Saddle up, pardner, you're about to learn the most depressing discovery about the brain ever.
Scientists Learn One Weird Trick On How To Make Yourself Depressed With Knowledge
sky blue? this & more, news @ 11.
I like how all the examples they used to prove people wrong are pure liberal talking points. Mayhaps it is the scientists themselves who have ideological blindness to the truth??!
lol this is so stupid. of course people don't immediately accept unsourced Facts that contradict their deeply-held beliefs and prior knowledge. these conclusions that it's evidence of some sort of deep-seated neurological bias are basically on the level of evopsych. people actually do get convinced by facts, arguments and narratives, it just doesn't show up immediately in a laboratory setting where you show them gunchart.jpg and suddenly they realize gun control is for dweebs.
the stupid thing is that people read salon

People who said the economy was the most important issue to them, and who disapproved of Obama’s economic record, were shown a graph of nonfarm employment over the prior year – a rising line, adding about a million jobs. They were asked whether the number of people with jobs had gone up, down or stayed about the same. Many, looking straight at the graph, said down.

lol scientists are obamailures

*messes with data in a completely nonsensical way to produce a graph that agrees with liberal egghead notions of the world

*no nonsense, common sense good ol boy is not swayed by nonsense graph

*scientists start making jon stewart BWUH noises

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

People who said the economy was the most important issue to them, and who disapproved of Obama’s economic record, were shown a graph of nonfarm employment over the prior year – a rising line, adding about a million jobs. They were asked whether the number of people with jobs had gone up, down or stayed about the same. Many, looking straight at the graph, said down.

lol scientists are obamailures

not sure what your point is here, nonfarm employment is the standard measure of employment used by the US government and when you hear people on the news say "the US gained x number of jobs last month" they're referring to nonfarm employment statistics from the BLS

looks like we got an obama-boy here fellas
Looks like we got a gibbering retard smearing his own shit all over himself and the walls, but I supposed that's nothing new for this forum.
dont kinkshame
i agree that people should completely change their opinions on the economy based on one arbitrarily chosen measure of one arbitrary timeframe of data published by the united snakkkes government
Are you an idiot or just not reading the text you quoted?
They gave them the most commonly used measure of whether jobs went up and asked them to use to figure out whether jobs went up. More dirty tricks from B. Hussein Osama and the loony left.
do they have to show a cross section of a human brain? it's almost as disgusting as pictures of women and bugs
i will fight you about the disgustingness of bug pictures.
I always knew lessons was a liberal.
it all starts with karl popper

Lessons posted:

lol this is so stupid. of course people don't immediately accept unsourced Facts that contradict their deeply-held beliefs and prior knowledge. these conclusions that it's evidence of some sort of deep-seated neurological bias are basically on the level of evopsych. people actually do get convinced by facts, arguments and narratives, it just doesn't show up immediately in a laboratory setting where you show them gunchart.jpg and suddenly they realize gun control is for dweebs.

all of this is right but doesnt actually apply to the study since they didnt show them gunchart and ask them their opinion on guns, they showed them gunchart and asked them what gunchart said and people didnt even know on a basic level what they had just seen, they werent judging the data for being unsourced or whatever they were just not even looking at the chart and just assuming it said what they wanted it to P R E T T Y C O O L

I like the authors petulant whining about climate denialism in the closing paragraphs. whining that evinces a total misunderstanding of what constitutes scientific evidence or reasoned argument
i touched a human brain once, it was pretty cool. i was bigger than it and it couldnt fight back

acephalousuniverse posted:

all of this is right but doesnt actually apply to the study since they didnt show them gunchart and ask them their opinion on guns, they showed them gunchart and asked them what gunchart said and people didnt even know on a basic level what they had just seen, they werent judging the data for being unsourced or whatever they were just not even looking at the chart and just assuming it said what they wanted it to P R E T T Y C O O L

no they really asked them "what's happening with guns" it's really obvious they just didn't believe the chart. the more interesting part is that people had trouble solving math problems when the right answers go against their political viewpoint which suggests something more subliminal is going on, but even that doesn't play into the "people who think ideologically must have something wrong with their brains" narrative the article pushes.

well technically the gun control questions were also the ones about math but you know what i'm saying
this forum is becoming too absurd

wasted posted:

this forum is becoming too absurd

Scientists discover violence still only effective way to solve arguments

lol oops

Edited by c_man ()

-in "bridge buffoonery" which he made back when he was funny instead of the worst kind of pandering garbage for nerds, riker steals the visor from geordi, a disabled PoC, and adding insult to injury, puts it on himself which is an appropriation of blind culture
Why are you copypasting random posts I make on other forums into this thread you fucking weirdo?
because im a liberal
Really? I thought you were just a weird and unfunny white noise guy but I guess I stand corrected.
Welcome to my ignore list.
Beep beep! Here comes the Mustang to drive ill_mitch and Makeshift_Swahili back to 420chan forever. Make sure the liberalism doesn't hit you in the ass on the way out.

Lessons posted:

Really? I thought you were just a weird and unfunny white noise guy but I guess I stand corrected.

mods ban this chucklefuck


Lessons posted:

Why are you copypasting random posts I make on other forums into this thread you fucking weirdo?

its a good post, i thought of rikers face in that video and did a lol


cleanhands posted:

Lessons posted:

Why are you copypasting random posts I make on other forums into this thread you fucking weirdo?

its a good post, i thought of rikers face in that video and did a lol

It's kind of hard to believe that video was made by the same person who does the GBS comic for tumblr.

data kills everyone on board after picard accepts praise from a disabled poc
where can i find this awesome tng/social justice board?