[account deactivated]
Tat Tvam Asi
genderfuck you, OP
Genderfuck My Hot Gay Ass
twerk and destroy
heaping disdain on "identity politics" is p. dumb.
actually its badass

HenryKrinkle posted:

heaping disdain on "identity politics" is p. dumb.

its very aughties, its like the leftist infighting equivelent of reggaeton and the Chappelle Show

it started out as a way to hate on tumblr and make fun of otherkin but then quickly devolved into an excuse for brushing aside the genuine concerns of oppressed groups.

HenryKrinkle posted:

heaping disdain on "identity politics" is p. dumb.

it's not but somehow goons desecrate every single thing with awful aesthetics so whatever


HenryKrinkle posted:

it started out as a way to hate on tumblr and make fun of otherkin but then quickly devolved into an excuse for brushing aside the genuine concerns of oppressed groups.

babyhewy makes some good points, henry...

Like, let's just assume we did exterminate all the jews and fags. Wouldn't the world be a better place? I think so.
what if you're all the jews or, all the fags? think a little

HenryKrinkle posted:

heaping disdain on "identity politics" is p. dumb.

the anger toward ID politics here is about 20% legitimate criticism and 80% jealousy

IMO identity politics can't achieve much more than attacking the symptoms of deeper problems though. by endorsing a sort of tribalism it also seems to encourage and legitimize groups like MRAs to

ooga booga

HenryKrinkle posted:

it started out as a way to hate on tumblr and make fun of otherkin but then quickly devolved into an excuse for brushing aside the genuine concerns of oppressed groups.

i find that i make very little headway trying to convince black people or gay people that class is more important than race or sexuality, especially when i brush off all of their concerns as frivolous single-issue handwaving
have you tried using communism
identity politics are cool and a good way for poors to fight amongst themselves.
deep thoughts itt

TG posted:

i find that i make very little headway trying to convince black people or gay people that class is more important than race or sexuality, especially when i brush off all of their concerns as frivolous single-issue handwaving

have you considered that your problems come from being POOR and not from being BLACK? -me, to a black lady at the 7/11

accusing identity politics of dividing the left is a cool way to divide the left.

neglecting racism is particularly insane because so much of modern capitalism is rooted in white supremacy. you still see it today w/ non-whites generally comprising most of the world's impoverished majority.
being concerned about dividing the left is most undialectical

VoxNihili posted:

by endorsing a sort of tribalism it also seems to encourage and legitimize groups like MRAs to

the assumption here, of course, is that white straight cis male marxists aren't endorsing a sort of tribalism themselves.


HenryKrinkle posted:

VoxNihili posted:

by endorsing a sort of tribalism it also seems to encourage and legitimize groups like MRAs to

the assumption here, of course, is that white straight cis male marxists aren't endorsing a sort of tribalism themselves.

why do you assume the marxists are all white straight cis males

what about thin privilege

VoxNihili posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:

VoxNihili posted:

by endorsing a sort of tribalism it also seems to encourage and legitimize groups like MRAs to

the assumption here, of course, is that white straight cis male marxists aren't endorsing a sort of tribalism themselves.

why do you assume the marxists are all white straight cis males

he didnt, but he said white male marxists, if they scoff at the concerns of minorities and women, may themselves be creating a division


HenryKrinkle posted:

accusing identity politics of dividing the left is a cool way to divide the left.

uh, the left isn't some giant homogenous entity of pure revolutionary force, it's mostly worthless liberals actually subverting it. i don't mean that hyperbolically but the west is nothing but degenerates masquerading as "leftists". like, have you seen what happened with the internal hierarchy of the "non-hierarchical" OWS movement?

c'mon henry, this is really fucking stupid. that fact this is even brought up serves to elucidate just how many worthless leftists there are that fuck up leftist movements. if you look at why and how leftist movements fail it's always because some moron subverts it from the inside and capitulates with capital. either a union official or a shitty ass trot being a shitty ass trot


HenryKrinkle posted:

neglecting racism is particularly insane because so much of modern capitalism is rooted in white supremacy. you still see it today w/ non-whites generally comprising most of the world's impoverished majority.

no one is neglecting racism are you fucking kidding? what the hell dude? can you differentiate between BHPN and like, the entirety of the left that doesn't at all share his views? no one here even agrees with what he says so where are you getting this?

is that shitty-ass trot or shitty ass-trot
since this thread is headed this way can we just skip the empty posturing and theatrics and agree that racism/sexism and class are all interconnected and any leftist analysis that doesn't address this is just liberal garbage?
[account deactivated]
politics is for degenerates
'identity politics' or narrow campaigns focused around issues important to a certain group can serve very effectively as sites of resistance against capitalism, and can function effectively as ways to introduce and promote radical thinking among people.

that identity politics do not provide an overarching analysis and can lead to some dumb places doesn't really seem like a reason to discredit them entirely since ideology should be thought of primarily as a tool anyway.
my god,
i still don't know what tumblr is