did i just blow your mind
Tokyo_Sexwale posted:radical centrist, op
holy shit
Tokyo_Sexwale posted:radical centrist, op
Bine ai venit to rhizzone, chaos and destroy and loli. Or w/e your SA name is.
gwap posted:69 chances out of 88 that is maggotmaster
thirdplace posted:maggotmaster fights anime fascists on myspace now
This badas post reminds us yet again that the Greatest enemy is oneself. Namaste, all.
Lykourgos posted:I am a moderate in a world that has been driven into the ground over the last two thousand years by radical modernists
we call upon such men as you to rebuild our world!
roseweird posted:unlike you groaning cattle i have discovered the pure science of marxism-leninism and i'm a communist, a pure ascetic vanguard warrior, the very vessel and delivery of the people's will
this but unironically
I don't even read the news anymore except when someone says Rob Ford has announced he's taken a new drug
drwhat posted:I don't think I know anyone who even pretends to care about politics in the real world anymore. ok wait one friend is in love with the mayor of Minneapolis if that counts
I don't even read the news anymore except when someone says Rob Ford has announced he's taken a new drug
every day then
which is why lf is my favorite place to jack off