natures greatest secret is how to get girls to like you
just be cool, you can do it
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roseweird posted:

a lot of girls you think don't like you probably actually do like you but just don't want to have sex with you. a lot of people can't tell the difference.

What if I become rich and famous?

[account deactivated]

littlegreenpills posted:

find a man she is attracted to, contrive yourself to be in the presense of of both of them. Defeat him in which ever activity has the biggest cache in your immediate peer group (examples: 'how do you like them apples' in good will hunting or shooting up a club with machine guns in Scarface).

Be humble in your victory and respectful to the chastened challenger, wish him well, then turn back to your love interest and act sort of cold and distant, using your body languages and silence to insinuate your resigned frustration that yet again the whims of a woman have forced good proud men into needless conflict.


good luck in your meatball and herring-eating fued lgp
so this storm you've been describing... we're talking in metaphors here right? this is all very interesting... i'm going to pencil you in for four sessions a week. i'm sliding scale but my minimum is $100 an hour. you've got to show a level of financial commitment you see and i've got bills to pay.
i just finished Dead Souls and I'm kicking myself rn for not picturing Lenny Dykstra as Chichikov until the last chapter.
trudging through the increasingly tedious "The Decay of the Angel" by the 'zzone's favorite samurai and am about to start "Against Nature" by Huysmans
puny huysmans
MILF no doubt gazes upon those strapping IDF lads with eagerness

innsmouthful posted:

trudging through the increasingly tedious "The Decay of the Angel" by the 'zzone's favorite samurai and am about to start "Against Nature" by Huysmans

against nature is really good. someone on here recommended it to me i think.

i'm reading the Winners but i need something better to read and I've run out of obvious classics and having to dig into obscure ones. any recs?
*opens trench coat, pockets lined with obscure Books* "what kind of shit are you loking for"
classic, real chill shit, by angry white men who hate the whole universe.
sounds like celine, but with the way impper talks about him uve probably already read that
i bet you are not nearly done with the classics NoFreeWill and i mean that in a really encouraging way because those books are all free online or like a buck in print and they will surprise and delight you with their timelessness
might i recommend the Roman Stoics or perhaps some Alexander Pushkin
can you get me a copy of REVOLUTIONARY ISLAM by Ilich Ramirez Sanchez
oh i just had an idea, i recommend HOPSCOTCH
if that's not white or classic enough then heres a classic you may or may not have already read about a broken-life drunk: Under the vollcano

Edited by ilmdge ()


NoFreeWill posted:

classic, real chill shit, by angry white men who hate the whole universe.

i been rly diggin the thomas bernhard altho he's too recent to be a classic i guess. he's a cool depressed weirdo writer

" not only was it a terrible, a horrifying world, but it was also a ridiculous world, but unfortunately each one of us had to resign himself to existing in a world that was not only terrible and horrifying but also ridiculous, each and every one of us had to come to terms with this fact; how many hundreds of thousands, how many millions of people had already come to terms with it, even in his own unquestionably terrible, horrifying, and ridiculous country, our own country, the most ridiculous and most terrible of them all"

and if u like celine you'd prbly like knut hamsun as well, i just read Hunger and it was very similar in feel (altho i like celine better prob)

username "Hitler" prefers fascist and antisemite celine, noted

daddyholes posted:

i bet you are not nearly done with the classics NoFreeWill and i mean that in a really encouraging way because those books are all free online or like a buck in print and they will surprise and delight you with their timelessness

i just mean i read alot of the really good ones. i read a lot of novels.

pushkin and celine are good recs tho... will get on it

also i don't buy books, i check them out of the library like anyone with a brain.

NoFreeWill posted:

daddyholes posted:

i bet you are not nearly done with the classics NoFreeWill and i mean that in a really encouraging way because those books are all free online or like a buck in print and they will surprise and delight you with their timelessness

i just mean i read alot of the really good ones. i read a lot of novels.

pushkin and celine are good recs tho... will get on it

well hmm, do you have any good novel recs for me? ive read a lot of famous book but also a lot of book i didnt read on account of so many.

[account deactivated]
*flexes* ive read more books than you!!
reading puts bad ideas in my brain and generally makes me unhappy but for some reason i continue to do it

NoFreeWill posted:

also i don't buy books, i check them out of the library like anyone with a brain.

thats cool i shouldve assumed better of my fellow posters.


roseweird posted:

who has read the most books

ive read hundreds of books but a sizable portion of that has been goosebumps and star wars expanded universe novels

mccaine has 833 "read" books on goodreads, which is more than i'll probably read in the next ten years lol
if uhh i commit to it

ilmdge posted:

.custom201251{}NoFreeWill posted:.custom201217{color:#000000 !important; background-color:#F8FFBD !important; }daddyholes posted:i bet you are not nearly done with the classics NoFreeWill and i mean that in a really encouraging way because those books are all free online or like a buck in print and they will surprise and delight you with their timelessness

i just mean i read alot of the really good ones. i read a lot of novels.

pushkin and celine are good recs tho... will get on itwell hmm, do you have any good novel recs for me? ive read a lot of famous book but also a lot of book i didnt read on account of so many.

i don't keep track/write down what I read so I have to think for a bit. these are my favorite ones that aren't as popular: against the grain/against nature (huysmans, above poster also reading it), the clown (german, short), father & son, sanin, the master and margarita, the fuck up, self discovery (lavchenko),

but if you haven't read even one of them these are my favorite big name classics: Ulysses, Brothers Karamazov/Crime & Punishment, Lolita, Moby Dick, Brave New World, Dracula, The Sound & The Fury (or As I lay dying, but i haven't read it yet), The Portrait of a Lady, Kafka (The Castle, The Trial, or the short one about being a bug), Tropic of Cancer (and Capricorn), The Black Sheep, Madame Bovary, Gogol/Chekov for short stories, i dunno there are more but i forget.

Proust Remembrance of Things Past is #1 Bigtime Funbook, though and should keep you occupied for a whole season.

oh and Waiting For The Barbarians (goes on not-as-popular list above)
I am biased towards russian/french and before 1950/1900, but i think its good bias. speaking of which anyone have good german lit recommendations?