swampman posted:If Tarantino was making such a clever moral and philosophical argument with these two movies the whole time, then why did he say all that dumb shit and behave like a fucking goober in all the interviews
he is a goober. but he did say those moral and philosophical things in interviews. and the article quotes him too
as he said in an interview with the African American historian Henry Louis Gates Jr for The Root magazine: ‘People in general have so put slavery at an arm’s distance that just the information is enough for them — it’s just intellectual. They want to keep it intellectual. These are the facts, and that’s it. And I don’t even stare at the facts that much.’
In a recent interview for Die Zeit, Tarantino said he was always being asked what Germans thought of Inglourious Basterds. ‘If anyone in the world dreams of killing Adolf Hitler,’ he answered, ‘aside from the Jews, it’s the last three generations of Germans.’ American history, German imagination: Tarantino got both of them right.
His interview with Gates in The Root reveals just how conscious the influence was: ‘I think America is one of the only countries that has not been forced, sometimes by the rest of the world, to look their own past sins completely in the face. And it’s only by looking them in the face that you can possibly work past them.’
swampman posted:i wish stalin had captured walt disney and all his animators and forced them to make a pro-USSR movie about the october revolution and then sent them off to the poop mines to die
as if the soviet union needed disney animators to make balling animated films
please don't ban me for posting about cartoons
swampman posted:I guess that was lost on me because Bast0rds and Djenga can hardly be said to "force" any Americans to "look past sins completely in the face," and it seems like a facile understanding of German collective guilt to say that washing this guilt is a simple matter of individuals seeing through historical revisionism. When in reality these are the safest movies he could have made. Why not a movie about more recent American genocide? Why not a movie about modern day sex worker children finally rebelling against Quentin Tarantino and smothering him in feather boas? The article is fleshing out these snippets of basic awareness like Tarantino was doing anything more than couching a few cool lines of dialogue in expensive gore. I don't know, that's what I'm ranting about today anyway.
I generally agree with, and definitely don't see any point in dissecting Tarantino films, but I appreciate having material, "safe" as it is, to rub in the nose of Confederate apologists anytime they start getting lost causey. I actually have to deal with southerners on a regular bases though so I might be biased. Even just repeating safe assumptions can be useful for showing up idiots on the reg, establishing hegemonic narratives, etc.
getfiscal posted:i like the shit about germans taking ownership or whatever
did ya donald. did ya really.
Meursault posted:I liked the article.
Superabound posted:i miss Patrice
did you get unreleased