On October 11th, a group of right-wing truckers is planning to drive to DC to shut down the major commuter highway that circles the city. They’ll continue to block traffic, they say, until they see the arrest of elected officials who have “violated their oath of office.”
Organizers of the event, which is titled “Truckers Ride for the Constitution,” say they are fed up with a variety of headaches caused by the government: Fuel efficiency standards enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency, Obamacare, state and local laws over idling their trucks, and “insurance companies purportedly requiring technological updates,” according to US News and World Report.
They say that to demonstrate against violations of the constitution, they plan to circle interstate 495 — known widely as the beltway — and not allow through any traffic. If police try to stop them, they’ll park their trucks right on the highway.
Originally, reports from US News and World Report indicated the truckers were looking to impeach President Obama. But Earl Conlon, an organizer of the event, told US News, “We’re not asking for impeachment, we’re asking for the arrest of everyone in government who has violated their oath of office.” These include House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), both for purportedly arming al Qaeda linked Syrian rebels. But while it might seem very US-specific, even some Canadian truckers might join in.
It was not immediately clear how truckers would go from circling the highway around DC to actually arresting elected representatives.
But, if the protest grows large enough, it could spell even more trouble for DC: The trucker event is slated to go on for three days, and will coincide with the weekend of the previously-planned Million Vet March, where veterans can express their outrage over the government shutdown.
seems legit
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:Fuel efficiency standards enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency, Obamacare, state and local laws over idling their trucks, and “insurance companies purportedly requiring technological updates,” according to US News and World Report.
theyre pissed that they cant keep their engines running while they get blowjobs from lot lizards in exchange for meth or "trucker speed"
karphead posted:so traffic will be the same as usual on the Beltway, thanks for the heads up
DildoMalone posted:imagine if marxists had trucks. imagine all the things that could be accomplished
just imagine
DildoMalone posted:imagine if marxists had trucks. imagine all the things that could be accomplished
solzhesnitchin posted:these are the people marxists need to reach out to. people with trucks
spend your time in the heartland building alliance with the welfare queens on u.s. farms.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:as a courier i stand in solidarity with my trucker brothers and sisters. the transportation logistics workers of the world will not stand unfair criticism and mistreatment by bourgeois intellectuals and liberals such as those in this thread.

Conlon’s comments in a U.S. News & World Report story that he and thousands of truckers from across the country (and possibly Canada) planned to come to the nation’s capital Friday and bring traffic to a standstill on the inner loop of the Capital Beltway zinged across the Web, picked up by outlets ranging from Fox News to the Huffington Post. The rally was dubbed “Truckers for the Constitution.”
Earl Conlon says a threat by thousands of truckers to tie up traffic on the Beltway was part of a stunt to draw attention to Washington's dysfunctional politicians.
But alas, it is a hoax.
“The comments to U.S. News were designed to do one thing and one thing only: stir the feather of the mainstream media,” said Conlon, a father of three. “Nothing gets the attention of the mainstream media like some sort of disastrous threat. I knew it was going to ruffle some feathers.”
So while thousands of truckers may indeed come to Washington on Friday and many of them may travel along the inner loop of the Beltway, honking their horns, they won’t intentionally shut down traffic, he said.
“First of all, we know it would not be right to go to D.C. to lock down the city by the Belt loop,” said Conlon, 50, a veteran truck driver who has suffered through more than his share of traffic jams. “That wouldn’t be fair to the people there.”
And Conlon is not sure that he will even make it to town Friday.
Even so, he thinks that he has already scored a small victory: attention for his cause — mainly the overreach of government and the inability for politicians to follow the rules as outlined in the Constitution.
Take the current government shutdown.
“We would not be having this conversation if government was balancing this budget,” he said.
His solution: Take their perks away, and pay them minimum wage until the budget gets balanced.
“Then, I think you’d see some action,’’ he said.
this is real too:

peepaw posted:It can be hard to get attention for your agenda in a town like Washington, but Georgia trucker Earl Conlon figured out a way: Take the Beltway hostage.
