to paraphrase doug stanhope, stalin is less popular than the idea of making cancer airborne. but that doesn't mean much. within like one day of revolution everyone from russell brand to the man on the street will be praising stalin once they realize that he was a fighter. even if we proved he was a bastard, he's our bastard.
stalins pretty popular
more or less, good luck with advancing socialism if your pitch is, everything you think you know about communists is true and im not one of the bad ones, let me be the token good one
why aren't you all already members of a Political Party?

postposting posted:

why aren't you all already members of a Political Party?

the CPUSA is mad at me because I paid for a book with a $5 check that bounced

more liek cpuseless
[account deactivated]

elektrenai posted:

postposting posted:

why aren't you all already members of a Political Party?

the CPUSA is mad at me because I paid for a book with a $5 check that bounced

nice work

whats the lowest amount your debit card has been declined for. 4 bucks for me. on the way to work no less, I was getting an apple and a huge ass symphony chocolate bar

stegosaurus posted:

whats the lowest amount your debit card has been declined for. 4 bucks for me. on the way to work no less, I was getting an apple and a huge ass symphony chocolate bar

i was once declined for something like $1.78 for a drink from mcdonalds so i had to run down to my bank and empty the account (it had like $1.30 in it or something) to combine it with the 75 cents or so i had in my pocket.

also recently i had a purchase which pushed me into 7 cents overdraft so they added a $5 charge for it lol

i got declined one time at the school bookstore trying to buy a bag of pretzels. turned out i'd already "overdrafted" like 15 times and my bank only just then got around to declining any of my transactions, charging me $50 per overdraft.
thats the best. when certain transactions clear but not others. and when you get an email 5 days after ur first overdraft and daily overdrafts have kicked in. its like the city taking a week to mail a card telling you your car has been impounded when the daily "storage fee" is like forty dollars.

roseweird posted:

i'm green party lol

lol indeed

after that they got me again, i deposited a rent check from my roommate id had the whole time!!! which covered my negative balance, and i talked to the bank on the phone, and they said i was good to start using my debit card again, but then it turned out they didn't clear the check for another several days and they charged me another several $50 fees in the meantime. tricky devils, i wasn't even mad, i was impressed.
bank of america btw
instead of charging me overdraft fees, my credit union just fronts me $100 if/when i overdraw, and then once a month charges me interest on the loan. its like having a credit card attached to my bank account. its way better than overdraft fees but still really sneaky.

NoFreeWill posted:

Goatstein_Ascendant posted:

Communism has really bad PR. First step is to stop lionizing the 20th century's greatest monsters, even "ironically," imo

this. also changes in material and social conditions that make new ideology necessary, etc.

read this post even tho its written by a liberal.

Really boring platitudes, mostly wrong.

yeah i got declined for an arizona tea not long ago

TG posted:

instead of charging me overdraft fees, my credit union just fronts me $100 if/when i overdraw, and then once a month charges me interest on the loan. its like having a credit card attached to my bank account. its way better than overdraft fees but still really sneaky.

my credit union just says no more money for you which is nice i appreciate their forthrightness

[account deactivated]
Lol in college I bought gas, lunch, and a book. $90 in overdraft fees. I miss the Republicans

ilmdge posted:

after that they got me again, i deposited a rent check from my roommate id had the whole time!!! which covered my negative balance, and i talked to the bank on the phone, and they said i was good to start using my debit card again, but then it turned out they didn't clear the check for another several days and they charged me another several $50 fees in the meantime. tricky devils, i wasn't even mad, i was impressed.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: if Occupy focussed on these kind of tangible issues, they wouldn't be stuck on the fringe of the great political shitwastes


Groulxsmith posted:

I've said it before, I'll say it again: if Occupy focussed on these kind of tangible issues, they wouldn't be stuck on the fringe of the great political shitwastes

the previously-socialist and now just the not-as-right party in canada has made "atm fees are too high" and "overdraft fees are a thing" part of its platform in recent years and the general reaction is "lol yes sure but you're wasting your time talking about this little detail you dumb little commie kids, you're obviously so so far from being mature enough to run the country"

just because it's tangible doesn't mean you won't get laughed out of town

otoh the things canadian banks do are nowhere near as bad as the ridiculous shit that american banks do as a matter of policy, so maybe it would sound more serious down there


drwhat posted:

The only thing I say more than that thing about Occupy is that this country needs a Rick Mercer voice, so pretty much this.


