
John Prager posted:

McDonalds cares.

No, really--hear me out!

You see, Ronald knows how rough it is for his employees to pay rent, feed kids, buy clothes, and even gas up the car to drive to work! Since he only pays his employees minimum wage, he is fully aware of the dire economic situation created by underpaid employees.

It’s OK, though! Ronald wants to help out! He’s set up a really super-duper helpful web site filled to the brim with really super-duper…dumbshit stupid insane ideas!

Ronald wants his employees to relax, so he suggests taking “at least” two vacations a year to offset the stress created by his low wages. Apparently, spending half a year’s salary on vacations will cut heart attack risk by 50%. Pack your bags, if you can find time off from your other job and your other other job. Wait–that’s two vacations, right there!

Of course, you could always sing to reduce those pesky stress levels! Bust out your favorite tune as you slave away! Ronald doesn’t want his servants to seem unhappy.

Since Ronald cares about your health, he suggests that you don’t need to be able to afford more food. You just need to eat less! To that end, break up your Ramen noodles and saltines into smaller bits. You’ll still be McMalnourished–but at least you’ll feel more full!

With the holidays approaching, Ronald wants to make sure that you don’t dig yourself into debt spending the half a year’s salary you didn’t spend taking the family to Disney World. To that end, he suggests that you sell off some of your stuff on Craigslist and eBay! If that doesn’t help enough, you can always return some of the stuff. After all, Junior isn’t going to miss that new XBOX game that much, is he? Ho. Ho Ho.

No matter what, though, you should just stop bitching. Ronald is kind of getting sick of hear you people complain that your heat got shut off again. Ronald is trying to pretend to care, here, and you people are making it difficult. If you get the urge to complain, take another vacation, or bust out a few lines of La Bamba. If all else fails, go buy yourself a cheeseburger. Break it into bits, stretch it over your lunch break, and enjoy! It will feel so close to the way a meal feels that you’ll be Lovin’ It!
- See more at: http://aattp.org/mcdonalds-website-tells-underpaid-employees-eat-smaller-meals-sell-holiday-gifts-ebay-video/#sthash.UYKI63bL.dpuf

So I guess maybe Clarence is his middle name?

we call it "McDicks" where i'm from
Rhizzoners, we need to get our social media wills done STAT before big blogging comes in and clear cuts our post trees for profit. I have begun the resistance years ago by spiking (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_spiking) my posts with shitty content. thell nevr stel from me, haha gotcha suckers

Of course, you could always sing to reduce those pesky stress levels! Bust out your favorite tune as you slave away! Ronald doesn’t want his servants to seem unhappy.

I'm Swing Low-vin' It!

superabound have you had your (back)break(ing work) today?
Having worked in mcdonalds I am uniquely qualified to point out that they're called chips, not fries.
do you mean you worked for macdonalds or that you sat down next to men when you saw them alone in booths

libelous_slander posted:

superabound have you had your (back)break(ing work) today?

nah ive gotta flag like 30 more of you guys posts for review before the director will even let me take lunch. ive been way behind on my quotas ever since mustang left

is this the gawker thread

Ashton Kutcher vs. Wal-Mart

Kutcher (@aplusk) kicked off the dust-up by tweeting about the news that an Ohio Wal-Mart took up an employee-to-employee food charity collection “so Associates in Need can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner.” He wrote, “Walmart is your profit margin so important you can’t Pay Your Employees enough to be above the poverty line?”

Fourteen minutes later, the company’s @WalmartNewsroom account, echoing its replies to others on the topic, tweeted back at Kutcher, “It’s unfortunate that an act of human kindness has been taken so out of context. We’re proud of our associates in Canton.” After 10 minutes, Kutcher shot back, “you should be proud of your associates but I’m not sure if they should be proud of you.”

Wal-Mart then offered Kutcher a video on “Opportunity and Benefits at Walmart,” saying, “We know you believe in opportunity like we do & we’d love to talk to you more about it.”

Kutcher quickly countered, “you had 17 billion in profits last year. You’re a 260 billion$ company. What are we missing?”

That set off a trio of tweets from Wal-Mart, starting with, “We think you’re missing a few things,” and then touting that “The majority of our workforce is full-time and makes more than $25,000/year”; that “about 75% of our store management teams started as hourly associates”; and that “every year, we promote about 160,000 people…”

Kutcher told Wal-Mart the company “does a lot of great things but it needs to be a leader on this issue as well.” In its final tweet to Kutcher – so far — Wal-Mart answered, “We know we can always get better as a company. This year we’ve made providing more opportunities for our associates a top priority.”

Kutcher returned to the topic an hour later, linking a blog post on a study estimating the cost of Wal-Mart workers’ use of public assistance, and saying “Walmart should be the leaders not the low water mark.”
post the ashtonist kutchers u got
if only companies could learn to be nice we would live in a perfect world
"Don't Be Evil." -google
think different, imo
He has been busy since his shrewd investment in the bitcoin market in May:


ilmdge posted:

"Don't Be Evil." -google

sounds like some good advice, OP. they'd probably also benefit, both economically and spiritually, from supplanting some of their their daily car commutes with public transportation and/or biking.
so should mcdonalds supply company dwellings, to cut on commute and living costs? they can definitely charge company scrift

Barbarossa posted:

He has been busy since his shrewd investment in the bitcoin market in May:
