nevernotcombatinglib posted:HenryKrinkle posted:peter santelli is an alex jonesian-type talk show host and he's apparently behind this thing.
you would fit in with ars technica. what is the significance of this? if they were funded by would that affect your opinion? why is your morality based on affiliation rather than actions or at least intentions?
the intentions of the people promoting this fake event are actually more clear from their own words and actions than from a whois lookup. it should be obvious to anyone observing them that it's a Ron Paulian paleocon Constitutional revivalist type of thing.
Panopticon posted:what is the most constitutional burger, ham or beef
it's turkey, the national bird big dollar shot caller B. Franklin wanted
glomper_stomper posted:i'm sick of the mustang meme
mustang is not a meme
i have nothing else for you henry, all your post does is confirm that affiliation is the prime factor in your moral judgement. i'm pretty sure that if the march was funded by some democrat or cpusa affiliated organization your opinion would have a total 180.
ars technica is now subscriber only for $60/year to prevent me from posting there.
libcombater1990 posted:top lel
kill yourself.
libcombater1990 posted:ars technica is now subscriber only for $60/year to prevent me from posting there.
roseweird posted:truckers should probably take modafinil. imo
they already take every stay-awake drug they can afford & falsify their logs (as expected by their employers) to get as many miles in as possible
drwhat posted:roseweird posted:truckers should probably take modafinil. imo
they already take every stay-awake drug they can afford & falsify their logs (as expected by their employers) to get as many miles in as possible
lol at a previous job i was expected to work through lunch (lunch unpaid as it's an AT WILL state), as we could not finish our tasks while doing the "real" job, and overtime was never approved. This was a position that grossed under $28,000 a year lmao
"I'm a hard worker and I love my freedom. I don't want no government or union telling me I can't drive eight hundred miles a day."
swirlsofhistory posted:Those dumb rubes don't even know about the relation between surplus value and the time and intensity of the working day. It's hard to feel sorry for them when they think cutting corners and endangering themselves and others is a good thing because they'll make a pittance more at the end of the day. Class consciousness fail.
"I'm a hard worker and I love my freedom. I don't want no government or union telling me I can't drive eight hundred miles a day."
yeah there is a lot of 'Class consciousness fail' here but not on the truck drivers' part
Those dumb rubes don't even know about the relation between surplus value and the time and intensity of the working day. It's hard to feel sorry for them when they think cutting corners and endangering themselves and others is a good thing because they'll make a pittance more at the end of the day. Class consciousness fail.
truckers are self-employed. you have to either admit 1) they're petit bourgoise or 2) ownership of capital is not the same as market power
marxism fail either way
swirlsofhistory posted:Those dumb rubes don't even know about the relation between surplus value and the time and intensity of the working day. It's hard to feel sorry for them when they think cutting corners and endangering themselves and others is a good thing because they'll make a pittance more at the end of the day. Class consciousness fail.
"I'm a hard worker and I love my freedom. I don't want no government or union telling me I can't drive eight hundred miles a day."
do all truckers think like this though? wasn't this a fake event anyway?
'truckers are class enemies' is anyway so mindbogglingly asinine that there's not much to discuss.
anyway trucks are cool and pretty badass imo and they generally do such an exemplary job at taking things from other places and putting them conveniently near me, that i will excuse a lack of class conciousness and pretty much all of their vices
except the ones in the outback who pay 12 year old aboriginal girls in petrol to perform sexual favours....
Ironicwarcriminal posted:except the ones in the outback who pay 12 year old aboriginal girls in petrol to perform sexual favours....
ok now imagine this but in Washingtong DC instead of the setting of Mad Maxes 1 through 4

evoking the berlin wall

some iwo jima shit
how about the nuremberg trials??

pretty smart to zero in on the ww2 memorial so they can wheel out some vets to protest against obummer. this world is so hilarious and people are really stupid
Edited by ilmdge ()
ilmdge posted:how about the nuremberg trials??
huh, looks like people are finally getting serious about those drone strikes
postposting posted:trucks are counterrevolutionary because they are not trains, qed
wont someone please think of the boats