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kindly pizza your anus
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roseweird posted:

arendt is cool, im gonna read more arendt

You should read Abimael Guzman, instead.


MadMedico posted:


'almah, ALWAYS!, acault, active, activist, admirer, adorant, adult, agender, aggressive, agule, aionolit, alien, all of the above, ally, ambi-brained, ambigender, ambiguous, ambisexual, amoeba, amorous, anarchist, andro, androdyke, androgyne, androgynous, android, androphiliac, angekok, angel, animal lover, anomalous, anti-sexual, apomict, arenotelicon, aromantic, artsy, asexual, ask me, assertive, aunt, authoritarian, autistic, autogynephiliac, autosexual, BD, BDSM, babe, baby dyke, babygirl, bade, bayot, bbw, bbw admirer, bear, bear lover, bearded female, bearded lady, bearded woman, beautiful, bent, berdache, bi-romantic, bicurious, bidyke, big brother, big sister, bigender, bimbo, bioboy, biogirl, bioguy, birl, bisensual, bisexual, bishoujo, bishounen, bitch, bitchboi, blessed, blond, blonde, boi, boigirl, boigrrl, bondage, both, bottom, bouncy, boy, boy hater, boy in a skirt, boy lover, boy with a vagina, boy with boobs, boychick, boydyke, boygirl, boygrrl, brick, brother, brunet, brunette, bubbly, bull dyke, bulldagger, burl, burly, burly grrl, butch, butch-fucking, butch-ish, butch-liking, butch-loving, butchdyke, byke, Communist, canine, caring, castrated, cat, cat lover, celibate, chapstick lesbian, chaser, chick, chick with a dick, child, chubby, chubby chaser, chunky, cis-sexual, cisgender, cisgender boy, cisgender girl, cisgender man, cisgender person, cisgender woman, clockable, clone, closet queen, closeted, commie, communist, complex, confidant, confused, conservative, counselor, cousin, creative, creature, crip, crossdresser, crossgender, cub, cuddly, cunt, curious, cute, Democrat, DL, Dr., DS, daddy, daddy's baby, daddy's girl, daddy's grrl, daddy's whore, dairy queen, daughter, deep stealth, demon, diesel dyke, diesel femme, different, differently-gendered, dike-nwami, diva, do-me queen, dog, dog lover, dominant, dork, doublecrossdresser, downe, drag hag, drag king, drag monarch, drag prince, drag princess, drag queen, dragette, dragster, dragzilla, drama queen, dreamer, dude, dudette, dunno yet, dyke, dyke daddy, dyke hag, dyke on a bike, dyke tyke, dykefag, eccentric, eclectic, effanineffable, effeminate, either, enaree, eonist, epicene, esoteric, estranged, etc., eunuch, everything, extrovert, eyeliner fag, F2M, FAAB, FABGLITTER, FePhe, FSF, FT?, FTF, FTI, FTM, FTMTF, FTW, FTWTF, FTX, fa'afafine, fabulous, faerie, fag, fag hag, fag stag, fagdyke, fagette, faggot, faggotdude, fairy, family, family-closeted, fanboy, fancy, fangirl, fat, fat dyke, fat femme, father, faux king, faux queen, feline, fellagirly, female, female guy, female impersonator, female-assigned, female-bodied, female-born, female-identified, female-souled, feminine, feminist, femme, femme-fucking, femme-ish, femme-liking, femme-loving, femmeboy, femmy, femmy butch, ferm, fetishist, fey, fightfucker, flamer, flirt, flirty, fluffer, fluffy, fluid, fourth gender, freak, free, friend, friend of Dorothy, friendless, friendly, full of hate, full of love, full-time, furry, fusband, Galla, GLBT, GLBTQ, GLBTQA, GLBTQI, GLBTQIA, Green, gay, gay-curious, gay-friendly, gaysexual, geek, gelding, gender abolitionist, gender anarchist, gender atypical, gender bender, gender blender, gender challenged, gender confused, gender defender, gender deviant, gender different, gender dysphoric, gender euphoric, gender expressive, gender fluid, gender gifted, gender liberationist, gender nazi, gender neutral, gender normative, gender outlaw, gender pirate, gender refusenik, gender subversive, gender transcender, gender variant, gender warrior, genderbent, gendered, genderfree, genderfuck, genderful, genderless, genderqueer, genderstraight, gendertrash, genetic girl, genetic woman, genetically challenged king, genetically challenged queen, gentleman, gentlewoman, gink, girl, girl hater, girl lover, girlboi, girlboy, girlfag, girly, girly boy, girly-girl, girly-man, glam fag, glittery, god, goddess, goy, grrl, grrlboi, grrlboy, grrly boy, grrlydyke, gurl, guy, guydyke, gynandroid, gynandromorphic, gynephiliac, gynephilic, gynoid, gyrl, haggot, hairy, happy, hard, hard butch, hard femme, harpy, hasbian, he-she, herm, hermaphrodite, hermaphrodyke, hetero-romantic, heteroblivious, heteroerotic, heteroflexible, heterophile, heteroplatonic, heteroqueer, heterosextransman, heterosextranswoman, heterosexual, heyoka, high femme, hijra, hippie, hippychick, hommasse, homo, homo-romantic, homoblivious, homoemotional, homoerotic, homoflexible, homoplatonic, homosextransman, homosextranswoman, homosexual, homovestite, huggly, huggy, human, husband, hwame, hwami, hyper-sexual, hypo-sexual, Independent, ITF, ITM, illusionist, impersonator, in transition, indecisive, indifferent, individual, ineffable, intelligent, interested, intergender, intersex, introvert, khal, khush, kid, kinky, kitty, knight, koskalaka, kurami, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQA, LGBTQI, LGBTQIA, LGBTQIOPPS, LGBTQIPPS, Lola, Lolita, lady, ladyboy, leather, left-brained, leftist, leopard, lesbian, lesbian-identified, lesbigay, lesbiman, lesbo, lesbro, lezbean, lezzy, liberal, libertarian, library