ytom did you read that blog? as an incel do you feel you relate strongly with what was said? do you agree with all of it? is it why you turned your body into a honed steel weapon that can do 1 armed pull ups and pushups?
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AmericanNazbro posted:

ytom did you read that blog? as an incel do you feel you relate strongly with what was said? do you agree with all of it? is it why you turned your body into a honed steel weapon that can do 1 armed pull ups and pushups?


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I agree with you, roseweird, and I support your agenda. Keep up the good work.
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roseweird posted:

why don't these "incels" just examine their lives and arrive at the logical conclusion that males should not exist, that the distortion of human beauty brought on by androgens is evil and grotesque, and that the answer is to accept one's condemnation by nature and work to eliminate sex and thereby free humanity of the future to dwell in the kingdom of heaven on earth, the only achievement that could possibly redeem the horrific suffering of history and nature. and then castrate themselves. just wondering

because you touch yourself at night

[account deactivated]
The logical conclusion isn't that men should die out. Theory blown.

Now onto a real topic, how should prostitutes and customers be handled when they've already been arrested and are sitting in a cell?

Lykourgos posted:

Now onto a real topic, how should prostitutes and customers be handled when they've already been arrested and are sitting in a cell?

ooh i know they should die out


roseweird posted:

libelous_slander posted:

roseweird posted:

try not to ever own a hat if you can help it

what will protect us from the demonstar for the employed among us?

carry an umbrella

it's called a parasol when it's for the sun, fucknugget

God, it's like you never even played Final Fantasy 7
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roseweird posted:

libelous_slander posted:

roseweird posted:

libelous_slander posted:

roseweird posted:

try not to ever own a hat if you can help it

what will protect us from the demonstar for the employed among us?

carry an umbrella

it's called a parasol when it's for the sun, fucknugget

it only counts as a parasol if you get a nice one with like, a pattern or a ruffle on it, and keep it special for sunny days. if you're just carrying around some cheap telescoping crap from cvs then it's just an umbrella no matter what the weather is

for fucks sake roseweird stop trying to parasol shame, no fucker is trying to pass their dollar store umbrella for a sun-shield, fuckwit.

Why don't you donate to a fucking parasol club and get some fucking education, jesus...


roseweird posted:

Lykourgos posted:

The logical conclusion isn't that men should die out. Theory blown.

Now onto a real topic, how should prostitutes and customers be handled when they've already been arrested and are sitting in a cell?

prostitutes shouldn't be jailed or arrested

deep. Okay. Now. What if you just find them in the county DOC, out of the blue. What then?


Lykourgos posted:

roseweird posted:

Lykourgos posted:

The logical conclusion isn't that men should die out. Theory blown.

Now onto a real topic, how should prostitutes and customers be handled when they've already been arrested and are sitting in a cell?

prostitutes shouldn't be jailed or arrested

deep. Okay. Now. What if you just find them in the county DOC, out of the blue. What then?

Send them to a reform institution so they can integrate into regular society


MadMedico posted:

Lykourgos posted:

roseweird posted:

Lykourgos posted:

The logical conclusion isn't that men should die out. Theory blown.

Now onto a real topic, how should prostitutes and customers be handled when they've already been arrested and are sitting in a cell?

prostitutes shouldn't be jailed or arrested

deep. Okay. Now. What if you just find them in the county DOC, out of the blue. What then?

Send them to a reform institution so they can integrate into regular society

Huh, that's actually what I would do when I was on that call.

Edited by Lykourgos ()

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my hero http://puahate.com/showthread.php?t=69462

#: 160
Occupation: Freelancer (Sometimes kindergarten teaching assistant)
Name: Ratika
Nationality: Cambodian
Repeat: Yes
Meeting place: Phnom Penh, Heart of Darkness
Age: 25
Looks: very pretty. modelish at certain angles. Long nice hair and very nice eyes. Big lips. Small tits. Ass a little plump. Decent legs.
Writeup: Approached me while I was sitting and asked me if she knows me. I looked at her and said I don't think so. She was pretty and I liked her. She walked away and then came back in 10 minutes and sat down. Talked for a while. She seemed nice and genuine. Eventually she wanted to go drive somewhere. She drove us down to the bridge on her motorbike. Came back and stopped along the river and go out and sat. Talked for awhile almost like it was a first date that was going well. She was slightly drunk. Eventually went back to my room and had long good affectionate sex. She came a lot in doggystyle while I was rubbing her vag. She left early in the morning but came back in a couple hours and wanted to hang out. I shooed her out quickly because I had to go get a visa, but told her to come back at 10:00 PM. She brought a sim card for me so I could call her. We laid around and then had good sex again and went to sleep. In the morning laid around and I took her photo and then she went home. She left some stuff in my room. Wanted to meet up again but I told her I wanted to go out. Saw her that night and she was jealous. Didn't sleep with her again but she stopped by to pick up her stuff and acted sad. Gave me her skype name.

#: 138
Occupation: Massage pro
Nationality: Thai
Name: Bew
Repeat: No
Meeting place: Bangkok, Snow White Massage
Age: 30
Looks: White, Tall, Boring body, below average face, small deflated tits
Writeup: Decent sex. While she was on top and we were banging her tit squirted milk all over my chest. She wiped it quickly as we kept going. She was embarrassed but I thought it was cool.


I'm probably less likely to put up with bullshit when I date normal girls. Like that controlling, manipulative stuff. If a girl does that I'm out pretty quickly. When you're completely dependent on girls you date for sex, you're more likely to let them fuck you over mentally and emotionally.

this is cool but you dont need to go all hookermania on the planet earth to get there

is that the same guy from the blogspot page where some of the writeups describe him getting "rough" with the women if they don't do what he wants?

acephalousuniverse posted:

is that the same guy from the blogspot page where some of the writeups describe him getting "rough" with the women if they don't do what he wants?

how am i suppsoed to know that

It's me, the guy from the blogspot page who was described as a fucktards idiot or fucktidiot , the man who was called "fatter than Jesus" on tumblr
i tried googling but couldn't find it. the blog was amazing, he had this elaborate numerical system for describing different kinds of vaginas.
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nice yams!!!

oh and cool pic too tpaine
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discipline posted:

I saw a transwoman with pink hair in union square today holding up a sign that said "legalize prostitution" lmao

i thought you suported legalizing prostitution and criminalizing johns? or have you come around to the obviously morally correct position, supported by the vast majority of the world throughout history, that prostitutes are doing something wrong.

i think she was laughing at her pink hair.

discipline posted:

I saw a transwoman with pink hair in union square today holding up a sign that said "legalize prostitution" lmao

how many laps did you get through today? or was there no rally this time


babyfinland posted:

i think she was laughing at her pink hair.


so thats why tHE rHizzOnE is totally neutral beige