perhaps u should acquaint urself w/ a little ol' chap named jesus, lgp
i am sexually successful and also a communist and a christian and an apologist for the great proletarian cultural revolution and a scholar of beckett and a published writer, so it just goes to show that you can be good at some things and also an idiot. cheer's

deadken posted:

i am [...] a communist

Oh, really? Which labour do you organize?

like most rhizzoners, he organizes himself a thin veneer of heterosexuality

HenryKrinkle posted:

In 1884, meridian gender personnel met
in Washington to change Earth gender.
First words said was that only 1 day
could be used on Earth to not change
the 1 day bible. So they applied the 1
day and ignored the other 3 days.
The bible gender was wrong then and it
proved wrong today. This a major lie
has so much evil feed from it's wrong.
No man on Earth has no belly-button,
it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

Children will be blessed for
Killing Of Educated Adults
Who Ignore 4 Simultaneous
Days Same Earth Rotation.
Practicing Evil ONEness -
Upon Earth Of Quadrants.
Evil Adult Crime VS Youth.
Supports Lie Of Integration.
1 Educated Are Most Dumb.
Not 1 Human Except Dead 1.
Man Is Paired, 2 Half 4 Self.
1 of God Is Only 1/4 Of God.
Bible A Lie & Word Is Lies.
Navel Connects 4 Corner 4s.
God Is Born Of A Mother –
She Left Belly B. Signature.
Every Priest Has Ma Sign
But Lies To Honor Queers.
Belly B. Proves 4 Corners.

Your dirty lying teachers
use only the midnight to
midnight 1 day (ignoring
3 other days) Time to not
foul (already wrong) bible
Gender. Lie that corrupts earth
you educated stupid fools.

GoBelly-Button Logic Works.

When Do Teenagers Die?
Adults Eat Teenagers Alive,
No Record Of Their Death.
Father Son Image, Not Gods.
Every Man Born Of Woman.

Belly-Button Is the Signature
Of Your Personal Creator -
I Believe Her Name Mama.

Pastor Told His Flock That
God Created All Of Them -
Truth Was That They All had
Mama Made Belly Buttons,
Church Was Full Of Liars.

Earth Has 4 Days In Same 24 Hrs., 1 Day God Was Wrong.
Einstein Was ONEist Brain.

Try My Belly-Button Logic.

No God Knows About 4 Days, It Is Evil To Ignore 4 Days,

Does Your Teacher Know ?

Fraudulent ONEness of religious
academia has retarded your opposite
rationale brain to a half brain slave.

whats ppls fav sci fi books. ive been reading nonfiction too long and am hankerin for some sick fi this autumn season
gamma lyfe

EvilGuy at a Party: Giving Women a Chance to Prove Themselves...

Have you ever hated something so much that the act of hating it actually makes you deliriously happy?

EvilGuy does. Hating women in the U.S. makes him giddy with happiness. In fact, every day, he finds a new reason to hate them a little bit more. He loves to hate them so much. It's a pleasure that he knows is wrong... it may be wrong, but it feels so right. It's like EvilGuy sprang-into existence strictly to hate women. What is solely responsible for EvilGuy coming into being? NiceGuy being forced to metabolize a steady diet of American female bullshit for the past decade, that's what.

Dude, seek psychological help. You're scaring me.

Actually, NiceGuy did see a psychologist for a while. And the psychologist happened to be a woman. She agreed with him on many of his observations: specifically, she agreed that women often place unfair expectations on men and she also agreed that women's own insecurities often drive them towards men who don't treat them right. She also said NiceGuy's angrier emotions stem directly from frustration in dealing with women which has built-up over a long period of time. (Like he needed to pay $200 an hour for that info.) She offered no solutions other than 'be yourself and just do things that make you happy in the meantime'. So he has. And she approved of his decision to move to Japan, if he thought he could find happiness and a gainful future there. So, NiceGuy has sought psychological help, and it's only served to reinforce his convictions.

But EvilGuy... he's beyond help. He's a complete, rabid psycho. Letting him temporarily loose is all that can be done to stop him from consuming NiceGuy entirely.

EvilGuy's Achilles' Heel

EvilGuy has one weakness: he can be rendered temporarily impotent by a random act of female kindness. He can be disarmed simply by receiving unprompted, kind attention from a female. Unfortunately, women are very, very stingy when it comes to doing that sort of thing if they think you're nice. But on this particular occasion, EvilGuy is voluntarily throwing himself wide-open to the possibility of exposure to kind female attention so he can be neutralized for an evening to prove a point: that few, if any, woman are capable of volunteering kind attention to him if they think he's actually NiceGuy. Let's see what happens?

