
Jim Kukral posted:

Feeling down about your small business these days? Is the broken economy hurting your sales and keeping you up at night? Need some motivation and tough love to help you stop pitying yourself? Well, here you go: 13 reasons you might have in your head about why you're not as successful as you should be.

#1 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Laziness
I don’t think there’s an easy way to put this. I have to assume that you’re lazy. Every single successful person works their butts off to get where they are. It’s ok to be lazy. Just admit it. But don’t whine about not being rich and successful, ok?

#2 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Entitlement
Only a few people in the world are part of the lucky sperm club. You and me? We gotta work to get what we want. Quit thinking you are owed something. You’re not. Get to work.

#3 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Fear
You are afraid, plain and simple. Afraid of looking silly. Afraid of what your friends and family will say. Afraid of everything. Look, you’re either going to stop being afraid, or you’re not. Nobody can convince you to stop. Imagine though... what awaits you when you stop with the fear excuses?

#4 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Negativity
You may not realize it, but the people you associate with might be negative . They could be soul-sucking beings who don’t want anyone to be successful. Get rid of them, now! Surround yourself with successful people. People you want to be like.

#5 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Stop Thinking
How much do you want to bet you have paralysis by analysis? You think way too much about what you could or should do. Doers get what they want, and everyone else gets what they get. Stop analyzing and start doing.

#6 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – No Goals
You plan nothing. You believe that someway, somehow, everything you always wanted will just magically happen. So you “play it by ear” and wait. You need goals to shoot for. Otherwise, you’re just treading water.

#7 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – “They”
There’s no “they”. There’s no secret group of people that controls your success or failure. You’ve made that up to make you feel better about yourself. The truth is you, and you alone, control your success in life/business/everything. It’s easy to blame “them” though, isn’t it? Weak.

#8 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – No “X” Factor
You can’t do it because you’re not pretty enough. Or don’t have a strong personality? You don’t have the “X” factor? Wow, what an unbelievably lame excuse. The truth is even jerks, idiots and boring people can be just as successful as anyone else. Your problem is you don’t believe it yet.

#9 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Time Waste
You’re a classic time-waster. You spend hours and hours every day working on not-working. You do things that aren’t productive. How are you ever going to get anything done, or reach any goal if you keep wasting time? You’re not. So you might as well give up now if you’re going to keep this path.

#10 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Social B.S.
You spend way too much time in social media land. You waste probably about 50% of your productive hours of the day doing this. The sad part is, you know it, but you can’t stop. So you can’t get anything done that matters.

#11 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Think Small
You think way too small. You are constantly looking only a day or a week ahead instead of years ahead. Because of this, you never get anywhere, and you never lead; you always follow.

#12 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Don’t Want It
You don’t really want to be successful. Sure, you like to dream about it like everyone else. But in your heart you are afraid of what might happen if you really get it. That’s B.S. fear your brain is feeding you. Success is change, and it feels really, really good. Tell your brain to shut the up.

#13 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Don’t Believe
You never believed that it’s possible. Society taught you that only a few “exceptional” people get what they want. Everyone else should just settle. If you really want to believe that, go ahead. The rest of us will be at the front of the line because we believe.


So there you have it, you fucks. you're the reason the world is terrible. It's your fault that your cog is broken. repair your cog, your time means nothing. eat shit. eat literal shit and murder your friends. kill yourself, then your job. more blood for the blood god. some men just want to watch the world burn. mother of god. open the bloodgates

Edited by dipshit420 ()

so #1-4 are actual reasons the person isn't successful. #5 is telling you to do the thing ("stop thinking") which is confusing bc based on #1-4 you would think "stop thinking" would be the reason you aren't successful, but it's the opposite. #6 is back to the format of 1-4. then #7 and #8 are examples of things that don't exist, and so only serve as scapegoats for the qualities in 1-4, which again is confusing. #9 and #10 could have been consilidated into one. #11 seems to contradict #5. #12 and #13 are back to the format of 1-4.

