Personally, I'm more of a moderate but I lean to the left.
i consider each policy on an issue-by-issue basis. not really one to follow the crowd i guess. i voted obama in 2008 and 2012 though.
classical liberal

did i just blow your mind
how are you today mr lessons
you seem perturbed
burkean conservative but i'm fond of the economic teachings of thomas sowell
i'm as liberal as you can be without being one of those crazies!
must love dogs
whichever is more reactionary
depends on which one is more likely to get me laid that night
radical centrist, op

Tokyo_Sexwale posted:

radical centrist, op

holy shit


Tokyo_Sexwale posted:

radical centrist, op

Bine ai venit to rhizzone, chaos and destroy and loli. Or w/e your SA name is.

69 chances out of 88 that is maggotmaster

gwap posted:

69 chances out of 88 that is maggotmaster


Im pretty apolitical OP
maggotmaster fights anime fascists on myspace now

thirdplace posted:

maggotmaster fights anime fascists on myspace now

This badas post reminds us yet again that the Greatest enemy is oneself. Namaste, all.

it appears some trot has hijacked thug lessons account. oh wait that's thug lessons
I hate for anyone to pigeonhole me--ideally I'd like my political views to be described as "sensible". I watch Rachel Maddow though so that automatically makes me a lefty in some people's eyes
im a radical idiot
im too uninformed to have any substantial, well supported opinions
[account deactivated]
you don't have to be the very vessel and delivery of the people's will! But it sure helps! Bazinga! Hi im fred, this will be your workstation.
I consider myself socially liberal, but also a fiscal conservative. Overall I think a simple common sense approach works best.
I am a moderate in a world that has been driven into the ground over the last two thousand years by radical modernists

Lykourgos posted:

I am a moderate in a world that has been driven into the ground over the last two thousand years by radical modernists

we call upon such men as you to rebuild our world!


roseweird posted:

unlike you groaning cattle i have discovered the pure science of marxism-leninism and i'm a communist, a pure ascetic vanguard warrior, the very vessel and delivery of the people's will

this but unironically

[account deactivated]
im a single-issue gunvoter
I don't think I know anyone who even pretends to care about politics in the real world anymore. ok wait one friend is in love with the mayor of Minneapolis if that counts

I don't even read the news anymore except when someone says Rob Ford has announced he's taken a new drug
cum voter
national bolshevik
moderate esoteric hitlerist
this mall is full of worthless sheeple. but not me tho, i dont vote. and uh, im just in here cause i ran out of toilet paper.

drwhat posted:

I don't think I know anyone who even pretends to care about politics in the real world anymore. ok wait one friend is in love with the mayor of Minneapolis if that counts

I don't even read the news anymore except when someone says Rob Ford has announced he's taken a new drug

every day then

talking about political affiliation is worthless ideological mastibatory trash
which is why lf is my favorite place to jack off