[account deactivated]
cool now write a thing about this

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

i remember trying to do my thing at various places and i encountered such retards at each one that eventually i realized there were no options left and i gave up. what i'm saying is give up, there's no intelligent people out there

yeah it OWNS!!

i mean that unironically
[account deactivated]
Asian propaganda, my cultures politics, such startling lack of principled internationalism, no wonder her family had trouble during the cultural revolution.
Its amazing to me that apparently educated ppl take deadkens articles completely seriously. Do they get taken by the onion like once a month too lol

stegosaurus posted:

Asian propaganda, my cultures politics, such startling lack of principled internationalism, no wonder her family had trouble during the cultural revolution.

hahaha someone make that person read this


stegosaurus posted:

Its amazing to me that apparently educated ppl take deadkens articles completely seriously

yes lmao indeed

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

i mean unless you have no investment and are just fucking around, then by all means continue but you're #stillnotcute, daisy white fucker

as has been consistently pointed out on this very web site, everything i write is for my own masturbatory enjoyment & i'm making you all watch out of some kind of perverse exhibitionism


deadken posted:

"i had family who were forced into the countryside to farm for a living. they had to actually grow their own food and survived off the land! can you even grasp the magnitude of what this means? these family members weren't even allowed to have do-nothing, unproductive, white-collar jobs-for-the-sake-of-jobs and survived purely by famring food!"

deadken is the only worthwhile poster on this site realtalk
[account deactivated]

innsmouthful posted:

deadken is the only worthwhile poster on this site realtalk

lol i am fucking worthless, a grown man who orders amphetamines off the internet and uses words like 'heautontimoroumenos' and needs to get a Job

dick this fine bitch for the revolution

deadken posted:

innsmouthful posted:

deadken is the only worthwhile poster on this site realtalk

lol i am fucking worthless, a grown man who orders amphetamines off the internet and uses words like 'heautontimoroumenos' and needs to get a Job

bitcoins ftw

if only we had all invested in bitcoins at the beginning rather than mercilessly mocking it, alas, the marxist syndrome
I picked 24 black because of very good reasons
hey deadken what are your thinks on simon schamas new program. my thoughts: i like it, its cool

deadken posted:

innsmouthful posted:

deadken is the only worthwhile poster on this site realtalk

lol i am fucking worthless, a grown man who orders amphetamines off the internet and uses words like 'heautontimoroumenos' and needs to get a Job

pm me where i can find the amphetamines tia


cleanhands posted:

hey deadken what are your thinks on simon schamas new program. my thoughts: i like it, its cool

Of course the spectacle and suffering makes us grieve. Who wouldn't grieve? But it's not enough to do that. We've got to understand.

You've even got to understand Israel's point of view. I did; I lived in Haifa, a bit. But, look: supposing you were in Aberdeen or Inverness, and rockets were raining down on you every day, sent by people who didn't accept the right of your country to exist.


cleanhands posted:

hey deadken what are your thinks on simon schamas new program. my thoughts: i like it, its cool

i didnt watch it but i'm generally against any attempt to teach people history

read my latest blog or whatever it's about nietzsche
i am reading it.

and dont call me nietzsche
i spent all day writing and now i feel utterly exhausted, shellshocked, as if the blood's been drained from my body. i didn't even take any speed. this is no way to live
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Im reading The Capital by Karl Marks who was a German philosopher form the 19th century. Really interesting stuff, some really wild ideas in there - I get the sense that it might catch on around here. I give it my Full Recommend, check it out.

deadken posted:

read my latest blog or whatever it's about nietzsche

Are you saying orgies are liberating and master morality? You seem to have confused Nietzsche with the liberals who interpreted him. the idea of an orgy itself is pathetic, but under liberalism, when orgies are held under the rules of liberal feminism: no men unless invited (fear of the phallus), strict birth control and STD checks (fear of life) it's even worse. sexual 'liberation' caused the degeneration of communism in the west.

Nietzsche in Zarathustra:

One must cease letting oneself be eaten when one tastes best: that is known to those who want to be loved long.

Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day. Ten times a day you must overcome yourself: that makes you good and tired and is opium for the soul. Ten times you must reconcile yourself again with yourself; for, overcoming is bitterness, and the unreconciled sleep badly. Ten truths a day you must find; else you will still be seeking truth by night, and your soul will remain hungry. Ten times a day you must laugh and be cheerful; else you will be disturbed at night by your stomach, this father of gloom.

Few know it, but one must have all the virtues to sleep well. Shall I bear false witness? Shall I commit adultery? Shall I covet my neighbor's maid? All that would go ill with good sleep.

or a better quote from Lenin (the master of the 21st century):

The revolution demands concentration, increase of forces. From the masses, from individuals. It cannot tolerate orgiastic conditions, such as are normal for the decadent heroes and heroines of D’Annunzio. Dissoluteness in sexual life is bourgeois, is a phenomenon of decay. The proletariat is a rising class. It doesn’t need intoxication as a narcotic or a stimulus. Intoxication as little by sexual exaggeration as by alcohol. It must not and shall not forget, forget the shame, the filth, the savagery of capitalism. It receives the strongest urge to fight from a class situation, from the communist ideal. It needs clarity, clarity and again clarity. And so I repeat, no weakening, no waste, no destruction of forces. Self-control, self-discipline is not slavery, not even in love.

nietzsche does not sponsor some kind of wasteful, sex-addicted and drugged up life. that's for the bourgeois philosopher De Sade. Revolutionary discipline, finding a good way to live and a good time to die, not fearing the will to win, these are the real signs of Nietzsche's philosophy which are completely lacking in the first world left.

Edited by babyhueypnewton ()

[account deactivated]
is there any difference between salafis and baby huey at all, really

babyfinland posted:

is there any difference between salafis and baby huey at all, really

fascists and communists both use violence. that does not make them similar

[account deactivated]

babyhueypnewton posted:

sexual 'liberation' caused the degeneration of communism in the west.