dyke, lipstick lesbian, little brother, little sister, lost, lovely, lover, loving, low femme, M2F, MAAB, Miss, Mr., Mre., Mrs., MSM, Ms., MT?, MTF, MTFTM, MTI, MTM, MTWTF, MTX, Mx., ma'am, machera, macho, madam, mahu, male, male impersonator, male lesbian, male-assigned, male-bodied, male-born, male-identified, male-souled, mama, mama's boi, mama's boy, mama's girl, mama's grrl, man, man with a vagina, man with boobs, man-chick, man-child, man-loving, manly-hearted woman, maricón, masculine, masochist, master, me, merm, mesbian, mesbo, metagender, metamorph, metrosexual, midgender, mife, mimbo, minx, misrepresented, miss, misses, misster, misstery, mister, mister-ma'am, mistress, misunderstood, mixed-gendered, mohabbazin, mommy, mommy's boi, mommy's boy, mommy's girl, mommy's grrl, monoamorous, monoflexible, monogamist, monogender, monosexual, mosaic, mother, muff muncher, mukhannathun, multifacetted, multigender, musclefag, muskobanja, mutarajjulat, myself, NEVER!, NO!, nadle, nancy, nancyboy, natal woman, neither, nellie, nelly, nellyfag, nephew, nerd, neuter, neutral, neutrois, new man, new woman, nichiwakan, niece, niizh manitoag, ninauposkitzipspe, nkonkana, no thank you, no-gender, no-ho, no-op, nohitika win, nola, non-op, non-trans, non-trans boy, non-trans girl, non-trans man, non-trans person, non-trans woman, nonbutch/nonfemme, none of the above, none of your business, nongender, nongolozi, not sure of myself, not sure of others, nothing, notjmen, notjwomen, ntalha, nuwuduka, nymphomaniac, oblivious, obsessed, odd, okitcitakwe, omi-paloni, omipolone, omnigender, omnisexual, one-spirit, onnabe, open, opt-out, other, other-gendered, otherkin, otter, out, out-ish, outed, outgoing, outspoken, pan-romantic, pangender, pansexual, pansy, parent, part-time, parthenogene, passing girl, passing woman, passionate, passive, peopleemotional, peopleplatonic, peoplesexual, person, pervert, philosopher, pixie, platonic, plumber dyke, plumber femme, plural, pole dancer, polyamorous, polycurious, polyflexible, polygamist, polygender, polysexual, polysnuggler, pomo, pomosexual, post-op, poufbunny, pre-op, pregender, prettyboy, priest, priestess, princess, privileged, pro-choice, pro-family, pro-gay, pro-life, pro-sex feminist, progressive, promiscuous, pseudohermaphrodite, puppy, puto, pygmalionist, queen, queer, queer dyke, queer femme, queer liberationist, queer-friendly, queer-minded, queergendered, queering deafness, queerly straight, queersexual, questioning, quiet, quirky, quirkyalone, quiz whore, Republican, Rev., Reverend, radical, radical faerie, radical fairy, random, readable, recreational gender blender, redhead, ren fest fag, right-brained, rightist, romantic, royal, SOFFA, Socialist, sacred whore, sadist, sadomasochist, salmacian, salzikrum, same gender loving, same sex different gender oriented, sapiosexual, sapphist, sassy, scrat, second, sekrata, self-defined, semi-sexual, senp'aa, sensitive, sererr, sex positive, sex radical, sex-averse, sexless, sexy, shaman, shapeshifter, she-bear, she-bitch, she-geek, she-man, shemale, showgirl, shy, simple, simplex, single boi, single grrl, single-gender, sinta'xlau'wam, sir, sissy, sissyboy, sister, skank, slave, slinky minx, slut, snuggly, socialist, soft, soft butch, soft femme, son, sparkly, spiritual, spivak, splat, split-brained, spuncle, stag, starfucker, static gendered, stealth, sticky girl, stone, stone butch, stone femme, straight, straight?, straightly queer, strange, stud, student, submissive, suicidal, survivor, sweet, switch, TG butch, Tootsie, takarazuka, teh gay, the gay, theater fag, third gender, timtim, timtum, tomboy, tomboy femme, tomgirl, top, tortillera, trampy, tranny, trannyboi, trannyboy, trannychaser, trannydyke, trannyfag, trannygirl, trannygrrl, trannyqueer, trans, trans-am, trans-amorous, trans-friendly, trans-loving, trans-oblivious, transboi, transboy, transbutch, transdyke, transexual, transfag, transfagdrag, transfaghag, transfan, transfemale, transfemale butch, transfemale femme, transfeminine, transfeminist, transfemme, transfolk, transgender, transgender warrior, transgenderist, transgenerationalist, transgirl, transgrrl, transguy, transhag, transhuman, transkid, transmale, transmale butch, transmale femme, transman, transmasculine, transperson, transphile, transqueer, transquestioning, transsensual, transsexual, transsissy, transspecies, transtheorist, transvestite, transwoman, transy, tranz, treehugger, tribade, trisexual, truck, trustworthy, tumtum, twin-spirit, twink, two-spirit, uncle, unclockable, undecided, undeclared, undefined, understanding, ungendered, uninterested, unique, unspecified, unsure, Victor/Victoria, vanilla, versatile, virgin, vorarephile, voyeuristic, WAB, WBW, WTF, walyeh, wannabe, wealthy, weird, wench, whatever, who cares, whole-brained, whore, wife, wimp, winkte, witch, wizard, wolf, woman, woman-loving, womon, womon-loving, womyn, womyn-loving, working class, XO, XTF, XTM, XTX, XX, XXX, XXXX, XXXXX, XXXXY, XXXY, XXY, XXYY, XY, XYY, xanith, YES!, yestergay


