Panopticon posted:what, did he sprain his ankle? what am i looking at here
manny machado's knee disintegrated
-the tp (titular poster)
I was "supposed" to go watch the white sox play today; I use the term "supposed" very loosely because the ticket was to make up for a rained out game they didn't want to refund, and there's no way I could make it today, so thanks baseball people.
Lysenko posted:i love women with big noses
roseweird posted:oh whats this a thread about something i hate and dont care about, guess i'll just "post" in it, i use the term "post" very loosely bc my posts are actually loose stools instead of posts, thanks for everything baseball
if you're not into baseball you are not my friend
Superabound posted:this thread is hard to watch. and not just because my knee has also disintegrated
Edited by ilmdge ()
getfiscal posted:saribari why'd you downvote moneyball? what is socialism other than the optimization of production from certain given resources?
Bc I hate Jonah Hill, gf
SariBari posted:Bc I hate Jonah Hill, gf
i respect your opinion. have a good afternoon.