im reading Deadeye Dick atm
Like gay mccaine, vonnegut is a trot who gets all weepy about bombing nazis
im reading beckett's trilogy of novels im about halfway through malone dies very good very inspirational very healing
it's more or less ideal for how i like to read because im much more concerned with like concepts being developed in the righting than actual reading or understanding the plot so with this i can think about Things and not be too concerned if i miss the dude losing his pencil for three days and complaining about it.

this is what i choose to believe, while being a devout protestant.

AmericanNazbro posted:



And then, suddenly, Saul goes rogue

rodin's The Stinker

HenryKrinkle posted:


thats actually quit impressive. when reading the full article by Kevin Jackson it becomes apparent that he is quite the talented propagandist. I wonder if it's conscious?

He's able to simultaneously espouse a neoliberal color-blind worldview yet represent it in such a way as merely championing respect for the black community. He's selling out his community to an ideology of hopeless individualism, deteriorating black community bounds, while claiming that this somehow strengthens and instill pride in the black community. From his warped color-blind notion of racism, pointing to a "black community" should itself be seen as race-baiting, and yet he subtly spins the table to appeal to the black community as if doing so gives his thoughts and intentions complete legitimacy; he's only looking out for the betterment of the black community, after all. It's a brilliantly crafted double-play, rejecting the community while pretending to strengthen it.

also i wanted to respond to this: "Juan Williams of Fox News said that mentioning the Constitution is racist" -- yeah, discussion of "the founding fathers" is nothing but racist dog whistle politics. So depending on the context, particularly with an emphasis on "original intent," discussing the constitution is super racist.

tl;dl this guy's a dumb racist. white power in black face.

(i wish it had actually been posted by joe though. that would've been funny)

sup cod'
i started reading journey to the end of night and against the day because of you fuckers. they better be good
i loaned a girl ive been seeing journey to the end of the night. she really liked it. a definite warning sign.
she's warning you that she wants your sweet patootie. she craves it

edit: the patootie. she craves your patootie

aerdil posted:

i loaned a girl ive been seeing journey to the end of the night. she really liked it. a definite warning sign.

my gf read some and she's like 'yeah it's good writing but i literally don't give a shit about this white french fuck's problems'


TG posted:

i started reading journey to the end of night and against the day because of you fuckers. they better be good

they're not


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

aerdil posted:

i loaned a girl ive been seeing journey to the end of the night. she really liked it. a definite warning sign.

my gf read some and she's like 'yeah it's good writing but i literally don't give a shit about this white french fuck's problems'

yeah; i gave up midway when the protagonist guy gets africans to carry him


MadMedico posted:

"We should not value intellectual titillation over responsible discourse."

Taking Žižek Seriously - The Calvinist International
I was on the train today, and i saw a public service announcement for 'internet security' that used the phrase 'Loose Lips Sink Ships,' with some real official looking font. It also reminds the reader that the internet a 'public resource' to be 'protected'. It's not immediately clear how those two aims intersect. The first is about individual privacy, not giving out information so as to protect yourself from credit card scams, phishing, etc., while the latter proclaims the goodness and necessity of cherishing and guarding this vast expanse of criminality where you can't ever give out your real name or you'll wake up the next morning to find that all the money in your bank account has been replaced with bitcoins.

But with the military analogy, it becomes clear. Proper internet citizenship entails keeping the sphere safe for american aims and interests, for commerce, trade and the propagation of american ideals, which naturally includes safeguarding yourself. Remain part of the fleet, so you can do your part.


Makeshift_Swahili posted:

*Walt's frozen head nods in agreement*

"Of all long-distance connections on this planet today, from phone service to microwave radio, 0.1 percent flow through the transmission, storage and decoding machines of the National Security Agency (NSA), the organization succeeding SIS and Bletchley Park. By its own account, the NSA has "accelerated" the "advent of the computer age," and hence the end of history, like nothing else. An automated discourse analysis has taken command.

And while professors are still reluctantly trading in their typewriters for word processors, the NSA is preparing for the future: from nursery school mathematics, which continues to be fully sufficient for books, to charge-coupled devices, surface-wave filters, digital signal processors including the four basic forms of computation. Trenches, flashes of lightning, stars--storage, transmission, the laying of cables."

--Friedrich Kittler, 1986 yO!
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

what the hell does 'end of history' mean and give me one good reason not to throw rocks at anyone who says it

it means we finally have the right set of ideas, social system and institutions to properly and best realize human freedom. that history proper is at an end and debate over "big ideas" is effectively over.

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

how will people spend their time if not on pretending to have big ideas

"big ideas" in relation to what it means to be free. you'll still have your scientific advances and culture will continue to evolve.

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

well okay but that sounds like continuity of history to me, just under a unified global government that declares itself to be the best and final form of government. i'm not sure if you're actually defending this concept or just explaining it, if you're just explaining it i mean i think i understand it already, i just think it is clearly empty hope propaganda and i associate it mainly with world bank/imf types who believe that they are the primary instruments of the initiation of everlasting peace on earth

I'm not defending the concept just trying to explain it as best as I understand it i.e. poorly. It's a philosophical idea first "clearly" outlined in Hegel's Philosophy of Right and has been used/critiqued by people such as Karl Marx in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 and in Francis Fukuyama's The End of History and the Last Man.

[account deactivated]
the end of history means that material conditions have evolved beyond what revolutionary change necessitates as predicate, converging upon a permanent steady-state of bourgeois liberal capitalist equilibrium. the heat death of praxis.
The end of history is the beginning of human history proper. Its FUCKED up
i think in the context of that quote he is linking the end of 'history' with the end of human writing, and the birth of machine writing, that is the end of a purely human recorded history.

yeah the phrase is kinda dumb you can blame fukuyama for its propagation and you should throw rocks at anyone b/c throwing rocks is cool
the end of history is the beginning of herstory, which is also the beginning of michael jackson's album HIStory
one must view the etymology of the word "history" deriving specifically from parts "hist," used to attract attention or call for silence, and "ory," deriving from quarry when spoken from one missing most of their lower jaw.

Consequently, one will find that history is not marxist and consistently ignores class
good to see tom's catchphrase mocking marxist analysis survived his furloughing
[account deactivated]