AmericanNazbro posted:

i think since the time i could understand language everyone in my family talked about stalin/communism the same way jews talk about hitler and the nazis

that's interesting because ukraine more than anywhere else yearns for the return of a strong, stalin-type figure.


libelous_slander posted:


Yestergay, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to gay
Oh, I believe in yestergay


The U.S. is so fucking backwards
ugh remind me never to quote libelous_slander again, dubya dubya dubya dot custom colors crew dot ouch

ilmdge posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:

i think since the time i could understand language everyone in my family talked about stalin/communism the same way jews talk about hitler and the nazis

that's interesting because ukraine more than anywhere else yearns for the return of a strong, stalin-type figure.

fwiw, my great grandpa worked in the tsar secret police. my other great grandpa was part of tsarist regime aristocracy

Just got back from US vs Mexico hahaha dos a zero you hijos de puntas

the only thing that could make me feel more pumped right now is if Obama tells Congress to shove it and commences the inceneration of Syria's economic infrastructure
1) By basing a definition of oppression on sites of identity wrenched from a materialist basis, there emerges a concept of oppression that lacks any revolutionary praxis. There can be no solidarity in a theory that divides along multiple moments of identity and elevates these molecularities above the molar basis that actually divides a given mode of production into ruling and ruled classes. While it may be unfashionable in certain academic circles to make this claim, the only basis of revolutionary unity is still the basis of social class since a given mode of production, as well as the momentum of history, is determined, in the last instance, by class struggle.

