It looks like shit is starting to shift though. Place your bets on "blaming Bush" or "throwing some functionary under the bus."
fearing the NSA is just the new version of "don't touch my junk" TSA scaremongering. no one cares about our petty lives. unless you're a muslim then you're fucked but seriously isn't it a bit your fault for believing dumb shit? anyway check out my blog on this subject at shutdownbitcoin.ru
If you had invested the 10 dollars you spent on your stupid ass SA account into bitcoin a decade ago you would have $7000 by now. Let's talk about how true that is and how dumb we plebs all are.
Bitcoins compatible with socialist cause? (self.socialism)
submitted 1 day ago by ThomasGullen

The Rationale of Austerity, Great video explaining why capitalists are choosing austerity over "increasing demand"
submitted 2 days ago by Putzpie

Capitalism visualised in Recess
submitted 1 day ago by INeedYourPelt|PermanentRevolution|/r/CWI

Trying to create a currency that helps increase productivity and restores the buying power of salary-earning Cubans, the government announced it agreed on a schedule of steps towards unification of the two currencies that currently circulate on the island.
submitted 3 days ago by BanMePleaase

Fantasy Marxism is up and running
submitted 2 days ago* by songsabouthatinguSocialist Alternative US

Prostitution and ways of fighting it by Alexandra Kollontai
submitted 9 hours ago by iFlashie

red salute internet comrades

babyhueypnewton posted:

Fantasy Marxism is up and running
submitted 2 days ago* by songsabouthatinguSocialist Alternative US

who wants to join my fantasy marxism league

anyone else running into the falling profits bug in corn: the game of classical political economy? (self.socialism)
submitted 1 day ago by chart1st
uhmm maybe if u dont want gov spying on u then dont be a terrorist?? problem solved! #obama2014

stegosaurus posted:

anyone else running into the falling profits bug in corn: the game of classical political economy? (self.socialism)
submitted 1 day ago by chart1st

Lmao, Chart1st fucking sucks at corn.

are u ready for CORN: the game of classical political economy?
jack daniels

KilledInADuel posted:

are u ready for CORN: the game of classical political economy?



Goatstein_Ascendant posted:

It looks like shit is starting to shift though. Place your bets on "blaming Bush" or "throwing some functionary under the bus."

Obama dinnae know nuthin about nuthin. in fact, hes even more mad about than the rest of us! how dare they, whoever they were! Obamma gonna get to the bottom of this!


stegosaurus posted:

KilledInADuel posted:

are u ready for CORN: the game of classical political economy?


corn left to YOU!

Your Long Lost Uncle Jimy Died, Leaving You...

Corn (x14)
Corn (x3)
Corn (x3)
Corn (x11)
Corn (x2)
Game autosaved
it's funny. I like when they use the metaphor of a child stealing from a cookie jar as a justification for international espionage

KilledInADuel posted:

are u ready for CORN: the game of classical political economy?

KoЯn: the game of classic nu-metal jamz


duh-nuh duh-nuh, duh-nuh duh-nuh, duh-nuh-nuh-nuh

this place inside my mind
a place i like to hide
you don't know the chances
what if i should die

a place inside my brain
another kind of pain
you don't know the chances
i'm so blind
a place inside my corn
another kind of game
you don't own the factories
i'm so poor
corns die but Corn shall not.
Hope u were ready for that