
Crow posted:


Tjhs is better than thbe dr pepper guy i posted.


swirlsofhistory posted:

He had a 14 month unrestricted pass to the male heterosexual amusement park that is Katy Perry's body.

Youre cool [morphs into arnold schwarzenegger voice here] Stop posting


Impper posted:

im reading hidden camera by zoran zivkovic. its godo

No one thinks your cool anymore because you dont go on the tv and say the thing


deadken posted:

no he doesn't he just gibbers his mockney burble and does the same thing everyone paxman interviews ends up doing where he just repeats the same three buzz phrases over and over again. when paxman says 'you're a very trivial man' he's completely on point.

it was refreshing to see after the one recently with tommy robinson from the EDL who paxman just walked over without letting him make a point


swirlsofhistory posted:

He had a 14 month unrestricted pass to the male heterosexual amusement park that is Katy Perry's body.

jesus dude

go on tv in a tight leather coat and say Stalin. dont think thats asking a lot

swirlsofhistory posted:

He had a 14 month unrestricted pass to the male heterosexual amusement park that is Katy Perry's body.

actually its the bass pro shop

imagine walking into a bass pro shop, and the glistening aisles are stocked full of books on whitetail dear and waterfowl migratory patterns, duck calls, .22lr ammo and orange vests. My God...

roseweird posted:

a good half of the self-identified socialists i've met have been young sexy people employing revolutionary rhetoric as a form of foreplay tbh

you self identify as an eunuch right? do you feel you are asexual or do you have a sexuality? j/w

[account deactivated]
if people wanna do a thing, the u.s. attorney handling the case is barbara mcquade in detroit and there's a campaign to get her to drop the charges against ramsea. her number is 313-226-9501 if u wanna call and tell her it's dumb or just rant to her about stalin or something.

AmericanNazbro posted:

imagine walking into a bass pro shop, and the glistening aisles are stocked full of books on whitetail dear and waterfowl migratory patterns, duck calls, .22lr ammo and orange vests. My God...

sounds like pure ideology

roseweird posted:

that's a very personal question! are you really curious or are you just teasing me

just say ur diaper kin like the rest of us, no judgment

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:


do you just mark off days on the calendar posting, being discontent, & waiting for the end of balls

[account deactivated]
i hope everyone here has read THOMAS WOLFE by now.
idk roseweird... men are pretty cool. MEN ARE PRETTY COOL

RIP man

A young mother has been jailed after she made two different false reports of rape within hours after drunkenly sleeping with her friend's partner.

The man only proved his innocence because he filmed the sexual encounter on his mobile phone and the footage showed she was a willing and active participant.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2477790/Young-mother-jailed-making-false-rape-claims-hours-getting-drunk-sleeping-friends-partner.html#ixzz2iy4e0dZH
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

A young mother has been jailed after she made two different false reports of rape within hours after drunkenly sleeping with her friend's partner.

The man only proved his innocence because he filmed the sexual encounter on his mobile phone and the footage showed she was a willing and active participant.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2477790/Young-mother-jailed-making-false-rape-claims-hours-getting-drunk-sleeping-friends-partner.html#ixzz2iy4e0dZH
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

definitely gonna be following this outlet on the twittersphere


littlegreenpills posted:

all political positions are due to your current sexile relation ships or lack of same. for exmaple i was a communist because i knew a person like my wife could never exist under communism. now i am obsessed with personal autonomy and the goal of true love being an abstract ability to feel affinity and appreciation towards another human without being affected by anything they do in they are life or have anything you do in you are life affect them. hello tumblr polyamorous liberalism or some shit

rereading this i realized the second part means you wish you could love even your wife. also love without interaction (unconditional?) is a mental disorder.


