i don't think gravity is going to stop working, but the possibility that it might is cool to think about. also objects don't behave rationally, I'm confused. i just i'm not saying its astounding but i guess i was deep in a rationality obsessed rabbithole for a while, and unless im totally misunderstanding things a lot of people treat gravity as part of their worldview in that sense of law. i dunno? for nerds like me science is religion or something? i think maybe i do assume other people or society often extend reason to realms where it doesn't work. i don't think the contingency thing is obvious to people if his book is hailed as groundbreaking or whatever? maybe its just not obvious to academic idiots like me.

anyways i read the art of loving and it was very useful for me, because i am bad at it. also its really short. other than that i don't know anything about the guy, but he must be nice and loving.
it's cool that it's obvious to you though ! people on the rhizzone are smart

laika posted:

started reading After Finitude if anyone wants to talk about it

haven't touched it but I'm glad you're still kickin it in the rhizzone DM

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

but it sounds like he has couched it in a combination of bad science (physical "laws" are Really Laws, rather than parts of a coherent physical theory) and bad theology (god is gone but might come back?), in a way that sounds very misleading.

he doesn't suggest either of these things. you should probably read some words he wrote

i have no idea why you think he is presenting his ideas as novelty when his work is explicitly an engagement with kant and hume. his thought on contingency is a direct return to hume and his conceptualizing of the problem of inductive reasoning, positioned against kantian currents in contemporary critical theory. he is very clear about this. i do not know why this gives you an idea that he believes he is revolutionizing philosophical thought. NoFreeWill isn't particularly helping here but you should probably read the words he actually wrote, instead of a fawning little introductory piece for the new inquiry i linked to give you a vague idea of who he is, before denouncing him as a charlatan

e: actually yeah NoFreeWill is just being dumb here he should probably actually read meillassoux too, don't let this guys weird impressions sour you on him roseweird he is worth a read

Edited by blinkandwheeze ()

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

what are you trying to say, gravity might "stop working"??? like, fire might stop burning? the moon might fall down to earth? god might smite the cedars of lebanon and the city of babylon? yeah, no shit?

gravity isn't a "law" in any meaningful sense except within a limited physical theory that treats it as a law for predictive purposes, which doesn't render rationalism "idiotic", it just makes it limited to the realm of reason... gravity was never a law of the universe, only a law of human perception of th euniverse. gravity is a physical phenomenon arising from relations between other physical phenomena, and it's insane to suggest we shouldn't epect physical phenomena to behave rationally. sure, everything we know is contingent, but i don't see what is so astounding about this observation, it is what the ancients felt when they perceived that god sustains all reality, and that everything that exists exists only by god's grace. so far, every day the sun has risen, but perhaps tomorrow... it will not? well, say your prayers.

seriously how far gone do you have to be that you want to read a book because you agree with it that gravity might suddenly stop working. holy shit.

Uh, gravity isn't real

Gravity is just a lie the man invented to keep us down.
I think Dr. Erik Verlinde is from Transporenia. Readers of Ken's short story Nowhereland will know what I'm talking about.
I don't get why Ken's characters prefer suicide (figuratively or otherwise) by jumping. I'm sure they have knives, ropes and petrol in the United Kingdom.
Is E=Mc² a sexed equation? Perhaps it is. Let us make the hypothesis that it is insofar as it privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are vitally necessary to us. What seems to me to indicate the possible sexed nature of the equation is not directly its uses by nuclear weapons, rather it is having privileged that which goes faster.

wasted posted:

I don't get why Ken's characters prefer suicide (figuratively or otherwise) by jumping. I'm sure they have knives, ropes and petrol in the United Kingdom.

its a personal fixation lol

here are my opoinions on love: piss, balls,
romantic love, erotic love, is idiocy, pure narcissism. not that i'm against it
i think i'm starting to come out of a month-long manic phase & i'm doing mad pushups in the hope that the endorphins will stave off the depression long enough for me to finish these two articles i'm working on but it's probably not going to work, lmao
good luck ken. sorry for confusing everyone.
how much weight is in the backpack that youre wearing while doing those pushups? because pushups aint lifting, bro
i've given up on lifting & grown to accept my fate as Forever Skinny
don't be a pussy ass bitch. get your ass back in the gym, start eating A LOT more, and learn how to become a cyclist
lol no i'ma do some exercise to stave off my mental illness & take a lot of cocaine & channel all my energies into a prodigious volume of writing and doomed sexual dalliances
It's true, gravity isn't a real force anymore.

Also, if gravity suddenly stopped working, you can expect lazy scientists to posit that a whole bunch of matter was destroyed rather than question their theoretical assumptions. Dark matter pfftt.

deadken posted:

its a personal fixation lol

do us all a favor and try it out firsthand imo. wanker.

swirlsofhistory are you an elaborate troll or a simple idiot
[account deactivated]

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

deadken posted:

its a personal fixation lol

do us all a favor and try it out firsthand imo. wanker.


that was rude.

caprimulgus posted:

swirlsofhistory are you an elaborate troll or a simple idiot

Why don't you ask your mom



HenryKrinkle posted:




dont read that forum
[account deactivated]
After Finitude is kinda challenging and i had to start it over again, so i took a detour through that book by Erich Fromm and it was pretty cool except for a few small things. now i'm back to After Finitude

babyhueypnewton posted:

haven't touched it but I'm glad you're still kickin it in the rhizzone DM


I'm reading the first sentence of the first comment to an article on the north star called "why is there still no socialist party in the US." here is that sentence:

This post gets at two important issues that the left is going to have to grapple with to be successful: (student) debt and social media.
Rosa Lichtenstein is posting on the north star now.
I think she actually has a lot of good things to say in that interview. shame she ran off
i am reading logicustractatusphilosophicus and wittgenstein said the same thing rosa always says about philosophy being senseless/meaningless but better because she is way too long winded.

stegosaurus posted:

I'm reading the first sentence of the first comment to an article on the north star called "why is there still no socialist party in the US." here is that sentence:

This post gets at two important issues that the left is going to have to grapple with to be successful: (student) debt and social media.

update: just finished this. it was cray.