A woman named Rachel Cassidy was getting oral sex performed on her by a man on a public street, and a bunch of guys walked up and started filming it. Well, the videos obviously went viral and Ohio University was threatening to kick her out, and so she changed her story and claimed it was "rape", in order to avoid getting expelled. Now the guy is facing criminal charges because this evil woman decided to make a false rape accusation against him.
This is what a woman getting raped looks like:

Why do you feel the need to constantly delete my threads from the main forum, rather than just give them no attention? Do you not trust in the discipline of your leftard cadres to not defend leftism when prompted?
Edited by icbinb ()
along with the OP. Interesting
tl;dr Crow is a rapist
Crow posted:Infidels should be stoned
I'm an adult convert to Islam and I support this message.
The worst thing about you is how incompetent you are, in all your moral, intellectual failings, nary a single Win
Well then, certainly there's no need to delete my threads and edit out their content so no liberal can be offended by it.
DildoMalone posted:your posts are bad thats why they get deleted just post better retard
scales = fallen from my eyes
Thats whats up. Thats whats up
icbinb posted:A woman named Rachel Cassidy was getting oral sex performed on her by a man on a public street, and a bunch of guys walked up and started filming it. Well, the videos obviously went viral and Ohio University was threatening to kick her out, and so she changed her story and claimed it was "rape", in order to avoid getting expelled. Now the guy is facing criminal charges because this evil woman decided to make a false rape accusation against him.
This is what a woman getting raped looks like:
my heart hangs heavy with memories of Cycloneboy as i wonder: "who will stand up for the male victims of rape?"
did you know that shortly after those photos were posted on line, he tried to take he own life by drinking over twice the legal limit in cheap Irish beer and suicidally getting behind the wheel of a car? doctors say its a miracle hes still alive
your posts are bad thats why they get deleted just post better retard
No, they get deleted because when they don't they blossom into nine pages in three hours.
I'm sure at least some people in Laissez Faire have sympathy for a man who's going to jail on an obviously false rape charge.
a4sdfsadf posted:your posts are bad thats why they get deleted just post better retard
No, they get deleted because when they don't they blossom into nine pages in three hours.
I'm sure at least some people in Laissez Faire have sympathy for a man who's going to jail on an obviously false rape charge.
Youre bad and not funny
icbinb posted:A woman named Rachel Cassidy was getting oral sex performed on her by a man on a public street, and a bunch of guys walked up and started filming it. Well, the videos obviously went viral and Ohio University was threatening to kick her out, and so she changed her story and claimed it was "rape", in order to avoid getting expelled. Now the guy is facing criminal charges because this evil woman decided to make a false rape accusation against him.
This is what a woman getting raped looks like:
A female student at Ohio University faced attacks from all over the Internet after she was incorrectly identified online as the victim of an alleged public sexual assault, according to OU student newspaper The Post.
Rachel Cassidy — an OU sophomore — had been linked to an alleged sexual assault that occurred on a public street in Athens, Ohio and drew the attention of many onlookers who uploaded images of the act to various social media sites. After her name became associated with the incident, Cassidy deactivated all of her social media accounts, didn't leave her house, and was excused from her classes by the university, The Post reported.
OU administrators confirmed to The Post that Cassidy is not the alleged victim.
nice going mustang
it's one of lf's sibling sites.
Youre bad and not funny
But you gotta admit, we'd be nine pages in now if Blink hadn't deleted the thread.
OU administrators confirmed to The Post that Cassidy is not the alleged victim.
So now is she going to be charged with falsely reporting a crime?
a4sdfsadf posted:So now is she going to be charged with falsely reporting a crime?
Rachel Cassidy is not even the same person from the video, according to that article. She's not the one who reported a crime. You have the wrong person's name in this thread, is what that article says. Get it?
some idiots on the internet find some pcitures on facebook of a person who looks vaguely like the lady in the video (but really, not that much alike) and suddenly it's everywhere and people like you repost it
some idiots on the internet find some pcitures on facebook of a person who looks vaguely like the lady in the video (but really, not that much alike)
It's obviously the same person, CBA to post the facebook but its all over 4chan.
Hint: Why make a false rape allegation and then change your mind and say "it wasn't me!"? Are you saying women are that stupid?
mustang as far as i'm concerned every other troll here basically has carte blanche to post. you don't because you aren't funny
No, you only started banning me once I began "trolling" aka disagreeing with cult opinion. Back when was a leftard like you I was pretty much allowed to post as much as I wanted.
How about this: all serious political discussion must be banned from LF, or equal weight and consideration must be given to fascist perspectives.
Edited by a4sdfsadf ()
a4sdfsadf posted:some idiots on the internet find some pcitures on facebook of a person who looks vaguely like the lady in the video (but really, not that much alike)
It's obviously the same person, CBA to post the facebook but its all over 4chan.
Hint: Why make a false rape allegation and then change your mind and say "it wasn't me!"? Are you saying women are that stupid?
mustang as far as i'm concerned every other troll here basically has carte blanche to post. you don't because you aren't funny
No, you only started banning me once I began "trolling" aka disagreeing with cult opinion. Back when was a leftard like you I was pretty much allowed to post as much as I wanted.
How about this: all serious political discussion must be banned from LF, or equal weight and consideration must be given to fascist perspectives.
how about thks: all mustangs must be banned from lf no mustang or mustangs allowed
The OU student who did file a rape complaint with Athens Police did so after a video showing a man performing oral sex on her circulated on Instagram, and her name has not been made public by the university or police.
Is that your argument? It still happened. Some poor guy is going to jail because of the excesses of liberalism.
ilmdge posted:meanwhile idiots like you have forced some completely random woman to stop leaving her apartment because "its all over 4chan"
epic trollage. epic for the win
he's probably not going to jail unless he roofied her or she was incoherently drunk, which youd have no way of knowing.
So you're hoping that she was roofied so you'll have some kind of argument.
Also you're blaming the victim.
Also you don't know what roofies are.
ilmdge posted:he's probably not going to jail unless he roofied her or she was incoherently drunk, which youd have no way of knowing. meanwhile idiots like you have forced some completely random woman to stop leaving her apartment because "its all over 4chan"
but dont most people stop leaving their apartments once they find out about 4chan?
We all know women make lots of false rape, false dv, false sexual harassment allegations. We all know women make lots of false allegations and commit perjury in the family courts. Us men are no longer tolerating this. Women who make false allegations will be exposed as far and wide as we can at Crimes Against Fathers.
We will keep doing this until all western women who have committed perjury where the victim of this perjury wishes his remedy has gained his remedy.
Ladies. When I was little my mother taught me "honesty was the best policy". It is a great shame on your mothers and on you that you were not taught this as well.
I am the owner of Crimes Against Fathers. I am called Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)