2) While it is correct to reject the class essentialism of a crude marxism that in itself produces its own form of identity politics (where the proletariat is automatically and erroneously overcoded according to a white, male, hetero, able-bodied, and cis-gendered identity), it is incorrect to substitute a post-modern politics of difference––which concretely means identity politics––in its place. To argue that the proletariat's composition is defined by these sites of oppression is not the same as clinging to a politics that speaks only of these sites, wrenched from the material basis of social class and treated in an abstract and intersecting manner, rather than the material fact of class division. Class might be determined by these moments of oppression, but it also and simultaneously determines these moments of oppression. Again: in the final instance we have to recognize social/economic class as the basis of revolutionary struggle.

3) The theory of intersectionality, a term flouted about by those committed to an identitarian approach, is ultimately banal. While it is indeed a fact that class, race, sex, gender, nationality, etc. intersect, recognizing this fact is about as useful as recognizing that the clouds are grey when it is close to raining. No theory of intersectionality proposed by proponents of post-modern and identitarian approaches has done anything more significant than inform us of the obvious fact that oppression intersects and overlaps; they generally fail to explain why and how they overlap, and more importantly they fail to provide a praxis of revolutionary unity. Here the statements of intersectionality mean only the recognition of disparate trajectories that happen to intersect, just because they do, rather than provide a precise epistemology of intersection.

4) Revolutionary communists have known, for a long time, that disparate oppressions intersect in the moment of class which is the final instance rather than a separate identitarian trajectory. By pretending that social class is something that is only a moment of intersection, rather than the material basis that makes sense of intersection, identity politics cannot challenge capitalism in a scientific manner. Instead, all it can do is offer moralizations.

5) Those who champion the enshrined practices of identity politics––anti-oppression training, "safe spaces", rarified theories of privilege, abstract movementism––are generally petty-bourgeois academics. The irony is that while many of these people possess a significant level of intellectual privilege (and note that the post-modern theories behind this politics are currently accessible mainly to students and intellectuals) they do not grasp the privilege generated by their social class as the primary moment of privilege, or even recognize that they are economically privileged, when they speak of privilege, oppression, intersectionality, etc. Hence the failure to produce a material analysis of oppression: under capitalism those who possess the most "privilege" are those who possess the most economic autonomy, i.e. the bourgeosie, and those who possess the intellectual autonomy to flourish in the spaces opened by identity politics also possess, in some very significant ways and regardless of their specific identities (oppressed or otherwise), the very privilege they imagine they lack. None of this is to say that these practices were not at one point of time necessary, or at least the logical result of the class essentialism of a crude marxism, but just that they can be nothing more than a petty-bourgeois activism that produces neo-reformism.

6) Although there have been numerous marxist attempts to reject identity politics without falling back into class essentialism, most have ended up reifying the content of identity politics. (Hence the recent bad faith appropriation of proletarian feminism where the same identitarian notion of "privilege" is presupposed and revolutionary theorists such as Anuradha Gandhy are poached by bourgeois feminists who replace exploitation with an idealist concept of oppression.) Generally speaking, in our attempt to supersede a class essentialism while learning from the politics of identity, some of us tend to err more on the side of the latter in an attempt to overcome the problems of the former. This error makes sense in light of the history of crude marxism and yet is still an error… for if we claim we are marxists, then we need to offer something more and beyond the simplest and idealist rejections of a marxism that belongs in the dustbin of history.

7) The legacy of identity politics has produced a problematic language idealism where we focus more on correct words and phrases rather than the material basis of oppression… And even in the moment where we imagine we are indeed combatting real world oppression we are, in fact, simply engaging with the level of appearance. We often fail to recognize that those who lack the privileged education to understand the correct terminology and turns of phrase are not necessarily those who are chauvinist, just as we fail to recognize that those who possess the education to hide their chauvinism with the correct language are indeed the enemy. This language idealism becomes nothing but a self-righteous exercise when it refuses to contemplate a praxis of mass pedagogy based on actually changing the material circumstances and instead focuses on anti-oppression training, atomized concepts of privilege, and how to speak correctly. It becomes utterly rarified and intentionally ignorant when it demands that we waste our time examining every word and turn of phrase at the expense of changing the material circumstances upon which this language is dependent. Moralism abounds.

