Gssh posted:Are you expecting any value from magazines beyond social signalling?
well that's a helpful question
Gssh posted:Are you expecting any value from magazines beyond social signalling?
reading material for the shitter
solzhesnitchin posted:gyrofry posted:HenryKrinkle posted:
buy all the back issues of Covert Action Quarterly/Information Bulletin and send them to me.
same, except to memy dad had a subscription in the mid/late 90s and he never throws out magazines. i can probably scan a bunch of them when i'm back for the holidays if people are interested
Doooooo eeeeeet
worth it for the hockey analysis and poutine recipes alone
TG posted:hey bunch of folks who live in america and other places that arent canada, could you recommend me some magazines to read? whats that, youre going to recommend american and other non canadian magazines? no thanks!
originally i was open to foreign media but the more i looked into it the more despicable and repugnant it became to me, and the more i knew i'd have to get real canadian content that would speak to my national character. i apologize if it ruined your posting experience.
edit: if you're not in toronto, go there and do it.
getfiscal posted:i'm not going to subscribe to any american or british periodicals because i'm a canadian nationalist.
getfiscal posted:TG posted:hey bunch of folks who live in america and other places that arent canada, could you recommend me some magazines to read? whats that, youre going to recommend american and other non canadian magazines? no thanks!
originally i was open to foreign media but the more i looked into it the more despicable and repugnant it became to me, and the more i knew i'd have to get real canadian content that would speak to my national character. i apologize if it ruined your posting experience.
apology accepted, posting experience almost back to normal
getfiscal posted:i thought about subscribing to the PSL's newspaper but it's not very relevant to my life. like 90% of the articles are like "Support the Striking Workers of Gary's Auto Detailing in Kansas City! Down with the 1%" and like "Sam Marcy: Genius? Yes."
are you saying you aren't 100% in solidarity with the workers and peasants of garys auto detailing in kansas city
stegosaurus posted:are you saying you aren't 100% in solidarity with the workers and peasants of garys auto detailing in kansas city
some days i rarely think of them at all.
daddyholes posted:getfiscal my true advice is to realize your talent and wit and write your own very-low-budget periodical, tapping other regular writers at the zzone such as khamsek and deadken who like and respect you, I will pay money for it
kill it with fire corp will produce a newsletter so flimsy that nsfwcorp will look as thick and meaty as mccaine's wang
daddyholes posted:why on Earth would you downvote that post, Lykourgos
because the formation of a journal is not to be taken so lightly. it is not a "beginner's activity". it must be entered into only by a learned scribe of a great philosopher, who has studied the classics in detail and is merely offering a commentary more relevant to the minor changes that history has presented itself.