its cool because thats literally what a bunch of people (subconsciously) believed
even wddp was knwon to use slurs sometimes, i remember on wddp when people called them tusken raiders i got offended and told them "it's sand people"
i knew a pack of arabs that thought arabs were too stupid to pull it off
wddp had all those epic star wars filters. reenactment of one of my famous wddp battles-
maggotmaster: ilmdge you are too tusken raidered to understand
le me: uh ok so youre using slurs again?
maggotmaster: actually no i didnt say retarded, i literally typed "tusken raidered"
le me: my point exactly.
maggotmaster: ilmdge you are too tusken raidered to understand
le me: uh ok so youre using slurs again?
maggotmaster: actually no i didnt say retarded, i literally typed "tusken raidered"
le me: my point exactly.
Edited by ilmdge ()
Please dont use that slur, ilmdge. Maggotmaster was banned for using it. Its ninja now
VoxNihili posted:its cool because thats literally what a bunch of people (subconsciously) believed
wrong tense, babby biUtch
i feel uncomfortable typing the n*nja word
its a lot easier if you just copy+paste it from a rap lyrics page, or one of jools PMs
Crow posted:Please dont use that slur, ilmdge. Maggotmaster was banned for using it. Its ninja now
I'm offended, it's 忍び (shinobi).
This quote i made up is REALLY pissing off communists
getfiscal posted:i knew a pack of arabs that thought arabs were too stupid to pull it off
how me and my friends feel about muslim terrorists in the US.
found this thread whilst googling for "tusken raidered"