Miss Malala Yousafzai,

I am writing to you in my personal capacity this may not be the opinion or policy of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan or other jihadi faction or group.

I heard about you through BBC Urdu service for the first time, when I was in bannu prison, at that time I wanted to write to you, to advise you to refrain from anti-Taliban activities you were involved in. but I could not find your address and I was thinking how to approach you with real or pseudo name, my all emotions were brotherly for you because we belong to same Yousafzai tribe. Meanwhile the prison brake happened and I was supposed to be in hiding. when you were attacked it was shocking for me I wished it would never happened and I had advised you before.

Taliban attacked you, was it islamically correct or wrong, or you were deserved to be killed or not, I will not go in this argument now, let’s we leave it to Allah All mighty, He is the best judge. Here I want to advise you as I am already late, I wish I would have advised u in my prison time and this accident would never happened. First of all please mind that Taliban never attacked you because of going to school or you were education lover, also please mind that Taliban or Mujahideen are not against the education of any men or women or girl. Taliban believe that you were intentionally writing against them and running a smearing campaign to malign their efforts to establish Islamic system in swat and your writings were provocative.

You have said in your speech yesterday that pen is mightier than sword, so they attacked you for your sword not for your books or school. There were thousands of girls who were going to school and college before and after the Taliban insurgency in swat, would you explain why were only you on their hit list???

Now to explain you the second point, why Taliban are blowing up schools? The answer to this questions in that not only Taliban in KPK or FATA are blowing up the schools but Pakistan Army and Frontier Constabulary is equally involved in this issue. The reason for this action is common between them that is turning of schools into hide outs and transit camps once it comes under control of either party Pakistan Army or Taliban.

In 2004 I was in Swat, I was researching on the causes of failure of the first revolution attempt by Sufi Muhammad. I came to know that FC was stationed in the schools of swat in tehsil Matta and FC was using schools as their transit camps and hid outs. Now tell me who to blame???

Dozens of schools and colleges are being used by Pakistan Army and FC as their barracks in FATA, you can find out easily if you like. So when something sacred is turned lethal it needs to be eliminated this is the policy of Taliban.

Blowing up schools when they are not using strategically is not the Taliban job, some black sheep of local administration may be involved to extract more and more funds in the name of schools to fill their bank accounts.

Now I come to the main point that is EDUCATION, it is amazing that you are Shouting for education, you and the UNO is pretending that as you were shot due to education, although this is not the reason, be honest, not the education but your propaganda was the issue and what you are doing now, you are using your tongue on the behest of the others and you must know that if the pen is mightier than the sword then tongue is sharper and the injury of sword can be hailed but the injury of the tongue never hails and in the wars tongue is more destructive than any weapon.

I would like to share with you that Indian sub-continent was highly educated and almost every citizen was able to read or write before British invasion. Locals used to teach British officers Arabic, Hindi, Urdu and Persian. Almost every mosque was acting as school too and Muslim emperors used to spend a huge sum of money on education. Muslim India was rich in farming, silk, and jute and from textile industry to ship building. No poverty, no crises and no clashes of civilization or religion. Because the education system was based on noble thoughts and noble curriculum.

I want to draw your attention to an extract from the minute written by Sir T.B Macaulay to British parliament dated 2nd February 1835 about what type of education system is required in Indian sub-continent to replace the Muslim education system. He stated “We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern, --a class of persons Indian in blood and color, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect” This was and this is the plan and mission of this so called education system for which you are ready to die, for which UNO takes you to their office to produce more and more Asians in blood but English in taste, to produce more and more Africans in color but English in opinion, to produce more and more non English people but English in morale. This so called education made Obama, the mass murder, your ideal. isn’t it?

Why they want to make all human beings English? because Englishmen are the staunch supporters and slaves of Jews. Do you know Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, the founder and symbol of English education in India was a freemasons.

You say a teacher, a pen and a book can change the world, yes I agree with, but which teacher which pen and which book? It is to be specified, Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him said I am sent as a teacher, and the book He sent to teach is Quran. So a noble and pious teacher with prophetic curriculum can change the world not with satanic or secular curriculum.

You have given the example that once a journalist asked a student that why a talib afraid of this education he replied a talib didn’t know what was in this book. The same I say to you and through you to whole world that why they afraid from the book of Allah because they don’t know what is in it. Taliban want to implement what is in the book of ALLAH and UNO want to implement what they have in man-made books. We want to connect the world to their creator through the book of Allah and UNO want to enslave the world to few evil creatures.

You have talk about justice and equality from the stage of and unjust institution, the place where you were standing uttering for justice and equality, all the nations are not equal there, only five wicked states have the veto power and rest of them are powerless, dozens of time when all the world untied against the Israel only one veto was enough to press the throat of justice.

