the first time i read about scientology i was like "huh this name sounds familar". i pulled out a couple of ancient paperbacks i bought on holiday in spain when i was 10 and lo and behold, l ron hubbard.
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i need to read gravitys rainbow again, its been several years
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dhalgren is pretty bad

burroughs's cities of the red night trilogy is really good, especially the western lands
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roseweird posted:

The Shadow Dragons, released on October 27, 2009, is the fourth novel of The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, a book series begun by Here, There Be Dragons. It was preceded by The Indigo King and followed by The Dragon's Apprentice.

is that any relation to

i had to read ursula k leguin's the dispossed, and it basically turned me into a fascist for a week by how badly it understood socialism
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roseweird posted:

elemennop posted:

i had to read ursula k leguin's the dispossed, and it basically turned me into a fascist for a week by how badly it understood socialism

i haven't read it, but i read the ones who walk away from omelas, which the dispossessed was based on, i thought the content was mainly emotional and related to scapegoating rather than a specific socialist commentary, what was your problem with the dispossessed exactly

well in the world there were 3 factions of like the space ussr, space america, and some anarchist-socialist colony on another planet. the anarchist-socialist colony is like the worst utopian fantasies of anarchist teenagers. like it's a screed against bureaucracy and government in socialism. but it also posits some stupid ass shit about how abundance of resources leads to competition and some sapir-whorf bullshit about how if we get rid of words in regards to private property, society will become more socialist!

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glomper_stomper posted:

mainline speed and rough smack for a week straight and read burroughs and pynchon and pkd. become the nebuchadnezzar of your own pseudointellectual hipster ziggurat

lol yeah go do drugs and then... read a book

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lol at people reading american fiction
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james tiptree jr. (woman pretended to be a man) is the best scifi i have ever read and i have read a lot. she does short stories but scifi is better in short format. also there's some amazing soviet science fiction but not much is translated, my used copy of self-discovery by savchenko is one of the best used-book store finds i've made. wizards of earthsea is fantasy but its up there with tolkien imo.
oh and if you like garbage/trash books SPace War Blues is about New Haitians in space fighting New Alabamans and its horrible in agood way.

roseweird posted:

science fiction is for the most part the only good literature america has produced imo. has australia ever produced anything worth reading

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this is a good book about soviet cosmist utopianism

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

lol at people reading american fiction

american fiction is better than other fictions

i'm not even sure i read her novels (i think maybe one or two) but on my shelf i have The Starry Rift a short story collection which is good, i think maybe her smoke is the best though?

if you like hard scifi (the 1% of which is good) theres this free pdf of Blindsight which despite involving vampires which i hate is teh best scifi novel i've read in a while. heck even if you don't like ahrd scifi its good.


roseweird posted:

science fiction is for the most part the only good literature america has produced imo. has australia ever produced anything worth reading

read ishmael reed


NoFreeWill posted:

wizards of earthsea is fantasy but its up there with tolkien imo.

haha, up there with tolkein, who sucks more balls than the lottery machine on tv

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