NoFreeWill posted:

littlegreenpills posted:

all political positions are due to your current sexile relation ships or lack of same. for exmaple i was a communist because i knew a person like my wife could never exist under communism. now i am obsessed with personal autonomy and the goal of true love being an abstract ability to feel affinity and appreciation towards another human without being affected by anything they do in they are life or have anything you do in you are life affect them. hello tumblr polyamorous liberalism or some shit

rereading this i realized the second part means you wish you could love even your wife. also love without interaction (unconditional?) is a mental disorder.

rhizzone armchair psychoanalysis is one of the worst aspects of this forum


NoFreeWill posted:

littlegreenpills posted:

all political positions are due to your current sexile relation ships or lack of same. for exmaple i was a communist because i knew a person like my wife could never exist under communism. now i am obsessed with personal autonomy and the goal of true love being an abstract ability to feel affinity and appreciation towards another human without being affected by anything they do in they are life or have anything you do in you are life affect them. hello tumblr polyamorous liberalism or some shit

rereading this i realized the second part means you wish you could love even your wife. also love without interaction (unconditional?) is a mental disorder.

actually love (and fear) of the symbolic order structures all relationships under capitalism, from our love lives to our ideology and politics. unless you're saying life under capitalism is a mental disorder which I agree with

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
your Western Romantic concept of love is a piece of shit. and mine also.
instead of tedious real-life posting about our relationships that we wish other people to analyze and give us advice that confirms our actual intentions and future actions we are gonna take anyways, we should have a theory thread about love and relationships. and lets all read erich fromm's short book
Lives on the Left: A Gruppportret
started reading After Finitude if anyone wants to talk about it

roseweird posted:

yes but when i begin my studies in the biomedical sciences (majoring in the end of balls) i will hopefully begin to take a more active role in the matter

... adaptive systems? that you buddy?


NoFreeWill posted:

instead of tedious real-life posting about our relationships that we wish other people to analyze and give us advice that confirms our actual intentions and future actions we are gonna take anyways, we should have a theory thread about love and relationships. and lets all read erich fromm's short book

i have tried reading other Badiou and not had a very good impression but I really like this stuff about Love, because i am an incurable romantic (& really completely in love at the moment and it's a fucking dozen cliches a minute in my life lately but i digress):

In other words love is, in many respects, the opposite of sex. Love, for Badiou, is what follows a deranging chance eruption in one's life. He puts it philosophically: "The absolute contingency of the encounter takes on the appearance of destiny. The declaration of love marks the transition from chance to destiny and that's why it is so perilous and so burdened with a kind of horrifying stage fright." Love's work consists in conquering that fright. Badiou cites Mallarmé, who saw poetry as "chance defeated word by word". A loving relationship is similar. "In love, fidelity signifies this extended victory: the randomness of an encounter defeated day after day through the invention of what will endure," writes Badiou.
Badiou's philosophy of the subject is an extrapolation of Sartre's existentialist slogan "Existence precedes essence" and incorporates a communist hypothesis that Althusser might have liked. It's also a rebuke to postwar and often postmodern French philosophers such as Derrida, Lyotard, Baudrillard and Foucault with whom he argued and all of whom he has outlived. What is a subject for Badiou? "Simone de Beauvoir wrote that you are not born a woman, you become one. I would say you are not a subject or human being, you become one. You become a subject to the extent to which you can respond to events. For me personally, I responded to the events of '68, I accepted my romantic destiny, became interested in mathematics – all these chance events made me what I am."

How does truth come into all this? "You discover truth in your response to the event. Truth is a construction after the event. The example of love is the clearest. It starts with an encounter that's not calculable but afterwards you realise what it was. The same with science: you discover something unexpected – mountains on the moon, say – and afterwards there is mathematical work to give it sense. That is a process of truth because in that subjective experience there is a certain universal value. It is a truth procedure because it leads from subjective experience and chance to universal value."

Badiou's very odd, post-existentialist, heretically Marxist and defiantly anti-parliamentary conception of politics has a similar trajectory. "Real politics is that which gives enthusiasm," he says. "Love and politics are the two great figures of social engagement. Politics is enthusiasm with a collective; with love, two people. So love is the minimal form of communism."

He defines his "real politics" in opposition to what he calls "parliamentary cretinism". His politics starts with subjective experience, involves a truth procedure and ends, fingers crossed, in a communist society. Why? "It's necessary to invent a politics that is not identical with power. Real politics is to engage to resolve problems within a collective with enthusiasm. It's not simply to delegate problems to the professionals. Love is like politics in that it's not a professional affair. There are no professionals in love, and none in real politics."


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laika posted:

started reading After Finitude if anyone wants to talk about it

i'm going to read this now i think because of my aformentioned agreement with idea of not being able to (even under idiotic rationalist framework) assume that gravity will keep working.

also dr. what i didn't like badiou before but that summary seems interesting but i don't have time to read him oh well. maybe laterrr

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