Cousin's roommate is in a band, and they got a gig at a local bar (the 'gig' lasted forty-five minutes, which is something of an accomplishment for them) and this was a post-gig party. While suffering through the skull-pounding performance at the bar, EvilGuy was invited to the post-performance party by his Cousin.

I Think My Ears Are Bleeding...

After the band performed (using the word 'perform' insofar that it was a bunch of instrumented people making noises in front of an audience), EvilGuy drove to Cousin's house just in time to see four people waking-into the house... three of them are female. The guests are obviously starting to filter-in. EvilGuy glowers inwardly. Great. There's going to be a large number of women present. He can feel the blood starting to boil inside of him. Personally, he'd much rather play billiards with an all-male crowd than have to deal with any feminine crap.

Okay, I'll make a special policy for tonight only, said EvilGuy to himself, if one woman comes-up and starts a conversation, I won't be evil tonight. I'll let NiceGuy back into this body if that happens. That fair? Just one woman. You ladies are going to have to make the effort tonight. One of you is going to have to start a conversation with me.

After parking, he goes-in and gets spotted by Cousin. The air in there was a haze of cigarette smoke and grass. Cousin comes-up to EvilGuy, claps him on the shoulder.

"Hey, what's going on, man?" They go-over to the keg and get some beers. "Let me introduce you around the room."

Cousin then takes EvilGuy around the room to get introduced to everyone there. "I've just told everyone what a great guy you are."

Oh, good one. If there's one way to guarantee that a woman won't talk to you, have someone tell them that you're nice, heterosexual and single. That'll disinterest them right quick. EvilGuy throws his coat into Cousin's bedroom and meets the various band members, other friends of the band members and the variety of other assorted people who are there.

The band's vocalist, Chuck, has rather spiky, short-cropped hair and an earring. And he has an erotic-dream of a comely, slinky lass glued to his arm- Irene. (Oh, it turns-out that EvilGuy will later do something a little bit sneaky to Irene. Just you wait...)

"This is Chuck and Irene." Says Cousin.

EvilGuy says "Hey."

"Hey, EvilGuy, how'd you like the show?" Chuck asked.

"Great. You guys shook the house." Actually, their music sounded like a bag-full of cats being hurled into a wood-chipper. Didn't see the appeal of their music.

Irene proffers her hand to Cousin and twitters. "See the new ring Chuck got me?"

EvilGuy smirks inwardly. Yeah, great. How much did you spread your legs for that bauble, honey? Why the dickens should a woman ever get a diamond? She sure as hell isn't going to last forever!

Give Chicks a Chance

Okay, time to get down to business. Cousin points-out the keg, so EvilGuy pours himself a foamy draught of what has to be the cheapest-tasting beer on the planet. Gee, if he'd known, he'd have brought a case of Dos Equis or something. EvilGuy parked himself at a heavily-traversed junction in the house between the kitchen and the living room. There's a huge number of women walking back and forth between the two rooms, and if one of them stops and starts a conversation with him, he promises he won't hate women tonight.

So he waits.

And waits.

And waits.

Come on, just one. I'm standing right here. EvilGuy looks at his watch. I've been standing here sipping this drink for 15 minutes and not one bitch has tried to start a conversation. They've all walked past, without giving a glance. Come on, I won't be evil. I won't hate women tonight if you just say something to me. Come on.

Just start a conversation with me and I won't hate you.

I'm right here.

Four of you walked-past me right then, and not one of you tried to start a conversation.

Just walk-up and say 'hello, how are you doing? What's going on?' Come on. If you do that, I won't hate you.

Okay, it's been another 10 minutes, and the party is continuing. EvilGuy goes to the keg to get a refill on his drink. He goes back to his spot at the junction between the kitchen and living room. He sips his beer, and watches the people swirl about.

Come on. At least one woman is walking past him every thirty seconds, not one is talking to him at all.

Let's go. I'm right here. Okay, three women just walked right past me. None of them said anything to him. This isn't working.

You're not stopping me from hating you. I'm making it easy tonight. Just come-up and...

Lowering Expectations

Okay, maybe conversation was asking too much. I know that many of the former cheerleader types here tonight can't keep-up their ends of a verbal intercourse that uses words longer than nine letters. I'll scale-back my expectations for you useless pieces of eye-candy: just say 'hello' to me.

