forward squats are far more brutal

swirlsofhistory posted:

I checked out a nearby gym a couple weeks ago, went inside and it was exactly what I expected it would be. Left satisfied that I wasn't being closed-minded, and that the people and activities there really are as stupid and pointless as ever.

you have a sick mind and my prescription is to recite the main tenets of Combat Liberalism by Mao Tse Tung once every night before bed until you're well. I wish you a speedy recovery.

did you go to a crossfit gym because feelings of revulsion and bile welling up are perfectly natural responses to seeing crossfit being preformed.
lol at 'excercise', the most bourgeoise of concepts
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
too lazy to do manual labour

roseweird posted:

the only thing i lift is my spirit, up to heaven. maybe some of you musclebound bros ought to think about that next time you are "workin' it"

all my reps are done for jesus

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

the only thing i lift is my spirit, up to heaven. maybe some of you musclebound bros ought to think about that next time you are "workin' it"

Peak physical exertion can be very spiritual


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

lol at 'excercise', the most bourgeoise of concepts

exercise is literally unpaid skilled labor

enjoy your slavery, weightlifters

[account deactivated]
actually exercise is labour done primarily for your own joy and health, a purely communist experience. only when it is coerced, or when milkshakes are taxed, does it become hideous.

swampman posted:

postposting posted:
can this thread also be mustache chat?
i pulled on one part of my mustache too much and some of the hairs came out and now its a little misshapen. thinking about shaving and starting from scratch. please advise

DON't shave it, just use a pair of scissors, perpendicular to your face on the other side of your face to even out the discrepancy. (by perpendicular to your face i mean like you are holding the shears at your chin and you might worry about catching your nose, that kind of angle)

i don't remember how long i've had a mustache. at least five years, not more than seven. i think i was in a relationship at the time. really into the boston noise scene. you have to trim it at least once a week, that's all i really know about mustaches.

wasted posted:

why do people hate deadlifts so much?

because they have short limbs. i have long limbs and don't have the time or strength to consistently lift heavy more than once every 2 weeks and can get well over 300 with no effort, but front squats put the fear of god in me

i've only been lifting for conditioning (muscular endurance/the phosphogenic system, whatever that is) because i do sports stuff, so i just lurch my way through complexes 2 or 3 times a week. does anyone have any recommendations for lifting for conditioning other than complexes?

swampman posted:

idk what do people see as necessary about lifting, that other forms of exercise cannot satisfy.

easiest way to build strength/muscular endurance/explosiveness w. a minimum of time. you can do it over time in sports that have a heavy resistance component, but nowadays almost anyone serious about competition in those sports is going to be lifting as well.


palafox posted:

i've only been lifting for conditioning (muscular endurance/the phosphogenic system, whatever that is) because i do sports stuff, so i just lurch my way through complexes 2 or 3 times a week. does anyone have any recommendations for lifting for conditioning other than complexes?

Supersets and high reps.

i don't lift but i am a professional athlete with a beer gut. i do pushups pull-ups and leg lifts only
how do you do leg lifts w/o weight? you mean like off your pullup bar?

wasted posted:

palafox posted:

i've only been lifting for conditioning (muscular endurance/the phosphogenic system, whatever that is) because i do sports stuff, so i just lurch my way through complexes 2 or 3 times a week. does anyone have any recommendations for lifting for conditioning other than complexes?

Supersets and high reps.

do you think that's more effective than complexes? it'd allow me to use higher weight, which would be something of a relief, anyway

[account deactivated]
no i don't. i don't ever do that.

swampman posted:

i'm pretty fit, i've never really lifted weights though... not sure of all the reasons, part of it is, i think many kinds of lifting are not worth the risk of physical injury, that become statistically likely as they are part of your routine, or at least, i dont trust myself to properly avoid those injuries. i think right now i'm in the best shape of my entire life although i need to bike a loop through manhattan to compare myself to a couple years ago. idk what do people see as necessary about lifting, that other forms of exercise cannot satisfy.

convict conditioning


karphead posted:

me. i lift 4 days a week doing a 5/3/1 routine. nothing extreme, most of my lifts are intermediate by EXRX standards. i have some kind of problem with my left knee so I can't do squats anymore and I think going heavy on deadlifts is fucking with my back and I hurt my shoulder about two weeks ago so I haven't lifted since then. stalin.

you should try face pulls with light weight, once you're up to it, to rehab your shoulder.
you may want to add hip thrusts (or glute bridges first if you don't have the finicky coordination to get proper activation). they're low-stress and an easy fix for some knee problems and they make compound lifts super easy. plus you can jack the weight up super high, and grunting real loud and humping 500 pounds of iron into the air with your pelvis is fucking great but enough about my wife.

ime nautilus machines, low reps, one muscle area per day works best
This is a fucked up thread.

palafox posted:

swampman posted:

idk what do people see as necessary about lifting, that other forms of exercise cannot satisfy.

easiest way to build strength/muscular endurance/explosiveness w. a minimum of time.

oh i see. lifting is for people without time to devote to physical fitness.

how swole can i get workin out with nothing but one of these

or if you take a non-distance sport seriously, or want to jack up your wattage or- wait a minute, have i been trolled? what on earth? this is unacceptable
i'm probably going to start lifting next week. well, okay, i'm not the healthiest man in the world, so i will probably look at a weight, break my muscles in two, and then cry for two weeks before trying again. but we have to lift. it's the rules.
i aggressively spot. sometimes i'm so close that i'm actually the one doing the workout. i throw my dumbbells to the ground when i'm done with them. i let the barbell bounce, letting out a roar as it hits the ground. i deadlift with a bent back. i wear gloves. i'm at the water fountain for 25 minutes out of a 30 minute workout. i crank the volume on my ipod so everyone else in the gym can hear the music i listen to, mostly Drake. i lift in running shoes. all my clothes match, all the time. i'm on a paleo diet. i weigh 125 lbs. i do crossfit.
i do starting strength which is pretty great, but a cut down version for my lazy ass. one day military press, bent over rows, deadlift (i can't do this properly so i'm worried about my back) the other bench, squat, max reps pullups. i also use the rowing machine after the workout and do 1000 m since i don't get enough cardio and its fun.

ABA, then BAB, etc. but now that I'm just trying to maintain (busy with school/too lazy) I do two days AB.
I don't lift because I'm softening as I age. I only do yoga and other things to help my breath. also basketball
sorry about your pilates regimen

ilmdge posted:

how swole can i get workin out with nothing but one of these

this was a serious question i have one of these in my apartment and i dont want to join a gym. do i do those curls or do i lift it over my head and if so how many times do i have to lift it to get big rippling muscles and good aesthetics.

you can do a lot of different exercises with it, but with most youd have to do a lot of reps to make much of a difference when it comes to swolitude

heres a good place to start: http://www.dumbbell-exercises.com/exercises/index.html

ilmdge posted:

ilmdge posted:

how swole can i get workin out with nothing but one of these

this was a serious question i have one of these in my apartment and i dont want to join a gym. do i do those curls or do i lift it over my head and if so how many times do i have to lift it to get big rippling muscles and good aesthetics.

its not going to do anything, join a gym or find some monkey bars, and watch inspirational slavic ghetto workout videos