verdict: gay
reason number 14 you smell like shit, al
[account deactivated]
author's site:


author of smash hits such as:

Write a F*$%'ing Book Already

Attention! This Book Will Make You Money: How to Use Attention-Getting Online Marketing to Increase Your Revenue

How To Sell More Books with Awesome Amazon Descriptions

Business Around A Lifestyle Volume 2

How To Catch Happy

Jim Kukral shows you the new rules to publishing in the digital age. Follow his advice and you’ll increase your chances for fame, influence and profits.
I'm Jim Kukral

Be F*$%'ing Successful Already
Jim Kukral Presents: Where The #$&% Is Success?



#14 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – NOT ENOUGH FUCKING LISTICLES


#15 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Afraid To Go Full Hitler

Damn Kukral must $*#()% HATE DMX. Cause last thing he needs is "X" giving it to ya
[account deactivated]
End it all

Superabound posted:

#15 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Afraid To Go Full Hitler

i agree w/ Hitler

you weren't voted most likely to succeed in high school

roseweird posted:

kill a successful person and you can take their place

#148 - vampire dog
#149 - Capitalism
#150 - Parasitic Post-War generation
[account deactivated]
i just wanted to bbe a pundit
#420 not enough weedsmoke blown into your ear as an infant
all these tips are stupid when they're about becoming america's next top model or whatever but if you apply them to becoming america's next top stalin then you will see the truth behind the veil.

gyrofry posted:

#148 - vampire dog

the world is a vampire dog

nfib.com just check it out

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

Jim Kukral Presents: What The #$&% Is Trostskyism?


LaserJew posted:

author of smash hits such as:

Write a F*$%'ing Book Already

Attention! This Book Will Make You Money: How to Use Attention-Getting Online Marketing to Increase Your Revenue

How To Sell More Books with Awesome Amazon Descriptions

Business Around A Lifestyle Volume 2

How To Catch Happy

Jim Kukral shows you the new rules to publishing in the digital age. Follow his advice and you’ll increase your chances for fame, influence and profits.



babyfinland posted:

all these tips are stupid when they're about becoming america's next top model or whatever but if you apply them to becoming america's next top stalin then you will see the truth behind the veil.

this is actually really true. i had to read one of those 4 hour work week self help books for class one time and the half of the book that wasn't about hiring indians to write your emails was very practical abstract advice. He quoted Beckett, and even bernard shaw's 'maxims for revolutionists', except applied to running an online blu ray store instead of toppling the state or w/e. i mean there's a reason self help books that model themselves on the little red book exist.

[account deactivated]
1. you dont have money

tentativelurkeraccount posted:

babyfinland posted:

all these tips are stupid when they're about becoming america's next top model or whatever but if you apply them to becoming america's next top stalin then you will see the truth behind the veil.

this is actually really true. i had to read one of those 4 hour work week self help books for class one time and the half of the book that wasn't about hiring indians to write your emails was very practical abstract advice. He quoted Beckett, and even bernard shaw's 'maxims for revolutionists', except applied to running an online blu ray store instead of toppling the state or w/e. i mean there's a reason self help books that model themselves on the little red book exist.

maybe its because open-ended affirmative statements delivered authoritatively are motivational and validating. or maybe its because mao unlocked the power of the secret through dialectical science, one or the other.

ben franklin's work in the genre precedes mao in any case.

Haha jokes on you, I am already brilliant and successful.

Lykourgos posted:

Haha jokes on you, I am already brilliant and successful.

your mom told me the same thing too. she's a nice lady

reason #667

snare not tight and ringy enough

#1488 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be –

Lykourgos posted:

Haha jokes on you, I am already brilliant and successful.

*gestures toward prison full of black men to prove point*


peepaw posted:

Lykourgos posted:

Haha jokes on you, I am already brilliant and successful.

your mom told me the same thing too. she's a nice lady

She's dead yew prick how dare you