Conlon’s comments in a U.S. News & World Report story that he and thousands of truckers from across the country (and possibly Canada) planned to come to the nation’s capital Friday and bring traffic to a standstill on the inner loop of the Capital Beltway zinged across the Web, picked up by outlets ranging from Fox News to the Huffington Post. The rally was dubbed “Truckers for the Constitution.”
Earl Conlon says a threat by thousands of truckers to tie up traffic on the Beltway was part of a stunt to draw attention to Washington's dysfunctional politicians.
But alas, it is a hoax.
“The comments to U.S. News were designed to do one thing and one thing only: stir the feather of the mainstream media,” said Conlon, a father of three. “Nothing gets the attention of the mainstream media like some sort of disastrous threat. I knew it was going to ruffle some feathers.”
So while thousands of truckers may indeed come to Washington on Friday and many of them may travel along the inner loop of the Beltway, honking their horns, they won’t intentionally shut down traffic, he said.
“First of all, we know it would not be right to go to D.C. to lock down the city by the Belt loop,” said Conlon, 50, a veteran truck driver who has suffered through more than his share of traffic jams. “That wouldn’t be fair to the people there.”
And Conlon is not sure that he will even make it to town Friday.
Even so, he thinks that he has already scored a small victory: attention for his cause — mainly the overreach of government and the inability for politicians to follow the rules as outlined in the Constitution.
Take the current government shutdown.
“We would not be having this conversation if government was balancing this budget,” he said.
His solution: Take their perks away, and pay them minimum wage until the budget gets balanced.
“Then, I think you’d see some action,’’ he said.
FUXX we've been trolled
roseweird posted:do u think truckers really take meth that often ??? i looked into getting licensed once and most ppl said you get drug tested often/randomly. you know, i think maybe truckers are mostly clean-living and godly individuals who are committed to serving the good people of america by bringing them the bounty of wonderful products they richly deserve
i hope you didnt infer from my post that i think truckers smoke meth. i think they carry meth to exchange for sex acts at truck stops. trucker speed is just caffeine pills and they definitely take those, because coffee makes you have to pee
postposting posted:"I am a recovering life long Reagan Republican who recently voted for Obama because I hoped for revolutionary change. Now I am a full time a-political realist who is disgusted by left-right psychological warfare. As I have researched deeper into our nation’s history, I now have so many questions about the JFK assassination, George H.W. Bush’s CIA ties to the assassination of JFK, the Reagan administration’s drug running; war mongering and as Charlotte Iserbyt personally witnessed, installation of communism through the Department of Education. As I progressed in my research, I discovered one of the pivotal points in our nation’s history was the Bush-era explosion of global mob and drug cartel control. It is now widely known, yet conveniently unproven that George H.W. Bush’s legacy as a CIA C.E.O. laid the groundwork for the Clinton’s Dixie-Mafia drug cartel dynasty. As I have observed and have been told, the Bush/Clinton drug cartels have been battling with the Obama Chicago mafia ever since."
roseweird posted:truckers should probably take modafinil. imo
this happened just up the road from me last week
roseweird posted:that noble compound
imagining lykourgos besieged, then immolated, by alcohol tobacco and firearms agents
The fact that these soldiers were set up to die in a no return operation is obvious they had knowledge that Obama didn't want leaked. This is the Seals that killed Osama Bin Laden. I don't believe this story. He is alive call me crazy but, Osama Bin Laden is our President Obama do your research. The CIA has been preparing for this since he was a boy. They have same height, bone structure, hands and ears both are left handed the Osama face was created by Hollywood. The fox is in the hen house.
Crow posted:
HenryKrinkle posted:peter santelli is an alex jonesian-type talk show host and he's apparently behind this thing.
you would fit in with ars technica. what is the significance of this? if they were funded by moveon.org would that affect your opinion? why is your morality based on affiliation rather than actions or at least intentions?
nevernotcombatinglib posted:HenryKrinkle posted:peter santelli is an alex jonesian-type talk show host and he's apparently behind this thing.
you would fit in with ars technica. what is the significance of this? if they were funded by moveon.org would that affect your opinion? why is your morality based on affiliation rather than actions or at least intentions?
Shut the fuck up