i'm going to get in contact with maduro by creating an app for him to post decrees directly to his facebook status update, anyone have any questions for him?

swampman posted:

i'm going to get in contact with maduro by creating an app for him to post decrees directly to his facebook status update, anyone have any questions for him?

ask him what trotskyism is

- Nicolás Maduro Moros (@therealmaduro)
i . . .ilmdge. youve saved face for me at the rhizzone... (I wont forget this...friend...)
venezuela?? we dont even know whats happening in our own lands! or whats happnened in the recent past!


getfiscal posted:

... mad dog maduro! socialism now!


In many cases, it is better to temporarily refrain from directly destroying the bourgeoisie (and petite bourgoeisie) when in positions of elected state power (That is, the bourgeois state has not been overthrown, but Communists are in control of it), and instead harass and repress them with state powers.
Capitalism will end not naturally by it's own mechanisms, but when the proletariat defies the balance of nature and, after amassing a strong political and societal basis, in a gesture of irrational passion, confirms the triumph of it's will over the very mechanized, normal and rational state of things, over the laws of nature itself. The heavens itself will roar in chaos as the Earth is conquered by a force with a single purpose that will be sought through even if it means the destruction of the entire human species.
i remember when that happened in gurren lagann, it was v. cool