2 oz Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey
1 tsp lime juice
5 oz sour mix
2 oz blended whiskey
1 cherry
juice of 1/2 lemons
1 tsp powdered sugar
1 egg white
1 slice lemon
1 part sour mix
1 part vodka
1 tbsp grenadine syrup
1 oz Scotch whisky
1 oz cherry brandy
1/2 oz sweet vermouth
1 oz lemon juice
1 slice lemon
1 oz absinthe liqueur
1 oz tonic water
1 oz sugar syrup
2 tsp lime juice or sour
Whether you are a furloughed worker, being forced to work for free, or just fed up at Capitol Hill.
Your phone number is used only to connect you to a Member of Congress.
(click the link at the top).

j_sakai posted:The 2004 election was an important victory for revolutionaries here, the most important in many years (all the sweeter because in our very weak state we can only get the fruit that falls from the tree). It is axiomatic in war that success depends in large part on using the mistakes and incompetence of the enemy. While civilians may wish for the “best” capitalist government, we revolutionaries need incompetence in the seats of power – and the Bush royal family has raised hubris and incompetence to an art form. It is a sign, actually, of system failure, like Czar Nick in Russia lurching suicidally into World War I.
Bush and Mr. Ketchuphead are obviously far from the same, no matter what left rhetoric may say. The Gores and Kerrys are state managers, can more or less manage or mangle the sinking welfare state, but they can’t build mass popular movements to save their lives (or as Maureen Dowd once wittily remarked, why be for Gore “who can’t even win when he’s won?” ). While Bush & the his far right crew can successfully ride the white euro-settler majority despite shooting the bottom out of the u.s. national boat, but couldn’t manage a hot dog stand. If revolutionaries here could actually choose the general staff of our opposition, we couldn’t dream up a better choice from our point of view. Ah, more years of stupid adventures, trampling over the loyal middle-classes & mismanaged takeovers – it’s political bliss (reminds me of the flip of that old Black Muslim song, “Black Man’s heaven is a white man’s hell”).
Superabound posted:Republicans are cool bc theyre doing more to destroy the capitalist American imperium than the left has been able to accomplish in 40 years
i used to think that but republicans are only savagely immiserating minorities in the usa but not in actuality speeding up america's economic collapse anymore than democrats
Here is my bio: http://www.veganpeace.com/famousvegans/profiles/merzbow.htm
Also if you want to learn about the history of Noise (Paul talks about me quite abit) http://www.amazon.com/Noise-Music-History-Paul-Hegarty/dp/0826417272/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1381526037&sr=1-2&keywords=merzbow
People don't seem to understand that alot of my albums are protest albums, with the odd BDSM one thrown in.
Edited by Merzbow ()
roseweird posted:who the hell is japanese artist merzbow
Me, I'm Japanese artist Merzbow. Check out my blog http://blog.merzbow.net/ It's on par with maggotmasters but it will never be that great
ilmdge posted:"mccaine hated vilerat because vilerat had him banned for posting pedophilia in ADTRW, as proof check this image of FSAD banning mccaine for underage toons in LF, welp now you know the real reason mccaine hated vilerat" -kurt cobain
In short:
Edited by Merzbow ()

caution: Extreme Goon Mom Ownage
Merzbow posted:私ははい日本人です。私はあなたがFAPE大好きです
Ok buddy, tell it to me straight -- No bullshit: How easy would it be for me to cash in on my white privilege and rake in massive poon over in asia?
AmericanNazbro posted:Merzbow posted:私ははい日本人です。私はあなたがFAPE大好きです
Ok buddy, tell it to me straight -- No bullshit: How easy would it be for me to cash in on my white privilege and rake in massive poon over in asia?
It really depends what part of Asia and what generation you're talking about. Overall its easy as hell if you're talking about girls under 35. Over 35 is a lot harder because long story short, racists towards anyone not Japanese (or Chinese or Korean etc, Koreans hate Japanese, Japanese hate Koreans and so on. It's dying out but its kind of like talking to your racist parents in 1970s about the 1950s in USA).
Now a days its pretty easy as long as you're not 50 or something.
Then there is social cultural matters with different Asian countries eg: in China you're only allowed one child so parents abort their daughters so the Male/Female ratio difference is big or Japan with the Otaku culture which has the baggage of less males wanting to date / get married to women.
Edited by Merzbow ()

Meursault posted:http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3574253&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=4#post420416715caution: Extreme Goon Mom Ownage

elemennop posted:lol how the fuck did you get here merzbow? also, how the fuck did you raise chickens and decide they weren't the worst creatures in the world?
A lot of famous people are goons, look at Jon Stewart and Deadmau5
I originally raised the chickens to eat, a way of knowing how the animals were treated before I ate them but then I felt empathy with the cute little chickens (bantams are the cutest chickens) so read articles online and decided to not eat them.
me posted:I guess that my initial ideas on being vegan were very political. I thought that animal rights are an alternative to class war. Communism did never pay any attention to animals, because it’s only fighting a class war on humans’ behalf, not other creatures. I really think that anthropocentrism is quite wrong. The greatest cause of the environmental disruption of Earth is the human species. We must take care of other creatures if we want to have any hope for the Earth’s survival.
Edited by Merzbow ()
Merzbow posted:elemennop posted:lol how the fuck did you get here merzbow? also, how the fuck did you raise chickens and decide they weren't the worst creatures in the world?
A lot of famous people are goons, look at Jon Stewart and Deadmau5
I originally raised the chickens to eat, a way of knowing how the animals were treated before I ate them but then I felt empathy with the cute little chickens (bantams are the cutest chickens) so read articles online and decided to not eat them.me posted:I guess that my initial ideas on being vegan were very political. I thought that animal rights are an alternative to class war. Communism did never pay any attention to animals, because it’s only fighting a class war on humans’ behalf, not other creatures. I really think that anthropocentrism is quite wrong. The greatest cause of the environmental disruption of Earth is the human species. We must take care of other creatures if we want to have any hope for the Earth’s survival.
i meant the rhizzone. like what got some middle-aged japanese musician interested in predominantly american/exile community of twenty-somethings with vague radical politics.
my family comes mostly from farms, and that's how i grew to have no problems with eating animals and especially hating chickens, they're sociopathic little monsters
elemennop posted:lol how the fuck did you get here merzbow? also, how the fuck did you raise chickens and decide they weren't the worst creatures in the world?
chickens are awful, terrible creatures. the most foul of god's creations, right after wasps (of the acronym variant).