Just come-up and say 'hi'. Say some greeting. Any greeting. Salutations. Hola. Guten tag. Something. Anything. Wave to me, even.

So far, I've been standing here and quite a few guys have said 'hi' to EvilGuy, but not one woman. What the flaming hell is wrong with you chicks? Why the hell won't one of you so much as say 'hello' to me? Are you that worthy of my hatred?

I'm giving you a chance to prove yourselves. I'm giving you a chance to redeem your entire gender in my eyes. Sound fair?

Okay. I'm ready. Come up and talk to me, and I'll stop hating you. I'm standing here. Waiting...



Okay, a woman is walking towards me... Just say hello to me. Come on. I'm looking right at you. Just say hello. Hi. How are you? Hey there.

Um... no, she's starting to walk past without saying anything. Just say something. Say anything. Come on... no, you... you've already walked past and... ya lousy bitch!

Jeez, if I had something hard and pointy to throw right now, I'd whip it at the back of her head.

I gave you a chance to stop me from hating you, and you passed it up. I'm not asking for you to find me attractive. I'm not asking you to fall in love with me or be my girlfriend, I'm asking for one damn instance of saying 'hello'. Is that so damn hard for you wenches to pull-off??

Look... ladies... I'm standing right here. If you'll just come-up and say hello to me, I promise I'll stop hating you. Seriously. Now is your chance.

Come on, this is your chance. Right now. Come on. Every minute you don't talk to me, it just makes me hate you a little bit more.

Walk right up to me. Say hi. Say something. Say anything.

No, you're all walking past me without saying anything.

Look... ugh... I'm giving you a chance to make me stop hating you. Isn't that great of me? You'll be destroying my hatred. You'll be erasing my contempt if you'll just come-up and say something to me and I promise I'll stop hating women for tonight... I dares ya!

"Hey, EvilGuy." Said Cousin's (male) roommate. He's the bass-player of the band.

"Hey man, I'm glad to be here. How's everything going with you?" EvilGuy replied, gamely.

"Very nice. I saw you at the concert before coming."

"You guys did a great job." Cough.

"Thanks man. Later." And he walked-off into the kitchen.

See? That wasn't so hard. A guy talked to me. And it worked-out super. Why the hell won't one woman do the same?

Say 'hi' to me. Say 'nice shirt'. 'Nice to see you'. 'What do you do for a living?' 'You're a hate-filled retard'. Come on. Say something!

Say something! Give me a reason to not despise you any more than I already do!! Say something! Say something!Say something!!!

Time Passes: Lowering Expectations Yet Another Notch.

Not one woman would say a word to him.

Jeez! What the hell is wrong with you?!?! God-damn you! You can all bite my ass!

In fact, the song that came on the stereo just about now was Prodigy's "Smack my Bitch Up". Oh, if only...

EvilGuy watched the party continue around him. The women were all talking to other guys... They were, with no exceptions, totally unwilling to show the slightest amount of unprompted attention. They were all unwilling to reach-out.

Holy crap, don't you bitches realize that I'm giving you a chance to stop me hating you for one evening? Just act like I exist. Okay? Pretend that I'm here. Pretend that you see me. Make eye contact with me.

Sound better? If you make eye contact with me, I won't hate you for one evening. I promise. Come on.

I'm right here.

Okay, one girl just bumped-in to EvilGuy and didn't so much as say 'excuse me'. Well fuck you, too!

Eye contact. Come, on. My eyes are sweeping the room, they see quite a few women... you know, it's quite odd. I have one-fourth my cousin's DNA, yet Cousin has at least 4 women trailing him everywhere he goes. A ratio of DNA to chick-magnetness would suggest that I might have one woman fawning-over me everywhere I go. But no, they're more interested in being around my semi-literate, drug-peddling thug of a womanizing cousin and his Stabwound Posse.

Come on, make eye contact with me. I'm standing right here. See? Look, I'll even wave my arms a bit. See? Like that. Look at me. Come on, you foul-tasting, sewage-brained daughters of scum! Look at me and I'll stop hating you for an evening!

Come on! Look at me! Holy shit, how is it possible for me to ever not hate you?? I'm expecting you to make half a second's worth of eye-contact and you're not even doing that! Look at me and I'll stop wishing that someone will come-along and cave your faces-in with a ball-peen hammer!

What the hell is wrong with you females? I'm standing at the junction of two rooms, there are ten of you in each room, and I'm waving my arms in a distinct attempt to draw your gaze, and you're not even pretending that I'm here. Perhaps EvilGuy also has the power of invisibility tonight?

