroying a beast with a wellplaced shot. the thrill of the hunt. the warm guts to your elbows a promise of feasting.

is this supposed to offend me the same way calling me gay was? you just sound like a child.

a friend of mine is doing research on rehabilitating goats who've suffered psychological abuse during their lives - looking at whether or not animals can recover from trauma/stress/psychological abuse. turns out they can!

it's much harder to effectively keep goats in factory farming (since they are large, unruly, and you get much better meat/milk when they browse for food, rather than graze/eat concentrated food) - although there are a number of goat factory farms. you can get milk, hair, meat, skin, and entertainment out of a goat, meaning that you don't need to consume so many animals, which at least reduces harm. they're also really clever and know how to undo the latches on their doors. goats own.

i don't really care one way or another what some city slicker thinks about what i eat
Animal cruelty arguments against hunting fall apart when the alternative death is starvation, disease, or even being eaten by tens of thousands of ticks. Probably not a pleasant way to go.
well when the "hunters" in question are clowns like these i think they clearly stand

that shit is ugly and shameful

goats_ebooks posted:

a friend of mine is doing research on rehabilitating goats who've suffered psychological abuse during their lives - looking at whether or not animals can recover from trauma/stress/psychological abuse. turns out they can!

it's much harder to effectively keep goats in factory farming (since they are large, unruly, and you get much better meat/milk when they browse for food, rather than graze/eat concentrated food) - although there are a number of goat factory farms. you can get milk, hair, meat, skin, and entertainment out of a goat, meaning that you don't need to consume so many animals, which at least reduces harm. they're also really clever and know how to undo the latches on their doors. goats own.

goats rule i wanna get a billy and a doe and never have to mow my lawn again and then sell the kids for fun and profit

I support those Texans unconditionally
[account deactivated]
Nothing wrong with taking pleasure in a job well done. Don't become a despiser of the body, roseweird. Enjoy the adrenaline, you've earned it!

dank_xiaopeng posted:

goats rule i wanna get a billy and a doe and never have to mow my lawn again and then sell the kids for fun and profit

they eat pretty much everything else in preference to grass though, including weeds/human food/buttons off clothing. plus goat bucks stink, because they urinate all over themselves to make themselves more attractive, and live half the time because going through rut puts such a strain on their bodies.

most of the vegetation-clearer goat herds that I know are does and wethers, who are castrated males - they're much more sweet-natured, and live much longer/healthier than un-neutered ones (which is an interesting point vis a vis animal cruelty I guess).

eh, i was exaggerating but i'll be perfectly honest and tell you that killing a deer is a huge rush

that said i am very particular about how and where I hunt, will never kill more than my family and I can eat, and I try to use as much of the animal as I can. i only take shots that i'm sure will kill the thing I'm aiming at as quickly as possible (one of the reasons I quit bowhunting) and i will never, ever shoot at an animal that's on the run.

assholes that bag 5+ bucks in a season, only take the racks and tenderloins and donate the rest to hunters for the hungry (or worse dump the carcass) are bloodthirsty shits
[account deactivated]
my dogue get all excited when i kill a deer because he knows he's geting liver and kidneys with his kibble for the next week :-}
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So wait, Tyson and KFC can do all sorts of horrible stuff to be chickens, but when I hire a wino to be a carnival geek people are all over me. WTF man.
because then the act of killing is more meaningless, i guess?? if you're killing a living thing just for the experience of killing (or for bragging rights to the boys) then you're flirting with sadism. i guarantee deerslayers like that are not in it for the wildlife management side of things.
[account deactivated]
nah my main motivation is the meat, the ecological stuff is a nice bonus.
[account deactivated]

dank_xiaopeng posted:

nah my main motivation is the meat, the ecological stuff is a nice bonus.

thats what she said

i already said i was exaggerating, but whatever.

at the end of the day i hunt because i believe its both a healthy and ecologically sound source of meat (both in terms of wildlife management and as an alternative to industrial meat production) and a link to my family's land. i don't pretend that it's not cruel in many ways, and i've had to track wounded deer more times than i'd have liked. is it less cruel than industrial farming? I'd like to think so: if you get a clean shot the deer probably never knows what hit it, but I'll never be sure.

i just think it's sad and wasteful that trophy hunters get more out of pulling the trigger on a deer than they do after they bring it home. it's killing for the sake of killing. and while that might be a purely aesthetic distaste on my part, I feel like it's pointless.
[account deactivated]
i suppose the truly ethical thing to do would be to willingly take a nonfatal shot from a large-caliber rifle

prolly would encourage me to improve my aim
i also buy the argument that its (more) ethical to eat animals that are "humanely raised" and killed in as painless a way as possible but i'm just too broke to pay for hippie meat at the farmers' market

so i only eat meat that i can get in my own backyard
[account deactivated]
yeah, i sympathize with both sides on that one and until i am under much less dire financial straits it'll be a purely academic argument for me

i think, at least, that we can all agree that the meat industry is bad for lots of environmental, moral, and aesthetic reasons and that everyone should eat way less meat