i love these roleplay game threads with these organizing packs of dead famous thinkers for internecine slaughter
[account deactivated]

babyhueypnewton posted:

http://www.amazon.com/Time-Ditch-American-Philosophy-McCarthy/dp/0810118092besides the general trajectory of analytic philosophy, when you look at CIA front organizations like the Congress for Cultural Freedom and the Ford Foundation you find some interesting names: Bertrand Russell, Hanna Arendt, Karl Jaspers, Benedetto Croce are ones that jumped out at me.

this sounds like a cool book and im gonna read it once i get thru the cultural cold war


babyhueypnewton posted:

We had a good thread about it in the PSL a while ago.

wanna read that thread

i once posted a craigslist ad saying i wd pay people to be friends with me but it got flagged and removed

glomper_stomper posted:

there's a spot of piss stain on the copy of infinite jest i got from a used book store

EDIT: it's definitely cat piss

its actually published that way. post-modernism. full visceral experience.

did they subcontract out to the piss factory or hire their own pissers
well im not sure how dfw did it, but when i'm an author i'm definitely pissing on every copy myself

aerdil posted:

well im not sure how dfw did it, but when i'm an author i'm definitely pissing on every copy myself

its commonly known that dfw had a condition that caused him to cry cat pee

This whole recent turn to religion by left intellectuals is pathetic and sad, especially the attempt to make of religion of modernity. Modernity already has a religion, it's called Christianity which is why everything these fools come up with sounds exactly the same. It's like they've never read Nietzsche before.
Maybe instead of waiting for the messiah we should unleash the productive forces and give birth to the ubermensch.
nietzschhsche is boring
the neetch owns
mods change lgp's name to nietzsche guevara

(i looked and as usual there are thousands of people with this username sigh)
NEETszhce has a boring obsession with what you shd do with your life and whether thigns are good or bad imo

littlegreenpills posted:

NEETszhce has a boring obsession with what you shd do with your life and whether thigns are good or bad imo


[account deactivated]
the whole recent tumbl
that's bullshit i only clicked once

but as long as its a double-post my understanding from reading maggotmaster dot com is that there are a lot of catholic stalinists on tumblr except they're basically fascists. i don't raeally understand because it is all unspeakably trivial and even my time is more valuable than that

thirdplace posted:

my understanding from reading maggotmaster dot com is that there are a lot of catholic stalinists on tumblr except they're basically fascists.

yeah theres a lot of those... on tumblr... *tugs nervously at sweat-soaked necktie*

Edited by ilmdge ()


roseweird posted:

marimite posted:

This whole recent turn to religion by left intellectuals

what whole recent turn?

Meillassoux, A.C. Grayling, Simon Critchley, Badiou, Zizek, Terry Eagleton, etc. It's not so bad when it's explicitly framed as a appropriation of Christianity along Hegelian lines, but when it's presented as something completely new it's particularly frustrating. But either way Nietzsche is better.


marimite posted:

roseweird posted:

marimite posted:

This whole recent turn to religion by left intellectuals

what whole recent turn?

Meillassoux, A.C. Grayling, Simon Critchley, Badiou, Zizek, Terry Eagleton, etc. It's not so bad when it's explicitly framed as a appropriation of Christianity along Hegelian lines, but when it's presented as something completely new it's particularly frustrating. But either way Nietzsche is better.

yea man like authenticity bro.

[account deactivated]
religion is fucking gay, as someone who grew up in the church, but also not so bad. but philosophers oughta be goddamned atheists.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

glomper_stomper posted:

there's a spot of piss stain on the copy of infinite jest i got from a used book store

i read this as piss stalin, and intend to continue doing so

nobody on the left has tried to create a religion of modernity since robespierre what are you talking about

deadken posted:

nobody on the left has tried to create a religion of modernity since robespierre what are you talking about

your gay fucking jew grand ma

TELL us more about your personal life RIGHT NOW.
i have killed my self and i am now a very cute ghost poster
'Women crave for being loved, not for loving. They scream out at you for sympathy all day long, they are incapable of giving any in return, for they cannot remember your affairs long enough to do so…They cannot state a fact accurately to another, nor can that other attend to it accurately enough for it to become information.

- Florence Nightengale....damn
have a fight with your asian girlfriend iwc?

roseweird posted:

marimite why do you like nietzche so much

Well, there's all sorts of reasons. Almost every interesting innovation in 20th century philosophy is an appropriation of Nietzsche in some form, particularly those of Heidegger, Bataille, Deleuze, and Foucault. Nietzsche was the first great anti-humanist who saw the amalgamation of forces underlying humanity and saw the human as something to be overcome. His genealogy is among the best accounts of the ends of culture, religion, and philosophy that exists. He was the first to see the nihilism inherent in modernity and the development of culture in general, and also to see how this nihilism could be overcome. Really, it's pretty hard to overstate how important he is. If you would like to know more, I recommend Deleuze's Nietzsche & Philosophy.

all political positions are due to your current sexile relation ships or lack of same. for exmaple i was a communist because i knew a person like my wife could never exist under communism. now i am obsessed with personal autonomy and the goal of true love being an abstract ability to feel affinity and appreciation towards another human without being affected by anything they do in they are life or have anything you do in you are life affect them. hello tumblr polyamorous liberalism or some shit
forget tumblr, start thinking alpha lgp
[account deactivated]
that's obscene