"My God, this is awesome!" He says loudly. "I'm invisible to women! I could rob a bank and not one of the female tellers would see me! Hello??" The music seemed to be too loud for anyone to hear.

Insane Anger. May it flow forever pure and sweet.

Oh, how I hate you. I hate you so much. Words cannot describe the pure, raw, hatred and seething contempt I have for these hormonally-defective creatures known as 'women'. I hate you with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns! If you could convert my hatred into voltage, it would light-up St. Louis for a decade. But if you'll say something to me or so much as look at me, my hatred will dissipate for the evening.

Helloooooo? Just look at me!!!! I'm trying to give you a chance to stop me from hating you!!!

You, dude, are a freak-show.

No, look, all that hate would just go-away for the evening if just one female would make eye contact with me at this party. That's all. Innit simple? How much effort does that take? I'm not going to be evil if a woman's eyes lock with mine for half a second. But no American woman will ever do that, because they're all self-centered, empty harlots who think the universe has to revolve around them 100% of the time!!

Ten minutes later, Cousin walks-by with his four female hangers-on in tow. Cousin slaps him on the shoulder.

"Whaassup? How you doing?" He bellows over the pulsating, throbbing music.

"Doing great!" EvilGuy answers back. Cousin walks into the kitchen, his bevy following close behind. And not one of the four even attempted to make eye contact with EvilGuy. Gee, I'd hate to interrupt your silent reverence. Lickspittles is what they are. Holy shit, you're not making it easy for me to not dislike you more.

Must I Play Your Game, Then?

Okay, maybe I'm being too optimistic to think that a woman might make an effort to talk to a male. Hell, I'd be surprised if half of these airheads can multiply fractions. I'll try to start a conversation with a woman.

They expect me to come-up and talk to them. God, how I hate their games, but I'm giving them a chance to make me stop hating them for the evening. If I try to talk to one of you females, and you act interested in talking to me, I'll stop having utter contempt for you. Fair? Just act like you have half a Goddamn brain.

EvilGuy walked-up to the couch and sat-down next to one woman.

"Hi..." He said. A half-instant later, she got-up and walked to the dining-room- and put her arm around the band's drum-player.

Oookay. Bad move, honey. Don't you know that you just increased my hatred by another percentage point by doing that? Holy crap, it's a good thing I'd never act-out my violent urges, because I feel like taking a shish-kebab skewer and...

All right, I'll try again. Sigh. I'm being very patient with you women tonight.

He moves to another couch... there is a woman in a semi-supine position... she looks like she's either had a bit too much pot to smoke or a bit too much booze to drink. And she's not moving.

"Hey there? You okay?"

Blank stare.

"Do you want some water? Anything?" If she says yes, I'll get her water, all right. And I'll spit in it, too.

Blank stare.

"Hey. Can you blink for me? Come on, blink." EvilGuy waved his hand in front of her face.

Blank stare.

"Can you... hon, look, I'm trying to get a response from you."

"Dude..." She said. Yes? A response! You've acknowledged that I exist!! Is this finally a reason to not hate you?

"Oh, you are awake! What is it?" EvilGuy replied, expectantly...

"Your cousin is hot..."

Bad thing to say. EvilGuy gave a curt smile, got up, and moved-on. My god, it's like you're trying to keep me in a state of perpetual malice-production! He walked away from her. She was still babbling at the ceiling.

"...he is so hot 'n sexayyyy!"

It's a pity that they've outlawed the act of braining people with a brickbat or shillelagh. I understand the courts consider that to be an offense nowadays, curse them. It's also a pity that I'm alive to see churlish vulgarians such as these if the law allots me no recourse of legal bludgeoning. But still, I enjoyed the mental image of giving her a good cudgeling with a hickory limb or broken-off table-leg.

Final Try

Okay, last time. Instead of asking you to be congenial, I'm going to ask one of you for a reason to not hate you. Okay? I'm going to go-up to a woman and ask her flat-out for a reason to not continue hating all women on this continent.

I'm picking one of you at random. This will be a totally random selection. Eeny. Meeny. Miney. Okay.

EvilGuy picked-out a woman he met when being introduced around the room. Danielle. She was a friend of one of Cousins' hangers-on. EvilGuy went-up to Danielle, who was standing in a little four-person copse of females.

"Hi, Danielle..."

She turned around to face him. Her features registered disrecognition. "Ohh... um.." She snapped her fingers a few times as she tried to recognize him. "What was your name again? OovilGee?"

