I haven't bought a video game since call of duty modern warfare (number 1), and I don't plan on going back to being a kill/death ratio hunting couch potato, but really my mind is blown, I've had problems understanding value theory in the past, real problems

that is to say I don't understand the real world and how things work...and my fucking mind is blown


This weekend (between Saturday, November 9 and Monday, November 11) Future Shop and Best Buy locations across Canada will be giving out free copies of Call of Duty: Ghosts, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and Battlefield 4 to anyone who trades in a current generation console game.

You read that right: Free. Zip. Zero.

This isn’t a joke. We don’t normally write about retail promotions here on Post Arcade, but this is one we felt honour bound to tell our readers about.


Here’s how it works. On Saturday, Sunday and Monday, simply take in a used game for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 or the Wii U (Wii games aren’t eligible for the promotion) and you can walk out with one of those three titles without spending another dime. This offer is only for the standard $59.99 versions of the games, so no special editions.

The game you take home can be for any of the current generation system. So, for example, you could bring an Xbox 360 game from four years ago and walk out with a PlayStation 3 version of Call of Duty: Ghosts.

Bring in a copy of the first Assassin’s Creed for the Xbox 360, you can take home Assassin’s Creed IV . Bring in a copy of NHL 10 for the PlayStation 3, walk out with Call of Duty: Ghosts.

As you might expect, the offer isn’t valid on next generation games, so you can’t trade in Assassin’s Creed II and walk out with one of the games for the Xbox One or PlayStation 4.

This is only in canada, and when I look at a map its north of my country, i don't understand borders i guess

and i'm laughing/crying/laughing/crying for people that paid 59.99 plus tax for these new games on thursday, only to get fisted hours later

again my mind is blown, this shit should all be free (it is, see piratebay) and kill all digital information profiteers, the shit is all 0s and 1s, spread it like nutella on toast

the CIA is trying to get canada hooked on murder simulators to increase our crime rate as part of the lead-up to seizing our resources outright once we elect justin trudeau as prime minister.
wayne went to future shop today to get the free game but there was a big crowd of like goons so he go the FUCK out of there
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Ah yeah, almost makes it up for the gradual dismantling of our health care that will inevitably happen unless people are willing to be shot in the streets for it.
about health care

ontario used to have a model for funding hospitals based on core global budgeting where they'd get a chunk of money and just allocate it based on health care needs of the local community. and there were problems with that and a lot of rules made back and forth to try to minimize the problems. anyway in the 1990s a government came in that hated nurses and just started gutting the health system. but people flipped out and the government sort of gave up mostly and started putting money back into the system, especially because the federal government kicked in more. but one of the effects was that now we've got these big health centres that dominate, like the big hospital budget is the biggest part of care probably, and they try to take a lot of community care and put it into health networks and such.

anyway the point being that over the past few years the government of ontario has started moving to a fee-for-service model internal to hospital systems, which is a way to get them to operate like private businesses. and they want to create this internal market so that each hospital chases after the most "profitable" cases, which they hope will push down wait times by giving them an incentive to see more people.

but once you do that you start undermining the whole principle behind single-payer insurance anyway, which is to stop organizing things like profit-seeking businesses anyway. but they don't care because i think the whole ulterior motive is to get private money to build hospitals. like toronto and a few municipalities will need new big hospitals over the next 20 - 30 years, and they figure, hey, let's keep public insurance but let PPPs compete for those funds. so fully public hospitals would then have to act exactly like in the US basically or else they'd lose money.

of course dividing insurance and delivery will make things much worse for cost control, not better, just like it is in the US.
video games are free all the time, as is music and most other digital applications and files
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call of duty: ghost dad
actually that's kinda spoilery but whatevs
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i cant wait to pLay Assassings Greed iii: Blog Flack

glomper_stomper posted:

do i get to stab mexibrocialists in the throat and win back america

are there the headshots? i want to hard scope

they're like generic hispanics which might just as well be mexicans but they're led by a white dude who used to be on your team

also there's a scuba level where you shoot dudes underwater and get eaten by a shark

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it's a me mario
"kill/death ratio" was initially very confusing to me in the OP because I read it in a way that it would have to be 1:1 but i think i figgered it out