8) Now there are innumerable marxists who appeal to identity politics in order to justify their lack of praxis. It is no accident that those who are the least active in attempting to engage with the proletarian and declass are also those who most rigidly abide by the dictates of identity politics––indeed, the theoretical constellation of identity politics often provides the inactive marxist with an excuse to remain inactive. One must not engage with the masses if they say the wrong words; one must not engage with concrete reality if it cannot be transformed so easily into a safe space.

9) We need to ask why the praxis mobilized by identity politics matters only to radicals at the centres of global capitalism. Why is this set politics seen as petty-bourgeois by revolutionary movements at the global peripheries––movements that are tired of those intellectuals who, in the moment of theorizing about the subaltern's ability to speak for itself, attempt to decide the manner in which this subaltern can speak in order to be understood as subaltern? When we ask these questions we may be forced to recognize that identity politics is connected to a radical petty-bourgeois strain of what might be called the labour aristocracy––or at the very least a group of privileged migrant ex-patriates––and that its theorization of privilege is also an attempt to obscure its own especial privilege.

10) The fact that identity politics, and its theoretical basis in post-modern theory, is predominant only at the centres of capitalism is no accident. This is not to say that the insights produced by this ultimately petty-bourgeois practice have not been useful and significant (indeed some crude marxisms it sought to correct were also petty-bourgeois) only that these insights are limited precisely by their petty-bourgeois idealism and inability to examine the material basis of reality––that is, social class. Social class is precisely that which can be obscured at the privileged centres of imperialism.

roseweird posted:

roseweird posted:

arendt is cool, im gonna read more arendt

lol hey huey could you write a few cryptic rambling paragraphs about why arendt is bad and i shouldn't read her

why would you spend time reading a generic liberal when you could be reading CAPITAL VOLUME ONE BY KARL MARX

shyeah i'm going to read capital: volume i. don't think so. it's a thousand pages just to make the argument that capitalists profit off labour. wow. couldn't figure that out using common sense.
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

here is why identity politics suck


because it's responsible for the atomized and prissy version of Newspeak we're getting lumbered with

yeah we've already distinguished tumblr slap fights as counter-productive and objectively stupid.

oh have we already had that part of the conversation in this conversation we've had about fifty times a year for going on five years

I mean no disrespect to the people who have made many good posts in this thread, but I'd like to take a few minutes to echo my colleague babyfinland here where he says that we've had this conversation fifty times before. I don't know if anyone has seen Battlestar Galactica, but there's a saying on that show, "All this has happened before, and all this will happen again." I have a tendency to geek out when I talk about things like this so I'll just cut myself off right there, except to say it is a good show and I'd recommend it. But anyhow, the notion is that their world is caught in a sort of loop, and I think it applies to these forums as well, at least to the extent that we hash out and rehash the same topics again and again.

I do think there's a solution to this. It's all about collecting intelligence and using it wisely. We need to post smarter, not harder, and by that I don't mean our posts need to look more like deadken's blog. Maybe I can explain it another way. Who here remembers the 9/11 Commission Report? It was an eminently readable work about how a few terrorist bros took down the twin towers, and it traced back to the history of bin Laden and al Qaeda all the way up through the current state of the intelligence community and the commission's recommendations to that community.

The report concludes with §13 HOW TO DO IT? A DIFFERENT WAY OF ORGANIZING THE GOVERNMENT. Subsections §13.2 and 13.3 are entitled, respectively, "Unity of Effort in the Intelligence Community" and "Unity of Effort in Sharing Information." The focus of this section is on how different intelligence units could be reformed in order to more effectively work together in tracking the multitude of possible threats facing the nation in a post-Cold War world. A few of the problems noted in the former subsection are "Structural barriers to performing joint intelligence work" and "Divided management of national intelligence capabilities." In the latter subsection, the report explains: "The biggest impediment to all-source analysis—to a greater likelihood of connecting the dots—is the human or systemic resistance to sharing information."

