I just keep screencaps, too lazy for txts.

I don't remember any of these people, sound like fun sorts though. I just wish Odho was still here.

wasted posted:

there wasn't much else he could do after in utero

you could say the same for all of us


wasted posted:

punk anthem:

My Generation was the first ever punk song imho


wasted posted:

postposting posted:

Wasted, not trying to be harsh, but do you have a point beyond the fact that contemporary punk music is not on the clearchannel or something? there's the internet and I'm pretty sure you could go to a show and they wouldn't turn you away no matter how lame your pants are.

and yeah that mad song is sickk

I didn't listen to your song, and I don't really care how punk has evolved tbqh. To me, punk is an inherently conservative genre. But, that's not why I stay away from it. Hell, even most modern blues programs you hear on the radio don't stray away from traditional I, IV,V progressions. I also don't hold Cobain as the patron saint of some sort of neo-punk revolution. He was simply a talented guy who could hack out a melody with his voice regardless of the rampant plagiarism/repetition of his own harmonic developments. But punk just doesn't mean much to me and never really has.

yeah that's cool, for an even smoother rhizzone experience i also recommend not reading my posts entirely