roseweird posted:you're all being silly and i know food inc, and michael pollan books are In Right Now but the word "monoculture" is a buzzword that infected your brains. there is a middle ground between a system that results in miles of gmo pesticide resistant corn planted along the highway and the complete demolition of all agricultural-industrial structure, and it is to make intelligent use of cultures which have been homogenized for efficiency and desirable traits (which is the essence of even ancient agriculture). if you live in a city, then instead of planning to sprawl out and clog up the land with failed homestead farms, study plant genetics and work out a genetic profile that can manifest diverse forms of disease resistance while also manifesting traits required for efficient modern mechanized agriculture. or study engineering and design lighter, cleaner, more efficient, and more adaptable machines.
didnt you once suggest building agricultural skyscrapers
Superabound posted:daddyholes posted:shennong has definitely died. I'm sorry
gather the dr dog balls
doctor dog balls is now the emmanuel goldstein of tumblr
jools posted:this thread was good, more of this please
Thank you for your question or comment!
a lot of medium-size farms in the US are switching to notill cover crop rotation systems because it doesn't require a lot of investment in new equipment. still, since agribusiness withers everything it touches a lot of these farms don't bother to mow and wait for their cover crops to compost and instead just broadcast apply herbicides before planting cash crops heh
my garden plot is 20mx20m and only costs me $50 a year. there's a communal toolshed and seed bank there and i make my own compost so once i got things up and running i have way more free vegetables than i can eat.
then if you invest in a pressure canner the sky is the limit!
Lessons posted:I suggested agricultural skyscrapers
Doug posted:Lessons posted:
I suggested agricultural skyscrapers
Because it's cool
dank_xiaopeng posted:lessons i will fly a cropduster into your gay veggiescraper, behind it i will trail a banner that reads "Y O U R E D U M B L E S S O N S 8 = = = = D"
Can you please not post awful BYOB shit like this and maybe just go post somewhere else forever
dank_xiaopeng posted:no but really agricultural skyscrapers are a massive waste of space and energy. the only way they work assumes the use of grow lights and hydroponics which are horribly inefficient. the problems of agriculture today are due to misuse/management of existing cropland, not lack of space. urban agriculture has its place (rooftops, parkland, and empty lots) but sinking millions of dollars into building silly spaceage food arcologies is D U M B
It was a throwaway joke and obviously so
dank_xiaopeng posted:i just get HOPPiNG MAD about agriculture thug lessons sorry
there were some people seriously arguing for that crap in DnD recently so I don't blame you
jools posted:this thread was good, more of this please
jools what was it like being dead? were there more black people in heaven than you expected
postposting posted:what do you people who 'know' 'things' about 'agriculture' think about the viability of urban 'closed-system' type farms like this:
i don't know anything about that particular farm but their website says they're using grow lights so that's pretty lame. grow lights are extremely inefficient, i doubt their on-site energy generation scheme will provide enough to power their lights but i'm not an electrical engineer so who knows.
as long as they don't rely on artificial heat/lighting the energy costs of closed-loop aquaponics systems are similar to open-field farms and can be sited on rooftops, parking lots, or other unused urban spaces not otherwise suited to traditional agriculture. i've seen aquaponics systems work very well.
the traditional premise of having fish ponds drain into rice paddies has been used for thousands of years. water carrying dissolved fish shit and algae fertilizes plants, plants filter wastewater which is pumped back to fish ponds: a pretty basic idea. aquaponics schemes just use modern hydroponics principles with fish shit as the main nutrient source for plants rather than petrochemicals. plus you get fish in the bargain, tilapia convert feed to meat at almost 1:1 ratio, so it's a very efficient source of protein.
really well-run aquaponics schemes have the fishtanks located indoors, which drain into greenhouses that are outside of the main building. free light and heat from the sun means low energy inputs and allows production almost year round for leaf/fruit crops. aquaponics has its downsides (space constraints, pretty tight limits on size of fishtank vs number of crops cultivated, energy costs for pumping) but in small to medium scale operations in dense urban areas they are a novel and useful source for produce. when compared with traditional agriculture, the slightly higher energy cost per unit of production is offset by the comparative proximity to markets.
RedPillRecording·93 videos
Published on Jul 23, 2013
PorcFest experienced "The MoneyDome" in 2012... Now learn what we've done with it.
Ernest Hancock is the publisher at, and a co-founder of The Freedom Summit. He is the founder of Second Amendment for Everyone, The "L" Factor, and Western Libertarian Alliance. Ernest produces and hosts the radio show Declare Your Independence, which strives to create an understanding of the philosophy of liberty by working closely with Freedoms Phoenix to uncover the secrets and expose the lies of mainstream media and politics. Ernie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, where he has run as a Libertarian Party candidate in a wide range of political races since the early 1990s.
daddyholes posted:RedPillRecording·93 videos
Published on Jul 23, 2013
PorcFest experienced "The MoneyDome" in 2012... Now learn what we've done with it.
Ernest Hancock is the publisher at, and a co-founder of The Freedom Summit. He is the founder of Second Amendment for Everyone, The "L" Factor, and Western Libertarian Alliance. Ernest produces and hosts the radio show Declare Your Independence, which strives to create an understanding of the philosophy of liberty by working closely with Freedoms Phoenix to uncover the secrets and expose the lies of mainstream media and politics. Ernie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, where he has run as a Libertarian Party candidate in a wide range of political races since the early 1990s.
thats me irl