Goatstein_Ascendant posted:

Communism has really bad PR. First step is to stop lionizing the 20th century's greatest monsters, even "ironically," imo

the trick is not to stop lionizing monsters, but to stop demonizing monsterdom

"You hate Communists, eh? Well if youve got some free time id like to tell you a little bit about Joey Jugashvili, a man who killed so many Communists the world lost count"

Superabound posted:

Goatstein_Ascendant posted:

Communism has really bad PR. First step is to stop lionizing the 20th century's greatest monsters, even "ironically," imo

the trick is not to stop lionizing monsters, but to stop demonizing monsterdom

Alas, we
Who wished to lay the foundations of kindness
Could not ourselves be kind.
But you, when at last it comes to pass
That man can help his fellow man,
Do not judge us
Too harshly.

- Bertolt Brecht


Groulxsmith posted:

ilmdge posted:

after that they got me again, i deposited a rent check from my roommate id had the whole time!!! which covered my negative balance, and i talked to the bank on the phone, and they said i was good to start using my debit card again, but then it turned out they didn't clear the check for another several days and they charged me another several $50 fees in the meantime. tricky devils, i wasn't even mad, i was impressed.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: if Occupy focussed on these kind of tangible issues, they wouldn't be stuck on the fringe of the great political shitwastes

Well Goldsmith it's your lucky day, because with the Occupy Card you can participate on the flow of Capital with a conscience. Change the world, one financial transaction at a time!


the revolution will be monetized
thats actually pretty cool. also swirls what was so terrible about that article? at least its evidence liberals are starting to radicalize. i really do think that new ideology is needed, and given that almost all rhizzonites agree that marxism is dead in the usa you would think other people would too.
lets sell drugs, in service of the greater good
you laugh at occupy card and bitcoin and microfinance now, but in the future when the big banks run everything neofeudally you'll wish you sided with the Knights of Easy Credit.
weed actually causes brain changes that probably make people more liberal, so actually people selling weed are doing more to change politics than me and many other rhizzones. i live in santa cruz so i know all about it, also before i did acid i don't think my brain would have accepted full communism.
by liberal i mean complacent in a bad way, but obviously someone should invent a designer drug that makes people radical. maybe amphetemines, given all the Weather Underground types who did it and Dead Ken/Impper.

NoFreeWill posted:

weed actually causes brain changes that probably make people more liberal, so actually people selling weed are doing more to change politics than me and many other rhizzones. i live in santa cruz so i know all about it, also before i did acid i don't think my brain would have accepted full communism.

go fuck yourself


getfiscal posted:

stegosaurus posted:

whats the lowest amount your debit card has been declined for. 4 bucks for me. on the way to work no less, I was getting an apple and a huge ass symphony chocolate bar

i was once declined for something like $1.78 for a drink from mcdonalds so i had to run down to my bank and empty the account (it had like $1.30 in it or something) to combine it with the 75 cents or so i had in my pocket.

also recently i had a purchase which pushed me into 7 cents overdraft so they added a $5 charge for it lol

But still you'll never get it right
'cos when you're laid in bed at night
watching roaches climb the wall
if you called your dad he could stop it all


gyrofry posted:

the revolution will be monetized

awareness, with interest

is it an organizational challenge that most irl communists are really boring unimaginative people who don't understand creativity or living which drives tons of people esp. young people who would otherwise become communists to anarchism and similar dumb things just because they have some kind of actual radicalizing verve and being around them isn't life-draining gray and dull even though they are theoretically and practically indefensible
to paraphrase dog stanhope,that is

NoFreeWill posted:

you laugh at occupy card and bitcoin and microfinance now, but in the future when the big banks run everything neofeudally you'll wish you sided with the Knights of Easy Credit.

Something Awful schadenfreude update. They've been making fun of Bitcoin since it was $0.25. Their $10 forum membership fee would be worth ~$7000 if they had invested it instead of giving it to Lowtax. (self.Bitcoin)

(+57/-38) submitted 5 hours ago by lowtax_fucks_feet