the resurrection's status as Event rather than mere event has nothing to do with whether or not it actually happened. the presence of the risen christ doesn't make the resurrection-event any more easily subsumed within conceptual-historical frameworks
Alain Badiou's Wittgenstein's Anti-Philosophy is one of the worst things I've ever read. I put it down after Badiou claimed Wittgenstein's "half-homosexuality" was evidence of a misogynistic philosophy.
[account deactivated]
the list of good philosophers is this:


you really don't need to read anything else.
badiou is a crypto-trot, but that's just between you and me!
Badiou on St. Paul is fine
Nietzsche sucks.
i like marcuse's wittgenstein burns in one-dimensional man

swirlsofhistory posted:

Alain Badiou's Wittgenstein's Anti-Philosophy is one of the worst things I've ever read. I put it down after Badiou claimed Wittgenstein's "half-homosexuality" was evidence of a misogynistic philosophy.

i guess that explains why youre such a miso. fr33k

just picked up the perfect book for all of us rhizzonites

finally we can use maoist thought to become better businessmen and women

roseweird posted:

swirls, i know we have argued often and harshly but please, peace & truce, i ask this only out of earnest curiosity: why are you so devoted to wittgenstein, to the point that you won't read someone who bashes him a bit? i've only read him a very little, and he seemed a very insightful thinker, but i'm not sure i have ever seen you mention any other writer at any point, so that with you it sometimes seems he replaces all other philosophers, and i wonder how it is that he does so much for you

I did read (some), and it was bad. My advice is to skip this French idiot's mess of ad hominems and misinterpretation. Philosophers like Badiou probably aren't fond of Wittgenstein's method because it puts an end to their philosophical theorizing and metaphysics by clearing up the conceptual/grammatical confusions from which they arise.

Why is Wittgenstein important? Because we're still in the grip of conceptual confusion, not only the persistence of traditional philosophizing, but in science and society too. For a start, it's almost impossible to escape nonsensical theorizing of a philosophical nature in artificial intelligence, evolutionary psychology, neuroscience, economics, linguistics, physics, and, not least, Marxism. If I could give anything, it would be one more pair hands to help push marxism away from the metaphysical bullshit it has been saddled with since Marx's death, in my own small way helping make the best critique of capitalism that exists clear and easily graspable by ordinary people.

There are other philosophers worth reading, of course, but they are broadly of the same attitude. I think I've mentioned Bertrand Russell and Elizabeth Anscombe before. If you've somehow missed reading Thomas Kuhn, he's good, influenced by Norwood Russell Hanson, who was, in turn, influenced by Wittgenstein.


NoFreeWill posted:

the list of good philosophers is this:


you really don't need to read anything else.


Crow posted:

swirlsofhistory posted:

Alain Badiou's Wittgenstein's Anti-Philosophy is one of the worst things I've ever read. I put it down after Badiou claimed Wittgenstein's "half-homosexuality" was evidence of a misogynistic philosophy.

i guess that explains why youre such a miso. fr33k

I'm more an ecto.

Mods pls rename thread "propaganda of the read"

swirlsofhistory posted:

.custom195033{color:#FFF5B5 !important; background-color:#B80458 !important; }roseweird posted:swirls, i know we have argued often and harshly but please, peace & truce, i ask this only out of earnest curiosity: why are you so devoted to wittgenstein, to the point that you won't read someone who bashes him a bit? i've only read him a very little, and he seemed a very insightful thinker, but i'm not sure i have ever seen you mention any other writer at any point, so that with you it sometimes seems he replaces all other philosophers, and i wonder how it is that he does so much for you

I did read (some), and it was bad. My advice is to skip this French idiot's mess of ad hominems and misinterpretation. Philosophers like Badiou probably aren't fond of Wittgenstein's method because it puts an end to their philosophical theorizing and metaphysics by clearing up the conceptual/grammatical confusions from which they arise.