It's easy to see how these recommendations could apply to this message board. I know many of us here collect information or track posts. We have a unique opportunity for sharing available to us. This forum we're reading and following is also a place where we express our thoughts and share our findings frequently. There is no reason we cannot use this same forum to share intelligence. For example, in this situation, someone who has logged previous threads where what's known as "identity politics" have been discussed could post those links for our perusal in the early stages of this thread. This would prevent unnecessary repetition and the "BSG Syndrome" this forum often suffers.

As we know, most of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission were not enacted. They suggested, for example, the establishment of a National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). The NCTC would be a center for joint intelligence staffed by personnel from various agencies (CIA, NSA, FBI, DOD, DHS.). Regrettably, this suggestion was one of those ignored. But for all of those reading, civilians or agents from various departments, consider this a personal appeal: let's get together and share some notes, for the good of tHE rHizzonE. Here's a sample of what I'm working with, and which I'd be willing to share should anyone working toward similar purposes contact me with information to exchange.

not in it voted 1
dude can i get my file from you
how should we contact you

tehblackw0lf posted:

babyfinland posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

here is why identity politics suck


because it's responsible for the atomized and prissy version of Newspeak we're getting lumbered with

yeah we've already distinguished tumblr slap fights as counter-productive and objectively stupid.

oh have we already had that part of the conversation in this conversation we've had about fifty times a year for going on five years

I mean no disrespect to the people who have made many good posts in this thread, but I'd like to take a few minutes to echo my colleague babyfinland here where he says that we've had this conversation fifty times before. I don't know if anyone has seen Battlestar Galactica, but there's a saying on that show, "All this has happened before, and all this will happen again." I have a tendency to geek out when I talk about things like this so I'll just cut myself off right there, except to say it is a good show and I'd recommend it. But anyhow, the notion is that their world is caught in a sort of loop, and I think it applies to these forums as well, at least to the extent that we hash out and rehash the same topics again and again.

I do think there's a solution to this. It's all about collecting intelligence and using it wisely. We need to post smarter, not harder, and by that I don't mean our posts need to look more like deadken's blog. Maybe I can explain it another way. Who here remembers the 9/11 Commission Report? It was an eminently readable work about how a few terrorist bros took down the twin towers, and it traced back to the history of bin Laden and al Qaeda all the way up through the current state of the intelligence community and the commission's recommendations to that community.

The report concludes with §13 HOW TO DO IT? A DIFFERENT WAY OF ORGANIZING THE GOVERNMENT. Subsections §13.2 and 13.3 are entitled, respectively, "Unity of Effort in the Intelligence Community" and "Unity of Effort in Sharing Information." The focus of this section is on how different intelligence units could be reformed in order to more effectively work together in tracking the multitude of possible threats facing the nation in a post-Cold War world. A few of the problems noted in the former subsection are "Structural barriers to performing joint intelligence work" and "Divided management of national intelligence capabilities." In the latter subsection, the report explains: "The biggest impediment to all-source analysis—to a greater likelihood of connecting the dots—is the human or systemic resistance to sharing information."

It's easy to see how these recommendations could apply to this message board. I know many of us here collect information or track posts. We have a unique opportunity for sharing available to us. This forum we're reading and following is also a place where we express our thoughts and share our findings frequently. There is no reason we cannot use this same forum to share intelligence. For example, in this situation, someone who has logged previous threads where what's known as "identity politics" have been discussed could post those links for our perusal in the early stages of this thread. This would prevent unnecessary repetition and the "BSG Syndrome" this forum often suffers.

As we know, most of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission were not enacted. They suggested, for example, the establishment of a National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). The NCTC would be a center for joint intelligence staffed by personnel from various agencies (CIA, NSA, FBI, DOD, DHS.). Regrettably, this suggestion was one of those ignored. But for all of those reading, civilians or agents from various departments, consider this a personal appeal: let's get together and share some notes, for the good of tHE rHizzonE. Here's a sample of what I'm working with, and which I'd be willing to share should anyone working toward similar purposes contact me with information to exchange.

whats most disconcerting about this is that you're using windows 95

can you pm me the files on all the goon babes? thanks, Partner

what are the subfiles in aryangoku's folder
Also, my file better not fucking have gender listed.