The place you were speaking to the world is heading towards new world order, I want to know what is wrong the old world order? They want to establish global education, global economy, global army, global trade, global government and finally global religion. I want to know is there any space for the prophetic guidance in all above global plans? Is there any space for Islamic sharia or Islamic law to which UN call inhumane and barbaric? You have talk about attack on polio team, would you explain why the then American foreign secretary of state Henry Kissinger, a Jew, said in 1973 to reduce the third world population by 80%. Why the sterilization and eugenics programs are running in different countries in one way or another under the umbrella of UNO. More than 1 million Muslim women have been sterilized in Uzbekistan forcibly without their consent. Bertrand Russell writes in his book the impact of science on society, “diet, injections and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable and any serious criticism of power that be will become psychologically impossible”. This is why we have the reservation on so called polio vaccination program.

You say Malala day is not your day it is the day of every person who has raised voice for their rights, I ask you why such a day in not assigned to Rachel Corrie, only because the bulldozer was Israeli? Why such a day in not assigned to AffiaSiddique because the buyers are Americans? Why such day is not assigned to Faizan and Faheem because the killer was Raymond Davis? Why such a day in not assigned to those16 innocent afghan women and children who were shot dead by an American Robert Belas because he was not a talib. I ask you and be honest in reply, if you were shot but Americans in a drone attack, would world have ever heard updates on your medical status? Would you be called ‘daughter of the nation? Would the media make a fuss about you? Would General Kiyani have come to visit you and would the world media be constantly reporting on you? Would you were called to UN? Would a Malala day be announced?

More than 300 innocent women and children have been killed in drones attacks but who cares because attackers are highly educated, non-violent, peaceful Americans.

I wish, the compassion you learnt from Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him should be learnt by Pakistan Army so they could stop shedding of Muslim blood in FATA and Baluchistan. I wish, the compassion you learnt from Prophet Jesus should be learnt by USA and NATO so they should stop shedding blood of innocent Muslims across the world and I wish the same for followers of Buddha to stop killing of innocent unarmed Muslims in Burma, and Sri Lanka and wish the same for Indian army to follow Gandhi jee and stop genocide in Kashmir, And yes, The followers of bacha khan, the ANP has an example of non-violence in their five years regime in KPK province, for example Swat, where a single shot was not fired and we witnessed the followers of bacha khan implemented the philosophy of nonviolence in its true soul, with support of jets, tanks and gunships.

At the end I advise you to come back home, adopt the Islamic and pushtoon culture, join any female Islamic madrassa near your home town, study and learn the book of Allah, use your pen for Islam and plight of Muslim ummah and reveal the conspiracy of tiny elite who want to enslave the whole humanity for their evil agendas in the name of new world order.

All praises to Allah the creator of the Universe.

July 15, 2013.
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

maybe the taliban are bad


"Why they want to make all human beings English? because Englishmen are the staunch supporters and slaves of Jews. Do you know Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, the founder and symbol of English education in India was a freemasons."

this is the link necessary to unify rappers at their most socially conscious, fighting the illuminati influence with only pen and mic, with their glorious brethren in khorasan. we can reach out to prodigy, freeway, talib kw . . . talib . . . oh my god, it's already begun . . .

Clown Fucka Boyz
the rhizzone is that fat american who was found wandering around in the tribal areas with a sword and pistol looking for bin laden, except were trying to join the ttp
i just got to the point in houellebecq's platform where he thinks he's flying over afghanistan so he looks down and says something like "they are down there sleeping in their filth. sleep well, talibans, sleep well." lol
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
epic trot maneuver
[account deactivated]
Islamic jihadist movements of today are a product of imperialist—particularly US imperialist—aggression, intervention, bullying, exploitation and suppression of the oil-rich Islamic and Arab countries of West Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, etcetera, and the persecution of the entire Muslim religious community. As part of their designs for global hegemony, the imperialists, particularly US imperialists, have encouraged and endorsed every war of brazen aggression and brutal attacks by their surrogate state of Israel.

tHE rHizzonE unequivocally opposes every attack on Arab and Muslim countries and the Muslim community at large in the name of ‘war on global terror’. In fact, Muslim religious fundamentalism is encouraged and fostered by imperialists as long as it serves their interests—such as in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, and Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan.

Islamic jihadist movements have two aspects: one is their anti-imperialist aspect, and the other their reactionary aspect in social and cultural matters. 'zzone supports the struggle of Muslim countries and people against imperialism, while criticising and struggling against the reactionary ideology and social outlook of Muslim fundamentalism. It is only Maoist leadership that can provide correct anti-imperialist orientation and achieve class unity among Muslims as well as people of other religious persuasions. The influence of Muslim fundamentalist ideology and leadership will diminish as communist revolutionaries and other democratic-secular forces increase their ideological influence over the Muslim masses. As communist revolutionaries, we always strive to reduce the influence of the obscurantist reactionary ideology and outlook of the mullahs and maulvis on the Muslim masses, while uniting with all those fighting against the common enemy of the world people—that is, imperialism, particularly American imperialism.
[account deactivated]
maybe instead we can support actually existing anti-imperialist movements, thereby strengthening the broad united front against imperialism, especially US imperialism, while at the same time trying to assert as much Maoist influence within the united front as possible -- unity with teh 'slamists, revisionists and others in the oppressed nations on a tactical basis -- but only when such forces are objectively anti-imperialist.

