*hides all the food*
*pauses, turns around, contemplating*
*also hides the baby*
- Concern troll with some degenerate hipster alt
- Quote Margaret Sanger on contraception and racial eugenics
- Thomas Sowell youtubes
- Copy and paste Drudge Report articles
- Immigration threads
- "Why is this board all white people talking about how bad white people are?"
Oh me, the things I could have done if I hadn't made this deal. I really should have baited thirdplace too but whatever.
Edited by ae4g5g6hsdfgh ()
But, you know, leftists are White supremacists, they're okay with importing more Mexicans to compete down wages of the Black working class.
mustang a lot of people here hate you but i understand you're just working through some shit and if you ever want to post for real instead of hiding behind this veil you're allowed to. namaste.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
ae4g5g6hsdfgh posted:Immigration is a very fertile ground for trolling leftists. Ethnic diversity leads to all kinds of bad outcomes like racism and social dysfunction and there's absolutely no reason for leftists to support it other than that it happens to be the official Democratic Party position. And in terms of gender roles minorities are the most reactionary part of society. Also overpopulation.
yeah minorities are p cool
liberals are ok with immigration not because theyre thinking "hey lets import a bunch of colored people, epic street food and suppressed wages." instead it's more like people of color already have immigrated and do immigrate into places and the libs are opposing the racists/fascists who want to fuck and deport them. also because of the ethnic street food
1/10 got me to respond
Swat Valley High
Anti-immigration activists demanded a stop to immigration reform during the D.C. March for Jobs Monday, saying the bill could take jobs away from black people.
The rally was organized by the Black American Leadership Alliance, a new anti-immigrant group, to protest the comprehensive immigration reform bill that recently passed in the Senate.
" libs are opposing the racists/fascists who want to fuck and deport them"
you're an imbecile
Technology and agriculture group leaders say Congress’s five-week recess starting today will be a prime chance to lobby House lawmakers to pass a comprehensive immigration bill.
Leaders of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group and the California Strawberry Commission said they are working together to show how labor shortages affect both low-skilled and high-skilled jobs as they pitch a broad rewrite of U.S. immigration law.
do you think liberals support immigration reform because they want to suppress wages and import low-skilled labor?
liberals generally don't posses rational thought processes, no. political orientation is social/genetic, people pick one side of the dialectic and adopt almost all of its positions with varying degrees of rhetorical support for its extremist totems (except libertarians because they're axiomatic).
read the salma hayek chin analysis
didn't you used to pretend to be MTW, 'tang?
i don't need to pretend to be MTWist
ae4g5g6hsdfgh posted:
Have you decided to lift weights?
Maybe The Answer Is Somewhere In The Middle, Guys
no I support immigration because it reinforces the racial hierarchy and White supremacism