also Machiavelli's the Prince and trifles for a massacre
[account deactivated]

swirlsofhistory posted:

babyfinland posted:

I don't understand any of this. How long did you spend studying set theory, babyfinland, before you were able to grasp how it connects to language, the state and political radicalism?

doesn't matter because if anyone is carrying water for sokal and co. in french philosophy, it's badiou, which is why it's so lol that they tried to go after him

i tire of reading 'theory', it's so easy to construct castles in the sky with words
[account deactivated]

swirlsofhistory posted:

babyfinland posted:

I don't understand any of this. How long did you spend studying set theory, babyfinland, before you were able to grasp how it connects to language, the state and political radicalism?

It's relaly not that complicated. Maybe you're stupid. This says nothing about political radicalism, firstly. It's got less to do with set theory than with politics, Badiou just uses that as a metaphor to describe the constitution of Western politic. I couldn't tell you the first thing about math theory, or even political theory really.

Also I didn't write these things myself, I read them in books that other people wrote. Thereby bypassing the need to study those fields and write the theories myself.

i flipped through this kids' book called "maniac magee" in a waiting room, andgot the impression that it is the most obliviously offensive shit that has ever flowed from the pen of a smug white liberal
like the main character who is some sort of magic wizard race-hopping naif drifter explains that he can't "see" race because parts of his own body aren't literally white, and thus immediately becomes an official Black Person to a black family, in a town where the Klan is out for their blood

edit: checked and the author looks exactly like you'd expect from the name "Jerry Spinelli" lol

Edited by cars ()

[account deactivated]
what is this drama roseweird

cars posted:

like the main character who is some sort of magic wizard race-hopping naif drifter explains that he can't "see" race because parts of his own body aren't literally white, and thus immediately becomes an official Black Person to a black family, in a town where the Klan is out for their blood

edit: checked and the author looks exactly like you'd expect from the name "Jerry Spinelli" lol

[account deactivated]
id just never seen someone actually say goodbye to LF before instead of just mysteriously disappearing including myself
[account deactivated]
i probably cant stay for much longer either given the amount of my near future life that will be spent on secured and monitored networks

roseweird posted:

lol i thought i was banned bc i couldn't post in another thread and i tried posting that here, i'm pretty pleased with it though and stand by it. i spent the summer talking here and now that classes are going again i can reflect on it as a pretty unhealthy experience probably for all of us

this forum is mostly a graveyard, but i still kind of feel of tinge of loss when someone stops posting, even babyfinland. It's kind of a ruler for the passing of time. remember when that guy used to post? yeah, that guy! anyways if you're determined to leave, all the best with your classes, and good luck with life.


daddyholes posted:

like the main character who is some sort of magic wizard race-hopping naif drifter explains that he can't "see" race because parts of his own body aren't literally white, and thus immediately becomes an official Black Person to a black family, in a town where the Klan is out for their blood

edit: checked and the author looks exactly like you'd expect from the name "Jerry Spinelli" lol

this book made me cry

LF was designed as a graveyard and has always been a graveyard
when i got to rhizzone and infrateal wasnt here i was like ehhhh and then i remembered that part

roseweird posted:

lol i thought i was banned bc i couldn't post in another thread and i tried posting that here, i'm pretty pleased with it though and stand by it. i spent the summer talking here and now that classes are going again i can reflect on it as a pretty unhealthy experience probably for all of us

everyone comes back eventually
[account deactivated]

daddyholes posted:

id just never seen someone actually say goodbye to LF before instead of just mysteriously disappearing including myself

this used to happen all the time and I'm pretty sure every known "lf poster" has made a dramatic FUCK YOU IM LEAVING thread including myself.

I'm too cool to read all that garbage, except I'm smart and well read so I did read all that garbage previously to now but I refuse to talk about it.
[account deactivated]
Who's klaas vieja or whoever on fb . He just friended me
[account deactivated]
I knew that post was going to be prime tpaine bait
[account deactivated]
Hi big fan loved bound and matrix revolutions
this is supposed to be the new pynchon book

Edited by ilmdge ()

pynchon the hermit, the shut-in, sits in his house deep in the woods and not on any maps, and torrents anime 24/7
Actually, this is the new pynchon book


daddyholes posted:

like the main character who is some sort of magic wizard race-hopping naif drifter explains that he can't "see" race because parts of his own body aren't literally white, and thus immediately becomes an official Black Person to a black family, in a town where the Klan is out for their blood

edit: checked and the author looks exactly like you'd expect from the name "Jerry Spinelli" lol

my elementary school system had forced deseg bussing, and while the racial tensions weren't super awful or anything (i was and am obtuse, maybe i just didn't notice), the mandated reading of maniac magee was a transparent move to both white and black children. we also had a teacher who grumbled because she couldn't trot out this excellent recorded reading of little black sambo.

i'm currently reading penelope fitzgerald's "the blue flower," which i only got because teju cole recommended it, but it's funny and good. it's about novalis' lust for a 12 year old, and is enclosed below for your discerning perusal.
check out the official trailer to pynchons new book

[account deactivated]

ilmdge posted:

pynchon the hermit, the shut-in, sits in his house deep in the woods and not on any maps, and torrents anime 24/7

a Real American Hero