maybe we should strengthen the broad anti-imperialist united front, even when it is organizationally led by non-proletarian forces in the oppressed nations.

at the same time, maybe we should not liquidate into the united front. maybe we should remain organizationally distinct and try to increase our leadership within the united front. maybe we should defend ourselves physically and ideologically within the united front.

maybe we should craft our agitation and propaganda such that it points out the progressive role being played by non-proletarian led anti-imperialist forces.

however, maybe we should also assert a hard proletarian line within the broad united front.

in other words, maybe we should always point out the progressive role of anti-imperialist forces, but we should also point out that they are not capable in the long term of leading the masses to socialism and communism.

maybe we should establish a hardline true Maoist pole within the broad united front for the most epic of win. maybe.
[account deactivated]
we should support drones which have killed over 90 malala's because they did it without malice
[account deactivated]


roseweird posted:

wasted posted:

we should support drones which have killed over 90 malala's because they did it without malice

we should support peace

but what does 'peace' mean in this context, what is the 'peaceful' way forward? who, as a westerner, are you to make this call? to say that an anti-imperialist force is 'bad' as a citizen of the imperial power doing the imperialism, informed only by the imperialist media imperializing the anti-imperialists, is both rude and Problematic.

[account deactivated]
The Taliban are the heroes of all transsexuals.
islamists put a higher priority on murdering leftists than liberals, good luck with that united front


roseweird posted:

wasted posted:

we should support drones which have killed over 90 malala's because they did it without malice

we should support peace

i'm canadian. not sure what the taliban have to do with me. i mean we don't even send people to fight them anymore. the US is giving up too. the CIA plays whack-a-mole because they are bored out of their minds and all weird mormon guys who think they are questing. let them do their thing and napalm a few weddings. i've got an iphone now.

roseweird posted:

that all sounds pretty trite caprimulgus, you're not going to put me to shame with yesterday's talking points. the taliban can hardly compete with the u.s.'s murder count, but if you find yourself cheering on your favorite buffer faction when they attempt to assassinate and then paternalistically stalk and harass a 15 year old girl, for things she said and wrote, you are not thinking rationally, but are engaging in reactionary antiamericanism. the taliban is strategically important as an anti-imperialist faction. great, we can all acknowledge that while at the same time acknowledging that that faction is composed of brutal people who do evil things, or at least not grotesquely approving of those things.

great. the Taliban is bad. now children will not be killed by drones.

[account deactivated]

babyhueypnewton posted:

roseweird posted:
wasted posted:
we should support drones which have killed over 90 malala's because they did it without malice
we should support peace

the Taliban is bad for not killing a child. the west is bad for bombing and killing kids. peace plz.
there is a clear conscience conclusion. America doesn't want the war. pretty soon the whole conflict will be digestible. we will know who to support. bah humbug. we know who we'll condemn

roseweird posted:

that all sounds pretty trite caprimulgus, you're not going to put me to shame with yesterday's talking points. the taliban can hardly compete with the u.s.'s murder count, but if you find yourself cheering on your favorite buffer faction when they attempt to assassinate and then paternalistically stalk and harass a 15 year old girl, for things she said and wrote, you are not thinking rationally, but are engaging in reactionary antiamericanism. the taliban is strategically important as an anti-imperialist faction. great, we can all acknowledge that while at the same time acknowledging that that faction is composed of brutal people who do evil things, or at least not grotesquely approving of those things.

this is more trite than what i said

what difference does it make that whoever you're addressing 'acknowledges' whatever you want them to acknowledge? how is what you're saying not paternalistic?

you're not being as courageous and nuanced with this stand as you seem to think you are, it's exactly the sort of thinking that sits well with the large majority of the west. i'm sorry if this is trite but turning the taliban into cartoon villains while saying that you acknowledge the process that is imperialism is being dishonest.

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

maybe assassinating schoolchildren for speaking and writing is not the way to prove your moral superiority to murderers

maybe getting shot in the head doesn't make one wise and important either

i mean, i knew overachievers like her in school and it's like 'yeah we get it, you love getting shiny gold stickers' but maybe they never stop to think that school sucks and not everyone is as thrilled about it as they are

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

roseweird posted:
maybe assassinating schoolchildren for speaking and writing is not the way to prove your moral superiority to murderers

maybe getting shot in the head doesn't make one wise and important either

It's painful, getting shot and not dying is cool and happy that she isn't dead but I won't really want to be taking political lessons from a 15 year old. Remember we were 15? Yeah.....


roseweird posted:

engaging in reactionary antiamericanism.

how is a Malala Yousafzai being shot once by Taliban forces for violating her cultures backwards and regressive social strictures any different from a Curtis Jackson being shot nine times for doing the same?

Merzbow posted:


getfiscal posted:

i'm canadian. not sure what the taliban have to do with me. i mean we don't even send people to fight them anymore. the US is giving up too. the CIA plays whack-a-mole because they are bored out of their minds and all weird mormon guys who think they are questing. let them do their thing and napalm a few weddings. i've got an iphone now.


"You say a teacher, a pen and a book can change the world, yes I agree with, but which teacher which pen and which book?" - V.I. Lenin