Lykourgos posted:elemennop posted:yes, as i've said, even american highschool is inspired by classical prussian gymnasiusms. that's why you study "theoretical" geometry in american highschools.
Right, because you study ontology and logic in American high school geometry class. Because high school geometry is actually all about metaphysics.
What I recall having to study in geometry is how physical objects are measured and represented on paper, how to calculate angles and sizes, how to find missing angles and other measurements by using measurements already known, and then using that to go in a practical direction so that you can solve physical problems. It focused on measuring the physical world in high school. Plato was not given to that, deal with it, going further in that direction and calculating the arc of rockets or how long a ladder has to be to bridge a gap was not the focus of Plato.
i'm sorry to tell you that you were in the class for retards...
roseweird posted:my math beyond basic algebra and geometry is bad and it distresses me a lot, i've tried learning on my own but it's difficult, and i ignored it in college so i could indulge in theology. going back to college again im gonna feel stupid studying calculus with 18 year olds but oh well at least i'll finally be learning
18 year olds are pretty sexy tho
elemennop posted:i'm sorry to tell you that you were in the class for retards...
At least we both agree that maths is for retards, then. Arithmetic and Geometry, the fields of measurement. If you want to call yourself a metaphysician instead, go ahead, it would make more sense.
edit: really proud I've never spent less time thinking about something than this post
Edited by swirlsofhistory ()
on the last day of high school we sprayed him with a hose lmao, also apparently he was addicted to poker machines and kept playing one even when someone got stabbed near him in the pub
anyway mathematics is fucking gay, tell kids 'use a calculator' and abolish it as a compulsory subject in schools, it's a waste of fucking time
Ironicwarcriminal posted:all I remember about maths is that we had a teacher called mr trenwith and word on the playground was that he used to be called Mr Fenn but got caught catburgling a student's house at his previous we used to slyly try and bring up the word Fenn and hoo boy was it Christmas when we learnt of 'Venn diagrams'
on the last day of high school we sprayed him with a hose lmao, also apparently he was addicted to poker machines and kept playing one even when someone got stabbed near him in the pub
wow Australia seems like a dangerous hotbed of criminal activity, a reall hellhole. glad to see your gun laws are working
tpaine posted:hi i write serious research papers about marxism and such; my avatar is a pic of my 15 year old self shirtless and hairless
yeah. he owns a lot
MadMedico posted:Do high school and math college math classes still require students to buy those overpriced TI-83 calculators? Because if so that's a pretty good racket those Texas Instruments guys got there.
animedad posted:i studied math in college and have this really cool Linear Algebra book by Shilov sitting on my bookshelf full of angry literature and Marxism. do you know that book, elemennop?
nope. there's a huge variety of texts up to like analysis and algebra, after that it starts narrowing down to like a handful of big names, with serge lang probably being the biggest.
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