"EvilGuy." He snarls. That's right, get my name wrong. I can tell you're not very gifted at the whole 'conversation' thing, are you, ya dumb bitch? What sort of acid dissolves human flesh? Whatever it is, I'd love to throw a beaker of that stuff on her right about now and watch that pretty little face disintegrate into pools of semisolid slurry on the floor. "Hon, I'm giving you the rare privilege of defending your entire gender tonight. Okay?"

"What do you mean?" She cocked her head quizzically.

"Danielle, this is a historic chance for you to defend all females, everywhere in the U.S. I've selected you to speak for all American women. I want you to give me one... one good reason. One single, solitary reason why I shouldn't totally hate your guts and the guts of your whole gender within the national borders. Please? I'm really rooting-around in my mind for a good reason, and I'm coming-up empty. Give me one reason why I shouldn't hate women because I can't think of one on my own. Please choose your answer wisely, Danielle, because your answer will go on the web and hundreds of people will see it and understand it as the reason for me to not hate the women in this country."

She looked at EvilGuy in disbelief for a second. She paused in thought for a second and shrugged. "Um... because we've got tits?"

EvilGuy smiled patronizingly. "Because you've got tits? Not a very good reason, hon. Thank you for playing though, and goodnight." And I wish you a horrible, slow death so I can piss on your grave.

Getting His Coat

It's 1 AM. I'm sober. I'm outta here. I'd rather be at home, playing video games or reading the Necronomicon. EvilGuy goes back to Cousin's bedroom, where he threw his coat. He goes-in, the lights are off.

He stumbles-around in the dark. The bedside light clicks-on.

"Oh, dude, your coat's on the floor. You going home?" It's Cousin's voice. He is partially naked under the sheets.

"That's right. Thanks for inviting me. Had a great time." EvilGuy tried to avert his gaze... but he noticed that huddled under the covers, there was a distinctly female form lying there next to Cousin. Her hand came-out from under the sheets and rested on Cousin's crotch.

Okay, I go home alone to solitary masturbation. Cousin has a chick groping at his crotch. Yup, everything seems in perfect order. In perfect, sardonic, mordant, miserable order.

In one way, that's actually very comforting: if the situation was reversed, it would mean that something fishy was going on... like perhaps I unknowingly walked-in to an episode of the Twilight Zone.

"See you." EvilGuy closed the bedroom door and scowled blackly. Fuck her. Goddamn, fucking, shit-eating cunt! I've got an urge to go in there with an axe and chop her into chunks small enough to make stew out of her. And then I'd go feed the pot of cunt-stew to the local maggots.

Driving Home, CD Player Blasting Demonic Music

God, I hate the women in this country. I hate you so much, and I can't think of one good reason not to. I've really been thinking hard trying to find one reason... one sliver of something substantial that would stifle my hatred of you, and I've found nothing. There's nothing there. 'Tits' aren't even a reason, for crying out loud; women in this country are totally self-absorbed, infinitely vacuous, blinkeringly stupid creatures that deserve everything awful that comes their way. No wonder NiceGuy chose to live in exile from you running pus-sores!

In my eyes, the air you breathe-out is a toxic fume. In my eyes, you leave a trail of festering slime in your wakes. Your stench fills my nostrils; how you sicken me. I hate you more than anything you could ever imagine. Every time I think I couldn't possibly hate you one bit more, you manage to push me an extra step down the road of fury. Every time I give you a chance to prove yourselves, you fail. And it feels awesome to hate you so much. I swear to God, who could find any possible reason to ever be decent to any one of you? I swear, NiceGuy had the idea of being nice to women ingrained into his head like some kind of birth defect!

Bah, but now I'm driving home. Where can you find a good opium den when you need one nowadays?

Hello, what's this on the road ahead?

A car seems to have skidded-off the road and one wheel of the vehicle is stuck in a big, snowy mud puddle. Cousin's house is located near a rather large nature preserve, and this road goes right through a corner of the preserve... Whoever skidded-off the road is a mile away from the nearest phone. And it's a very chilly night. Oh my...

As his headlights cast more light on the car, two figures could be seen waving... EvilGuy smiled widely. No, it can't be... he recognized those two figures as a pair of women from the party he just left! Oh yes, it's definitely them. They waved to flag him down.

"Oh, God, this is too funny!" You wouldn't pay me one little bit of attention at the party, and you really think I'm going to stop and give you some road-side assistance? Oh, sweet irony! I love it. If one of them had made any effort to say one damn word during the party, NiceGuy might've appeared on the scene with cell-phone in hand.