Why is Wittgenstein important? Because we're still in the grip of conceptual confusion, not only the persistence of traditional philosophizing, but in science and society too. For a start, it's almost impossible to escape nonsensical theorizing of a philosophical nature in artificial intelligence, evolutionary psychology, neuroscience, economics, linguistics, physics, and, not least, Marxism. If I could give anything, it would be one more pair hands to help push marxism away from the metaphysical bullshit it has been saddled with since Marx's death, in my own small way helping make the best critique of capitalism that exists clear and easily graspable by ordinary people.

There are other philosophers worth reading, of course, but they are broadly of the same attitude. I think I've mentioned Bertrand Russell and Elizabeth Anscombe before. If you've somehow missed reading Thomas Kuhn, he's good, influenced by Norwood Russell Hanson, who was, in turn, influenced by Wittgenstein.

I agree with you but I think everybody should also read Being & Time and the other guys on my list. Wittgenstein deals mainly with language whereas phenomenology really deals with the standard metaphysics, philosophy of mind/perception, reality/skepticism, etc. that are mainstream and kicks their ass. Cartesianism must be put in the ground.


NoFreeWill posted:

I agree with you but I think everybody should also read Being & Time and the other guys on my list. Wittgenstein deals mainly with language whereas phenomenology really deals with the standard metaphysics, philosophy of mind/perception, reality/skepticism, etc. that are mainstream and kicks their ass. Cartesianism must be put in the ground.

I'm thankful I've never had to read Being & Time because it sounds terrible.

[account deactivated]
I've read very little of either author, but my impression is that both would be enjoyable for different reasons, beyond which one is "right"
whats a good Badiou to read not being + event
and for my final contribution

***i'm reading***Althusser : The Detour of Theory

i don't really agree with Althusser's main interventions but his work and the history surrounding him are p. fascinating.

toy posted:

whats a good Badiou to read not being + event

czech out his early maoist writings which you can get in pdf form for free, they are much better than his idealist platonic wank. bruno bosteels puts theory of the subject as the last instance of badiou as a dialectical materialist i have not read it yet but it is probably worthwhile i do not endorse the badiou of being & event and after

you and everyone else on this planet should read the future lasts forever, althusser's memoirs, they are incredible and insane

tnks will check those out
there are some funny parts in philippe sollers' WOmen bout althusser(and lacan, barthes, some other people) but it's a bad book so don't read it

swirlsofhistory posted:

.custom195101{}NoFreeWill posted:I agree with you but I think everybody should also read Being & Time and the other guys on my list. Wittgenstein deals mainly with language whereas phenomenology really deals with the standard metaphysics, philosophy of mind/perception, reality/skepticism, etc. that are mainstream and kicks their ass. Cartesianism must be put in the ground.
I'm thankful I've never had to read Being & Time because it sounds terrible.

it is hard reading because Heidegger likes to use words in strange ways but that's the point and its basically some ownage, despite his obsession with greek philosophy.

[account deactivated]
roseweird what do you think of quentin meillassoux (this is a good overview if you are not familiar) everyone please read meillassoux
[account deactivated]

toy posted:

and for my final contribution

***i'm reading***Althusser : The Detour of Theory

i don't really agree with Althusser's main interventions but his work and the history surrounding him are p. fascinating.

i just bought that last week, will read soon.

i'm reading three books right now:
- Rethinking Development Economics edited by Ha-Joon Chang
- Restoration of Capitalism in the USSR by Martin Nicolaus
- On Managing Yourself by Harvard Business Review

bertrand russell lol
crow do you still have your old "thank you" avatar
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

overall he sounds like he might be interesting but the article you linked to is very bad, the author has a really crude theology/metaphysics that makes me wonder if he hasn't badly misunderstood meilalaaslissouz

kotsko leaves a lot to be desired but it's better than reading f*cking graham harman who as far as i know has the only published commentary in english on his unpublished theological work. i bring him up b.c he has been referred to as a "radical cartesian" & i very much recommend his after finitude

[account deactivated]
cathy brennan is a bad person


AmericanNazbro posted:

crow do you still have your old "thank you" avatar



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HenryKrinkle posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:

crow do you still have your old "thank you" avatar



aerdil posted:

just picked up the perfect book for all of us rhizzonites

finally we can use maoist thought to become better businessmen and women

per blinknwheezes rec I'm reading the new zz top bio, La Futura Lasts Forever