What a complete load of fertilizer this night has been! They treat me like a non-person. They treat me like freaking Transparent Man. They ignore me all evening, then as soon as they need help, they hope I'm gonna come and save their pretty little asses. You women put-on your sweetness acts only when you want me to do something for you. Until then, you keep your backs turned on me. Well fuck you! I'm not playing.

EvilGuy drove past them, leaving them in the dust. He waved at them as he sped-by and watched them recede in the rear-view mirror.

"Buh-bye!" EvilGuy laughed, slapping the steering wheel with his palm as he cackled. That was sweet! It was petty revenge, whether they knew it or not. God, seeing their faces suddenly turn disappointed as he drove-by was priceless! It was like someone cut the string that holds-up all their facial muscles. He sincerely hopes they get found murdered on the side of the road in the morning. They can rot. He laughed all the way home, blasting the CD player to celebrate.

Fuck you women. I gave you multiple chances tonight to do something to redeem yourselves, and you didn't even come close. I wasn't asking you have sex with me or expecting you paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, okay? I was asking for one instance of taking the initiative to say 'hello'! You botched your chances at expiation. You are worthless...

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
read gene wolfe, gene wolfe owns
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

iwc where do you find this stuff

some 'Game' blog a friend linked me to: the gamma personality type rings pretty true for a lot of dudes i've known, explains a lot

[account deactivated]
i'm reading basketball on paper by dean oliver b/c it's good to revisit the classics ever so often

also borrowed satantango and war and war but i dunno if i'll read em

roseweird posted:

what is a "gamma personality type"

Gamma: The introspective, the unusual, the unattractive, and all too often the bitter. Gammas are often intelligent, usually unsuccessful with women, and not uncommonly all but invisible to them, the gamma alternates between placing women on pedestals and hating the entire sex. This mostly depends upon whether an attractive woman happened to notice his existence or not that day. Too introspective for their own good, gammas are the men who obsess over individual women for extended periods of time and supply the ranks of stalkers, psycho-jealous ex-boyfriends, and the authors of excruciatingly romantic rhyming doggerel. In the unlikely event they are at the party, they are probably in the corner muttering darkly about the behavior of everyone else there... sometimes to themselves. Gammas tend to have have a worship/hate relationship with women, the current direction of which is directly tied to their present situation. However, they are sexual rejects, not social rejects.

goons, star trek fans, 'nice guys'

passive aggressive snarky 'male feminists':


The Landstrasse was a favourite place for friends to meet in Linz. “There was a lot of flirting and the young Army officers were particularly good at it,” remembered Kubizek.

It would infuriate Hitler whenever he spotted young officers talking to Stefanie. His friend sympathised: “Poor, pallid youngsters like Adolf naturally cannot compete with these lieutenants in their smart uniforms.” Instead of trying to engage her interest and attention through the exercise of charm or humour, however, Hitler simply fumed in the shadows. “Conceited blockheads,” he would say of his rivals.

what's the difference between that and "beta" males?

[account deactivated]
i alternated between a worship/hate relationship with women but now they like me so i dunno. also guy who wants scifi to read we had a good discussion a few pages back but read Self Discovery by savchenko (soviet scifi), anything by James Tiptree Jr., and Blindsight by peter watts.
We is really good and i don't usually like sci-fi
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

as a eunuch i find all of this obsessive theorizing about sexual hierarchies tedious, myopic, misguided

thank you for your solipsistic non response

thanks to all for the reccos and good cheer
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
who ever said i took anything as gospel, sounds like you're arguing against a phantom
[account deactivated]
why ask about something and then declare it tiresome because it doesn't effect you....weird...
[account deactivated]
stop linking to ross wolfe dotcom
[account deactivated]
What the hell is wrong with you females? I'm standing at the junction of two rooms, there are ten of you in each room, and I'm waving my arms in a distinct attempt to draw your gaze, and you're not even pretending that I'm here.

that gamma definition doesn't really work imo, i know a lot of guys who are intelligent, unusual, introspective, not (conventionally) attractive & often vaguely bitter who often manage to be also quite charismatic & socially and sexually successful because they also have a sense of humour and can route their 'unusual'ness into the arts, literature, and the abolition of existing conditions rather than video games, giving names to various aspects of their personalities, and science fiction, which is bad and should not be read by anyone
[account deactivated]
"Just start a conversation with me and I won't hate you."

serious question, are misanthropists inherently misogynists?